Don't know if any one else having this problem. for the last several days I have been unable to use forum on iPhone. As soon as I bring up forum I get a popup at top of screen that has no way of x ing out as before. when I try to go ahead and open menu my screen shifts right and I loose menu. I am composing this message on my MAC please help
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I get ads about every third time I click into a threads. On a PC.
It’s been happening to me for the last few months. Can’t get rid of them. You’re not alone
Very similar thing happens to me on my iPhone. It's really bad. If I click on anything I get an ad or if I simply resize the screen the ad comes back. It's very hard to find the "X" to close it out but sometimes I do find it. It makes looking at the forum horrible. However, on my PC it is nowhere near that bad. If an ad pops up on the PC I just click close and it goes away. No big deal. I wish I had an answer for you with the problem on the iPhone but unfortunately I haven't been able to figure a way out of it. It would be nice if someone came up with a work around for us iPhone users. I fear this thread will be gone soon.
Try using Firefox for your iPhone. It has a good deal of tracking & ad blockers which might block out those ads & pop-ups.
I seldom use my I phone to look at OGR. However, when I do, it is nearly impossible to get through all the ads and actually find the OGR info. The ads are not a problem with my desktop, but with the I phone, well, forget it.
I use my HP laptop to look at the Forum, and my daughter has Adblocker installed on it, so I don't see any of the adverts you guys are experiencing.
The other thing is.......I am in that may have something to do with it.
Peter.....Buco Australia.