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Soon after the fire at Woodland a number of years ago (6), I talked to a couple of their sale reps about the same subject. This was before a lot of their excellent O Scale buildings were released. 

I commented that our O Gauge hobby would benefit greatly with the release in 1:48 of more figures and especially vehicles. 

Heck, they do it in N and HO, so one would think it is possible to do in "O". I know the fire was devastating to the Company...possibly it effected production in the larger scales. Or, the market does not bear to have anymore product. All of us on the forum would be in line for more figures and such, just not sure the rest of the world will follow.

Regardless, I suggest you either contact or email Woodland (still Scenics?). I doubt that they monitor this forum but I may be wrong. That is the best way they will hear what the O Gauge community  would like to see them produce.

I send them emails regularly....not sure they do any good or not.


I started a thread on this a few months ago.   For those of you attending the Amherst Show, and assuming Woodland is in attendance, perhaps you can obtain some 'official' answers??   I'd have had some of the same had Woodland ever attended York, we know, our share of the overall hobby is, well, not that big!

Seriously, though, I did learn many years ago that the master figures for woodland were executed in large size, from which molds in the smaller sizes were created.  If you look at the plethora of figures available in this line in HO....even N..., it really gets one dreaming about the future possibilities.

Did something happen to the master figures?  Was there a particular sculptor engaged in this who is no longer with the company?  Have sales of 1:48 figures been ho-hum in the midst of everything else demanded in a dwindling hobby market segment?  Are the investment dollars at Woodland more focused now on ready-built structures and all of their details rather than the mini-folks that would serve them?

That Dennis of Arttista no longer attends York meets with his gorgeous line of figures, is that hinting at Woodland's reason for not releasing more of what should seemingly be an 'easy release' of the O-scale market?....There's just not enough demand to justify expense?

Lots of questions.  No answers.  

I know, I know.....make a phone call. 

Last edited by dkdkrd

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