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I bought these connectors sometime  ago & i don't remember what they are called ,or where i bought them ,can anyone tell me what they are called & where i can get them ?,i may ahve got them from e- bay but i am not sure ,i have 5 female connectors & i need to get 5 male connectors. I tried to post this a short time ago,but it did not show up i don't know what idid wrong ,so i am trying again.DSC02301


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They're useful for power supplies.  They do come in several flavors, some have 2.1mm center posts, others have 2.5mm center posts.  Most I've seen are 5.5 outside barrel diameter, but I'm sure there are others.

FWIW, they're WAY cheaper on eBay!   Instead of one for $2.95 + shipping, they're $1.59 for ten with free shipping!  It pays to plan ahead if you need something like this.

For $1.19 you can have five sets!


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  • mceclip0
  • mceclip1

Finding out about things like that was so much easier with catalogs imo. But Barrel is right  (there are variations with more connecting bands too, similar to a mono vs stereo ear/headphone jack)

   To use net well today, you often have to know quite a bit about something to locate it. Personalization only seems to hurt results for many items as well. It's only good for things you've already got a handle on in most cases.

  ( gotta be a huge pita for soccer or some music fans that run Lionels )  ( I cant be the only one that runs into Messi and Richie a bit too often considering I have little interest in either person ... I met Nichole a couple of time though ...a "wild child" ..but sweet too )

EBay has a purchase history under the "My eBay" pull down menu. That's usually what I use to find something that I know I got there but can't find it otherwise. Once in Purchase History, choose "Orders". Then select the time period under "See orders from:" which lets you see recent (last 60 days) or further back by year. Of course you have to have an account and be logged in for this to work.

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