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I've had a FasTrack layout sitting on some benchwork for a few weeks now (first layout, FYI).  Up until now, I've had all the wired-controllers for the Fastrack turnouts sitting next to each turnout just like they came out of the box.  Everything is under track power- one PH 180.  I played around with the layout for a few weeks and everything seems to work great.  I want to permanently wire the layout and route all the turnout switch-controllers back to one spot where the transformer is.  I just did that with one of the switch-controllers.  It's about 20 feet away from the turnout.  I used 4 conductor phone wire.  The controller operates the turnout but it is no longer lit red/green.  I don't have a meter but I supect this is a voltage issue from the long run?  Maybe?  But the turnout works fine so I don't know.  The lamp on the turnout itself is lit.  I'm hoping someone can shed some light on this.  Thanks for your help.

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