Susan, I like your idea of having the bottom plugs on the wall switch. That makes it less confusing to tell which plugs turn on and off.
Roger, I obviously need to do more reading. I read a little about "bricks" using a search. I get that they are transformers, but do they run trains or accessories?
I have no idea what a 400 TPC is or does.
So, my question for you is, do I need 12 wall outlets for all this stuff?
Or, can I use maybe 4 outlets with power strips with integrated circuit breakers?
Can you run 8 bricks and 4 400 TPCs on one 20 amp circuit?
I know I need to get "the book" and read all about it.
Can someone recommend the best, most up to date, "wiring a model train for idiots" book?
Most of my engines that I have collected over the years are MTH, although some are Lionel. I want to be able to run both, but have not decided on track. Heck, I am just trying to get a clue on how many plugs I need.
To summarize...
I think I need the following:
1) One circuit for lights and a heat detector.
2) One circuit for the train layout, that is hooked to a light switch. It seems that the entire layout can be hooked up to a single 20 amp circuit in the fuse box?
3) One circuit for everything else in the room. Maybe a TV and cable box, a phone, and a small lamp or two.
I just measured the room, and I over estimated the size.
I am more than a little bummed.
The room is only 12' wide by 25' long, for the main part. One end is a little longer, so I can have room to work and sit at the control panel at one end. The sad part is I really need to leave 3' clearance on either side to be able to access and use the under knee wall storage. I also need 2.5' of walkway at the far end where the window is located.
So sadly, that leaves me with a layout that is only 6' wide and 22.5' long. I like the 22.5' long part, but the 6' wide part is a real bummer. Perhaps, I could stretch it to 7' wide, but that is the absolute max. So it looks like my outside curve will be 72 inches, and I was hoping for 3 curves with the outside being 80 or more.
Can I made a great layout with only 6' by 22.5' of table space?
The room is basically the attic above my 3 car garage, and the rest of the attic is unusable space due to AC ducting, roof beams, etc. So I have what I have. I just had no idea it would be so narrow. I should have looked harder at the house plans and made my garage deeper so I could have a better train room.