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I recently put a new cord & new rollers in a ZW -R that I got.  I did not check it out before except to see that it had voltages at each terminal.  It now works well, except that all four terminals (A, B, C, D) when reading with a digital multimeter to the U terminal show just over 2 volts at each one when the handles are all the way down & onto the plate next to the windings.  Is this normal or do you think I have a wire crossing somewhere?  I have looked all over with a magnifying glass & saw nothing that looked out of the ordinary.  I just thought that all the way off was... All the way off.  Your thoughts, please?

Thank you.   D.

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gunrunnerjohn posted:

Put a light bulb on the output and then measure.  You're probably seeing stray AC being coupled to your high impedance meter.

I did the bulb test and that was it.  My meter was doing just what you said.  All terminals with the bulb went to zero with that meter.  Out of curiosity, I unpackaged a free Harbor Freight digital meter that I picked up months ago, did some basic checks with it, then going to the transformer, without the bulb connected to each terminal, I got zero readings on all points.  Sometimes I don't know what to trust. LOL

Now I am going ahead & do the phasing to my other transformers and start hooking up lights & switches.  Now if my arthritic back was this easy to fix!

Thank you, John.

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