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My WTIU arrived today and I tinkered around with it this evening. The first thing I noticed is that the app prompted me that there is a firmware update available (i missed the screenshot) and gave me options to Upgrade now, Skip, or remind me later. I picked the last of the three options because I wanted to try it right away. So after confirming that everything worked I went to the advance option menu and began the firmware update process.

I checked the firmware version before starting the update in the advanced system menu:
Screenshot_20241202-225532_Wi-Fi DCS

First I had to download the update from the server and then the app gave specific instructions for updating the WTIU. I missed the screenshot here but it did mention that you unplug all cable from the unit, set to MTH Mode and connect to the MTH Wi-Fi network.

I pressed the begin button and the app uploads the firmware file to the WTIU:
Screenshot_20241202-231750_Wi-Fi DCS

The next screen showed firmware being installed on the WTIU. This screen gave very specific instructions and warnings about what not to do and how long this process will take:
Screenshot_20241202-232132_Wi-Fi DCS
The process did take the whole 4 minutes and when it was done, the lights were lit as indicated in the message plus the WPS light was flashing. The app was unable to connect to the WTIU so I did power cycle the WTIU. It went through it's normal boot up process and everything worked normally and the app could connect again.

I went to the Advanced features menu and check the firmware revision:
Screenshot_20241202-232855_Wi-Fi DCS

I'm not sure what this update fixes or it's intended purpose, so far I haven't read anywhere that an update was available. My pretesting update did have one hiccup where the engine went unresponsive to commands after startup and I had to power cycle the WTIU to get it working again. After the update I didn't have that problem again. The other thing I noticed is the responsiveness of the variable slider in the app was greatly improved. It was very smooth and responded much faster after the firmware update.


Images (4)
  • Screenshot_20241202-231750_Wi-Fi DCS
  • Screenshot_20241202-232132_Wi-Fi DCS
  • Screenshot_20241202-225532_Wi-Fi DCS
  • Screenshot_20241202-232855_Wi-Fi DCS
Last edited by H1000
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@Wvm posted:

Where do I find the advanced options menu to update wtiu!

Open the App and push "Run Trains".

At the bottom right of the screen is a "MORE" option.  Push it and it brings up a list with the top being "Advanced Features".  Push that and it brings up a list with "System Settings", select it.  There is another option after that to Update Firmware.

Thanks Martye.  I got firmware update done.  I have a problem maybe you or some other member could comment on.  I have trouble getting two fixed channels to boot up at same time. Most of time the TIU seems to be trying to start the two loops  but it seems to apply power but not DCS signal. As a result engines startup in conventional mode. TIU then retries and in process guickly drops power and then reapplies which engine sees as signal to go foward resulting in a runaway engine at 20 volts

if I start with only one fixed channel it works fine and then I'm able to turn on the other channel fine

dcs signal a 10 every where on layout.  Good voltage all the way around.  Doesn't matter which loop is on which channel or which power supply is on which channel.
I am using an Mth 100 watt and a Lionel 180 watt (newer model)

From the MTH Instructions:             PDF FILE ATTACHED

3. Plug the WTIU into an AC wall outlet.

4. Wait 2 minutes for the WTIU to initialize.

When ready, the PWR, WI-FI, and TRACK LEDS (4) will be on.

The track LEDS will be green.

5. Apply track power through the WTIU. The track LED will change from green to purple.


Files (1)
Last edited by Jim Teeple

I just did the WTIU Firmware update, which was a little confusing, since you had to download the upgrade from the internet then you have to disconnect from your Home Wifi to connect directly to the WTIU WiFi.  After i finally figured it out, I noticed the Firmware wiped out my Home ESSID and I had to restablish the Home Network connection back to the WTIU.  This was a pain because i had to keep getting on my hands and knees under the Chistmas Tree between all of the presents and flip the hard to flip MTH/Home switch.  Could they have made that switch any smaller!

Jim. Reaching out to you again. I had everything working fine as long as I was careful about what engines were on which sidings etc.   but then I had what I believed wan an Mth app problem ( engines running away even when I looked at app with TIU and tracks off.     I bit the bullet and deleted and reloaded app on my iPhone   I am able in app to connect to wtiu. When I turn on tracks the output channel light turn purple and engines remain silent so they must be getting watch dog. Passenger cars are lit.     Problem is when I try to hit reset or add an engine to empty list I get "command failed " error.     Any suggestions?   So frustrating two days before grandchildren showing up for School Xmas

Regarding the new WTIU: The available firmware update will NOT operate any daisy chained AIUs beyond the first AIU as of 1/6/2025. All accessories and turnouts in AIU 2,3,4,etc. will be recognized but are inoperable after changing to the correct origin TIU address. Phone contact with MTH last week admitted that this is known and can be remedied by another update “…in 48 hrs”. Resetting the unit will NOT remedy the issue. Sadly, I haven’t seen it yet after a week, and am frustrated since this is to replace my original 20 year old TIU with a fried Variable 1 circuit (fuse is OK, etc.) that MTH will not address. Faith is not lost, but somewhat tarnished, and I sadly await the solution.

@Ron Z. posted:

Sadly, I haven’t seen it yet after a week, and am frustrated since this is to replace my original 20 year old TIU with a fried Variable 1 circuit (fuse is OK, etc.) that MTH will not address. Faith is not lost, but somewhat tarnished, and I sadly await the solution.

Check with @GGG here, he may be able to revive your old TIU so you can use all the channels again.

Have the new WTIU. was getting buzzing on the two variable channels set to fixed. Followed the instuctions inluded and did firmware update through LuCI as was stated. Waited five minutes for update past the finish. Now doesn't work. Power light comes on. Track lights flash white only. Blue wifi light and white WPS light do not come on. Purchased from vendor at the Great Midwest Train Show Wheaton Illinois. Any suggestions, please? Or do I have a very expensive paperweight?

This might be a reach since I am FAR from being a techie.  I agree with above comment about reseating the tether.  I have a PS3 engine (yes, it has a draw bar and not a tether) but it will do the same thing that yours did if the connection becomes even the slightest bit undone. 

Don't know anything about your engine but trying to compare - for mine the 'command center' and speaker are in the tender.  So when the drawbar becomes loosened while running, the engine stops but sounds continue.

OK, I'm off my very unqualified soap box.

- walt

@Trainchief posted:

Has anyone downloaded sound files to there engines using the new WTIU?

Billy C

No, because that feature has not yet been enabled in the app as promised, and further, since there is no serial port and I tried several known USB to serial adapters- no way to communicate to the WTIU using the consumer loader app.

So again no- another feature that was advertised- but nobody has seen function.

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