This Christmas I’m going to post something a little different, normally I post a picture of the Christmas train layout but not this year. This is a dedication to the people in my life who made all of this possible. First I want to start off with my dad who every Christmas struggled in the dark under the live tree to set up my O-27 train set so Santa wouldn’t have to do it. To his close friend Pat, who one year, lost his son tragically in a motorcycle accident and gave me his ZW and trains to carry on the tradition. My father‘s brother, my uncle who gave me his tinplate set of trains. And to my Uncle George who helped me build my first layout, taught me how to solder. Last but not least my mom who allowed me to run my trains all over the house at Christmas time, pull up the wooden thresholds between the rooms and basically make it almost impossible to walk into my bedroom.
thank you I miss you all
Here is a link to a video, all trains are from prewar/post/MPC the only (modern) are the Christmas cars and the MTH accessories.