Just curious, do most of the 3RS conversions just add a scale coupler to 3R cars or add 3R trucks to 2R cars? I ask because I cannot seem to find a supply of 3R wheelsets for my Atlas 2R cars. I think it would be easier just to change out wheelsets if I can find them.
Any suggestions?
Personally, I have done a number of different combinations:
1) Freight rolling stock with 3-rail wheels, just added Kadee couplers, and tried to lower the overall height of the car.
2) Freight rolling stock, with 3-Rail diecast trucks; changed out the "Hi-Rail" wheels with Northwest Short Line 2-Rail wheel sets, then up-graded to Kadee couplers.
3) Freight rolling stock that is already 2-Rail scale; simply added Kadee couplers and "run them as is".
That said, our layout is all Atlas solid nickel silver track & turnouts, with the turnout guard rails modified to accept 2-Rail scale wheels. Thus we operate 2-Rail and 3-Rail scale size freight and passenger equipment together, ALL equipped with Kadee couplers.