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I would start with this set, Lionel product no. 6-14194, although you'll only need the adapter seen in the middle of the picture.  The ones on the left and right sides of the photo aren't needed for your situation:

1.) Plug the PowerHouse's output cable into one of the sockets seen at the lower end of the adaptor.  The other socket will not be used for your situation.

2.) Use a terminal block assembly, like this one from MTH, product no. 50-1014.  Connect the "U" Terminals from the other end of the adaptor to the red and black binding posts on this assembly (suggestion: black wire "U" terminal to black post, white wire "U" to red post):

MTH Terminal Block, 12-Port

3.) Run "feeders" using 2-conductor wire or cable (lamp cord for instance), from the screw terminals out to your track at several places around the layout, every 6-10 feet or so should be good.  Center rail gets fed by the "red" side, outside rail(s) by the "black" side.

Be aware that you don't have to buy these assemblies if price is an issue.  You can make the adaptor cables from the individual parts, which include terminals, socket housings, and wire.  You also don't need your terminal blocks to be mounted on a fancy board with rubber feet on it.  Just use them by themselves.  If you don't use this exact assembly though do make sure that the all the screw terminals in a row along the terminal block are connected together electrically, that is, all the screws on your "red" side are electrically connected together, and all the screws on your "black" side are electrically connected together, but not in any case "red" to "black".

Either way you should be good to go.



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Last edited by Mellow Hudson Mike


Let's back up a half-step.

0.) There's an alternative way to connect power to FasTrack.  You don't have to use a Terminal Track (6-37110).  Turn over any standard track section and you'll see this.  There are two places to connect slide-on terminals, one for the center rail and one for the outside rails:


4.) Use a FastTrack Accessory Power Wire (6-12053) to connect these special terminals under the track to the screw terminals on the terminal block assembly back in (3.) in my previous post.  Remember red to red and black to black; and the red-colored terminal goes to the center rail with black one to the outside rail(s):

Keep something in mind: These wires in the 6-12053 are rather thin.  To start with you'll be ok but if you're going to run bigger locomotives, or pull a long string of lighted passenger cars, or run more than one locomotive at a time, then you'll probably need fatter wires here.  Again you can make this yourself from the pieces, available at or electronic supply houses (Digi-Key or Mouser) if you so choose.   Look for .110 FastOn crimp terminals.



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Last edited by Mellow Hudson Mike

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