my son got the Lionel Kansas City Southern set for Christmas (he's 6). He also got the expansion set with the inner passing curve loop and the crossing with lights and 1 operating track. I put 5 inch straight at the end of each loop and the inner loop and put the loop at the top. I plan on getting a 7 x 4 plywood and foam board to create scenery like a hill on one corner and maybe some water. what size screw do i need to secure the track if my foam is 1/2 inch thick? will the foam hold the screws? at 4 feet the road on the crossing track makes it just barely under 4 foot wide according to my tape measure. if there is a better way I am open to suggestions. I bought him the set due to it being spur gear drive so he can push it if he wants. he plays and plays with it his far though he already broke the banjo part off the switch so i used model glue to secure it. in fairness he stepped across it while i was still putting it together so i doubt it happens again.
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