Quick video.
Another one
I finally finished the engine. It was a little tedious. I tried not to damage any more of the original body. I put clear tubing spacers on the axles. The originals looked like they would slide around. It tracks really well. It is definitely going to get a lot of use now that it's finished!
I really want to express my thanks to Gary Mack and his dad for their help. Without the parts they fabricated and supplied, it would not have been successful.
Paul, very nice job. Really looks nice.
@Tinplatetraincrazy posted:I have a few more pictures of the engine.
I want to thank Gary Mack, a forum member, for supplying repair parts for my engine. The parts are freshly made by Gary and his dad.
I have installed the weights on the replacement rear truck already and attached it to the engine. It runs great.
As you can see, there is a marching car attached! I found a set on the-bay. They had been restored and never run. The cars were polished up and some of the brasses were replaced. Had to work a few bugs out so they all lit up and rolled well.
The Mother Mag polish worked great. I will do a little more after final assembly of the repair parts.
Stay tuned...
Are the passenger cars plated ? I have see these type before but not nearly as perfect as yours.
When I bought them, there were tagged TCA restored. They look like the outside was buffed, possibly replated, but I'm not sure. The insides of the cars are not as shiny. They have new wires and trim. Either way, since the engine is restored, I figured it is a matched and restored set.
@Tinplatetraincrazy posted:When I bought them, there were tagged TCA restored. They look like the outside was buffed, possibly replated, but I'm not sure. The insides of the cars are not as shiny. They have new wires and trim. Either way, since the engine is restored, I figured it is a matched and restored set.
Well I’m interested in finding some for myself and possibly plating a 260E or 261E
yours has motivated me I really like what you did. Also it’s nice to see how others pitched in.
This set of cars came up right after I found the engine. If you can't find the same, you can get some of the regular flyer cars and plate them.
I'm really happy with how it came out. The members of this forum are the best! Thanks again everybody.