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@eddie g posted:

Sunday 54 deg. showers

Monday 56 deg. AM showers

Tuesday 58 deg. mostly cloudy

Wednesday 60 deg. partly cloudy

Thursday 62 deg. partly cloudy

Friday 62 deg. showers

Saturday 64 deg. partly cloudy


Long range weather forecasts are essentially meaningless. I have been following these forecasts for York Week closely for the last week or so, and they change dramatically every day. Let's see what the forecast looks like a week from now, and even that will likely change some more thereafter.


@GregR posted:

I'm coming up from Florida. Can someone explain cold and rain to me? How should I prepare? Fleece jacketing for my train purchases? can be cold in the morning and then gets warmer.....a fleece with a couple of layers (sweatshirt, golf shirt,t shirt) is the way I approach it. Rain slicker over it if rain is predicted.


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