Is there any way to wire a Lionel 711 tubular switch to power on/off a siding without a fiber pin and switch?
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Anything is possible. How much money, time and energy are you willing to spend to accomplish something that can be done with a fiber pin and switch?
Do you mean you want to use only the switch motor or the whole switch to power a siding? It would be good to give some more details and a track layout describing what you want to do. There might be many good possibilities for other alternatives, perhaps.
@jps32016 posted:Is there any way to wire a Lionel 711 tubular switch to power on/off a siding without a fiber pin and switch?
Is the siding going to be used for conventional control (variable voltage to the track in the siding for powering the engine and lighted or operating cars, typically 0-18 VAC) or command control (fixed voltage instead, 18 VAC)?
Specifically it was for a passing siding for conventional control. Since these things have been around for a hundred years I assumed Lionel would have done it way back when with a mechanical trip of some sort which of course increases cost. My main layout begun in the 80s with Gargraves and underneath NJ switch machines made that possible.
I switched (excuse the pun) from these switches a few years ago so going from memory - dangerous. The fiber pin is for the non- derail feature. Do you want that and how do you plan to select the train path without a selector?
Tinman3rail, a form sponsor, has a prod t that might work for you. Look at their website under spur controllers.
All my powered switches are 072 711s. The inner rails are the derail triggers. The main yard switches are easily reached manual 042s. No big deal here so I wired a power switch to the siding.