Well, it's only complete when it's back on the rails under it's own power. I'm looking forward to seeing this when it's all painted up and back together.
gunrunnerjohn posted:Well, it's only complete when it's back on the rails under it's own power.
I'm looking forward to seeing this when it's all painted up and back together.
Very true! I'll have to get on that tonight or tomorrow!
It would be nice at some point to have your conversion next to a stock model to highlight the upgrades.
gunrunnerjohn posted:It would be nice at some point to have your conversion next to a stock model to highlight the upgrades.
I don't have another 3rd rail y6b but I do have a Lionel JLC I can compare it to. I think they are close enough to compare.
There are considerable differences between the two that I notice immediately but others probably wouldn't.
The air eraser made short work of removing the numbers. I want to do a little more prepping before paint but it’ll get done this week. I’m not in a hurry so might as well make sure it’s right. I just realized I have one more detail pipe to add...
Wow, you have some brass kahonas, I totally agree with another statement about ripping it up to make changes. I wouldn't have the guts to do that as I'd be afraid of ruining it completely. Your work is really nice and it is really looking nice. I agree with Gunrunner John, I want to see it on the rails and running. Very nice work.
The paint has been stripped. Any final filing, tweaking, reworking has been completed. The metal has been etched and is ready for paint. I might spray it tonight or this weekend and get it back together.
How many times have you painted this sucker? I seem to recall a number of times it was in paint, and then it was back in the nude.
We all will have to wait for this amazing new engine come to life. Can't wait, lol.
gunrunnerjohn posted:How many times have you painted this sucker?
I seem to recall a number of times it was in paint, and then it was back in the nude.
That was the Lionel engine I was messing around with awhile ago. I bought a 3rd rail so I could actually solder it together properly. I made all new parts for this conversion though. I haven’t painted this engine at all yet so this weekend will be the first time 😁
I lost track somewhere, it'll be interesting to see how this one looks when complete.
Threw some paint on. It turned out ok. Once the shine goes away it will look better. I sprayed the entire engine black. I did a custom mix smokebox color. I wanted it to look new but had been fired up without any weathering. The shinier parts are where the paint was thicker and when baked glossed over. I’ll get some numbers on it and then dull that shine down. Test run this weekend.
Now that is skill at the finest!
Lookin' good.
I’m not sure what number I want on this engine just yet but I made a custom mix semi gloss and sprayed today. I’ll assemble the engine and run it today.
Lookin' pretty nice, let's see it run!
Very nice work - looking forward to the official rebuilder's photos!
Once I get some numbers on she will be finished. The number plate isn’t secured on as it doesn’t have a number yet
I think I can do a better job next time. I know what I would do differently to make things look better to me. But overall I like it.