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Following up on a topic from 2011 that I can't respond to.   I have this same problem.  My snow has turned yellow in some spots on my Christmas layout.  It has happen to me twice.  Once with a homasote base and once with a foam base.  Both were painted white.  Elmer's glue 50/50 mixture as the initial base with WS scenic cement as a touch up.  I am using WS snow.  I honestly think it is the WS cement causing the problem.  First time I thought is was old glue but the second time it was a new bottle.  I don't think you would see this problem with typical scenery materials.  Any ideas?  What was the outcome of the original thread?




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I had the same issue. First time I tried using WS snow. between the WS cement and the dog I had yellow snow everywhere.


I thought that came from a line in a Frank Zappa song Don't eat the yellow snow

"And the northern lights commenced to glow
And she said, with a tear in her eye
Watch out where the huskies go, and don't you eat that yellow snow
Watch out where the huskies go, and don't you eat that yellow snow"


used Elmer's, no problems. Dog not allowed in train room.

Great googly moogly! Yellow snow? Is it a strictly commercial brand? Have you checked the seals yet? Don't touch your eyes with your hands! Im wondering how to stop the dog doo snow cones too! Does humor belong in Model Railroading?

  Its a joke son

 Help stop sausage patty abuse here


(Stirring the glue well before use may help prevent this) 

Happy holidays everyone,

Well here we are again.  Broke out the Christmas platform and it is more yellow than ever.  I am starting to believe it is actually the Woodland scenic snow that is turning yellow.  Anyone else having this problem?


I store it in a de-humidified basement covered with a sheet.  No sunlight.  The layout is displayed for 2 months a year with no direct sunlight and incandescent lighting.


Probably going to try "Diamond Dust" as a substitute.  Are there any other products you can recommend.

happened to me on a 4 x 8. I put it on wet white latex that was on a primer base.


I put some on a painted mountain, dry paint, with Elmer's. It's as white as it was out of the bottle.


I concluded it reacted with the paint. But, I also made the mistake of using the WS spray glue on the table for fill-ins.


I think dry paint and Elmer's will work. I scraped all of the fist job off. I wouldn't go over it.

Last edited by Moonman

I did a You Tube search and found WS video on creating a winter scene. Scrolling through the comments and questions I found a blerb about the snow yellowing. It seams that their products are made to work togather and don't mix well with other adhesives. That maybe the cause of the yellowing. One thing to note was that the WS snow was spreed over their paste and not paint. Which leads me to think that there is a chemical reaction that causes the yellowing. I have used a different product that is sprayed on. On the buildings and roadbed and other hard surfaces, it has stayed white all year round. ( My lay out is winter themed ). The only yellowing I have noticed has been on the base I use for snow, But is easly removed. Generally I touch everything up about twice a year. 

Originally Posted by Chris Underwood:


Probably going to try "Diamond Dust" as a substitute.  Are there any other products you can recommend.

Diamond Dust is simply shaken over still-wet matt finish white latex paint. You can find it in craft stores or on Amazon. My layout is 29 years-old, and has only been re-painted once in that time.

Last edited by Joe Hohmann
Originally Posted by Joe Hohmann:
Originally Posted by Chris Underwood:


Probably going to try "Diamond Dust" as a substitute.  Are there any other products you can recommend.

Diamond Dust is simply shaken over still-wet matt finish white latex paint. You can find it in craft stores or on Amazon. My layout is 29 years-old, and has only been re-painted once in that time.

So, you use the diamond dust sparingly to achieve the reflecting sparkle?

Originally Posted by wsdimenna:

this is about 4 yrs old... Like Noch snow...on fusionfiber base , no glue added



First snow look




spread fusion fiber, sprinkle on Noch snow to wet freshly spread fusionfiber... Allow to stand , do nothing else

This looks really nice for a modeled area. Realistic look. Thanks for technique.

"Don't Eat The Yellow Snow"

[includes a quote from Midnight Sun (Hampton/Burke/Mercer)]

Dreamed I was an Eskimo
(Bop-bop ta-da-da bop-bop Ta-da-da)
Frozen wind began to blow
(Bop-bop ta-da-da bop-bop Ta-da-da)
Under my boots 'n around my toe
(Bop-bop ta-da-da bop-bop Ta-da-da)
Frost had bit the ground below
(Boop-boop aiee-ay-ah!)
Was a hundred degrees below zero
(Bop-bop ta-da-da bop-bop Ta-da-da)
And my momma cried:
Boo-a-hoo hoo-ooo
And my momma cried:
Nanook-a, no no (no no . . . )
Nanook-a, no no (no no . . . )
Don't be a naughty Eskimo-wo-oh
(Bop-bop ta-da-da bop-bop Ta-da-da)
Save your money: don't go to the show
Well I turned around an' I said:
Well I turned around an' I said:
Well I turned around an' I said:
An' the Northern Lites commenced t' glow
An' she said
(Bop-bop ta-da-da bop . . . )
With a tear in her eye:
Well right about that time, people,
A fur trapper
Who was strictly from commercial
(Strictly Commershil)
Had the unmedicated audacity to jump up from behind my igyaloo
(Peek-a-Boo Woo-ooo-ooo)
And he started in to whippin' on my fav'rite baby seal
With a lead-filled snow shoe...
I said:
With a lead
A lead-filled snow shoe
Snow shoe
He said Peak-a-boo
With a lead
With a lead-filled snow shoe
He said Peak-a-boo.
He went right up side the head of my favorite baby seal
He went whap!
With a lead-filled snow shoe
An' he hit him on the nose 'n he hit him on the fin 'n he...
That got me just about as evil
As an Eskimo boy can be... so I bent down 'n I reached down 'n I scooped down
An' I gathered up a generous mitten full of the deadly...
Yellow snow
The deadly Yellow Snow from right there where the huskies go
Whereupon I proceeded to take that mitten full
Of the deadly Yellow Snow Crystals
And rub it all into his beady little eyes
With a vigorous circular motion
Hitherto unknown to the people on this area,
But destined to take the place of THE MUD SHARK
In your mythology
Here it goes now...
The circular motion... (rub it)...
(Here Fido... Here Fido)
And then, in a fit of anger, I...
I pounced
And I pounced again
Great googly-moogly
I jumped up 'n down on the chest of the...
I injured the fur trapper
Well, he was very upset, as you can understand
And rightly so
The deadly Yellow Snow Crystals
Had deprived him of his sight
And he stood up
And he looked around
And he said:
I can't see
(Do... Do do-do do do do... Yeah!)
I can't see
(Do... Do do-do do do do... Yeah!)
Oh woe is me
(Do... Do do-do do do do... Yeah!)
I can't see
(Do... Do do-do do do do... Well!)
No no
I can't see
No... I...
He took a dog-doo sno-cone
An' stuffed it in my right eye
He took a dog-doo sno-cone
An' stuffed it in my other eye
An' the huskie wee-wee,
I mean the doggie wee-wee
Has blinded me
An' I can't see
Well the fur trapper
Stood there
With his arms outstretched
Across the frozen white wasteland
Trying to figure out what he's gonna do
About his deflicted eyes
And it was at that precise moment that he remembered
An ancient Eskimo legend
Wherein it is written
On whatever it is that they write it on up there
That if anything bad ever happens to your eyes
As a result of some sort of conflict
With anyone named Nanook
The only way you can get it fixed up
Is to go trudgin' across the tundra...
Mile after mile
Trudgin' across the tundra...
Right down to the parish of Saint Alfonzo...
Couldn't resist!

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