This is a pretty much a repeat of what was on my wish list for 2021 V1 as none of my wishes made the catalog:
- Strasburg 90: would be nice to finally have in O scale. I don't think this would be as 'niche' of an engine to make as Strasburg is considered one of (if not the) most quintessential tourist railroad in the US. Many have fond memories there and I can see this being a good seller. The MTH SRC coaches sold out in just 2 days at my LHS (they ordered 20+ in addition to preorders). I could see the 8618 and camelback not being the best sellers as many are waiting for 90 as it has been teased here and on other sites.
- PRR P5: (did MTH ever manufacture the ones that they advertised in their 2020 V1 catalog? Haven't seen them advertised on any LHS websites ) I would like someone to produce this again (with or without the MTH tooling), unlikely that it will be Lionel though. Yes, 3rd rail has offered these before but I wasn't as involved in the hobby during their latest offering.
- PRR MP54: an old K-line tooling that Lionel made years ago under the K-line by Lionel name. It would be nice to see these be produced again with some upgrades.
- PRR K4s with short haul tenders: the same ones they did in 2011. Prewar, also not a fan of the long haul tendered ones they have made in the last few years. Given it's been 10 years now, I could see them reissuing this in the not-so-distant future, if not this year.
- PRR M1s (anyone starting to notice a certain theme here??
): same as they have done in 2014. Like the K4's it's been a while since so I could see these on Lionel's "to-do list".
- I would also be interested in another run of the VL GG1's in a few years (similar to how they did a re-run of the 2-10-10-2's) as they are really nice but hard to find now in the 5 strip DGLE.