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Painting ripples on the top of plate glass using Mod Podge works quite well.  The advantages over using pre-rippled shower door glass are (a) availability and (b) you get to pick your own ripple patterns. The disadvantage is that the Mod Podge is slightly more difficult to clean than plain glass.


Here's an example:








Images (2)
  • IMG_0456
  • IMG_0217

Yes, plain old window glass. I spray-painted the bottom with one of the deep green ultra-flat camo colors (olive? forest green?  I forget). The mod podge was painted on the top with an artists brush. Straight glossy--not tinted.

It's really pretty easy.  Just be careful not to scratch the bottom paint job.


Originally Posted by Matt15237:

Does anybody have a picture where they used the rippled shower glass? I'd like to see how it turned out.




This was a wavy shower door painted dark green on the bottom, and then Woodland Scenics water efffects added to the top with a brush.


The water effects works good for making waves around boats or wake on the shore.


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