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I recently acquired another 20-2563-1 AA set currently testing the lead A unit before connecting the trailing A. What I see is no sounds, lights do come on, no horn or bell, locomotive does move when I add speed but moves faster than hand control is set. Reset locomotive to factory and no changes. Does this indicate the main PS 2 board is the problem?

Last edited by Harlee62
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Being I just replaced a PS2 3V amplifier chip on a board recently and discussions about that more or less said- voltage events could kill both the amplifier and the speed control- yeah, definitely might point in that direction with both loss of sound and speed control.

@stan2004 from in that linked topic

"If you use the OGR Search feature on "TPA2000D1PW" or "LMV358M" you will find previous threads with possibly relevant troubleshooting tips."

Also, I would suggest the title of the topic is slightly misleading.

"20-2563-1 Lead A no DCS control"

@Harlee62 posted:

I recently acquired another 20-2563-1 AA set currently testing the lead A unit before connecting the trailing A. What I see is no sounds, lights do come on, no horn or bell, locomotive does move when I add speed but moves faster than hand control is set. Reset locomotive to factory and no changes. Does this indicate the main PS 2 board is the problem?

You have a sound and speed control problem- not a DCS control problem.

Last edited by Vernon Barry

Hi I recently had the same thing happen to my challenger, one little front truck derailment and lm358 op amp blew and engine ran away full speed and at the same time lost the amplifier, both chips don't like shorts or interruptions in power! abruptly!

audio ic is


Last edited by Alan Mancus

What GGG is trying to tell you is send him the ps 2 3-volt board set top board is power supply and the bottom board is a microprocessor board send both of those boards not the slave board! Alan

the power supply board has a failed Lm358 op amp which causes the engine to run away at full speed, the sound ic is on the bottom microprocessor board and can also be replaced!

Last edited by Alan Mancus

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