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Our modular club was running this weekend. A club member turned power off on the outside loop. He was running a PS-2 locomotive in conventional mode. Before the power-down sequence completed, he lifted his locomotive off of the track. Maybe it is a bad coincidence. The display below is what we saw. 


We now have a dead Z4000. No breakers are tripped. If plugged in today, we still see the same display. There is no output from either channel. Cycling either/both levers does nothing. The picture above was taken after disconnecting the transformer from the layout.

Any ideas? Is there anything we could/should try before shipping this off to MTH? Are we wasting our money on shipping costs? Hopefully we are not left with an expensive boat anchor.


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  • Z4000
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4000 - means Z4000

0124 - means 01.24 software version in transformer.

Your picture shows both the right and left lights ( red and green) lit up.  In that state the throttles are not fully turned off.  About the only thing YOU can do is this:  disconnect power to the tracks and the 10 and 14 VAC posts on the transformer.  Before you power up, make sure both throttle handles are OFF, fully down.  Cycle both circuit breakers.  Now - power up - the 4000/0124 should come on for about 2-4 seconds then go off,  red light should be off.

That is about all you can do unless you have knowledge of its construction.  If the red light comes on, or you get no output power using the throttles, the pots may have to be reset and you may have other internal damage.  This can be repaired, by the MTH Service Dept.


Independent MTH ASC  Tedchnician


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