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I've had this wire stripper set that I purchased at a train show for over 10 years. It's worked flawlessly! Yesterday, as I decided it was a day to get switches, lights, etc going, the small stripper broke...The large one simply cuts the wire versus stripping it.


Does anyone know of a source for these, or what works for you?


Thank you, Terry




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Last edited by EastonO
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I use these, very comfortable and work well. You will probably need both, 1 for large and 1 for small wire. Also available at Home Depot ot online at a lot of other places as well as local electrical supply houses. They also have built in screw cutting for asmall screws (6-32, 8-32 etc.) that doesn't mess up the threads after cutting. Klein makes nice, good quality tools for electrical stuff.


Klein Stripperr-large wire

Klein Stripperr-small wire


Images (2)
  • Klein Stripperr-large wire
  • Klein Stripperr-small wire

Hello everyone. I was a member of  the I.B.E.W. for 25 years. as a Communication Tech.  And I like the simple wire strippers shown in the post that rtr12 posted. I think the complicated strippers are a waste of money.

And remember  as rtr12  said Klein makes nice, good quality tools for electrical stuff.





From experience with fat hands it may behoove you to buy a pair of strippers you don't have to pull the wire through - place it on the stripper and let the tool do the work. They are a little pricey - ~ $30 but work great. Mine is a craftsman I bought many moons ago. It looks like the tool below.



Originally Posted by sp2207:

Hello everyone. I was a member of  the I.B.E.W. for 25 years. as a Communication Tech.  And I like the simple wire strippers shown in the post that rtr12 posted. I think the complicated strippers are a waste of money.

And remember  as rtr12  said Klein makes nice, good quality tools for electrical stuff.




I have used both as well.  The complicated ones were provided by the company.  I too find the simple ones quite easy to use, and I have arthritis and have carpal tunnel syndrome again after having surgery 20 years ago.  If I can make them work, anyone who tackles wiring will be able too.

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