guys - trying to plan a city. Would love some tips from the experts or non experts for that matter. I have attached two pictures that will hopefully help the following make sense. Age old problem - I have more wants then space. My plan was to have Main Street head back the city backdrop and the front a circular road. Would like a big intersection at the front. Stone wall cover the front Would like the feel of big city
Trying to plan the roads which I am ready to do - want to plan where the buildings will go and I will add them over time as I can purchase
some of the buildings I like and wanted to incorporate - but probably don’t have room for all
‘Menards police station Menards Tampa towers ameritown hotel I have the M.T.H. bank possibly the Korber skyscraper flat
you can see I have passenger tracks go underneath the city The black construction paper represents possible city station with steps down to a platform
trying to figure the positioning and how to incorporate flats as well
again any input suggestion tips would be appreciated