I have two LVRR GP38s (MTH 20-20372-1 and MTH 20-2530-3) and I’ve been thinking about having one of my LHS’s install a smoke unit in the dummy. I am considering the following options:
1. Smoke unit with a manual switch. There is a spot under the cab to add a slide switch, but it looks like it will be difficult to throw the switch without removing the engine from the track.
2. Smoke unit tethered to the powered unit. Not really a fan of tethers on diesels, but it sure would be nice to have smoke in the dummy work at the same time as the powered unit and I wouldn’t have to fiddle with a switch. It would also be nice if a speaker in the dummy could be powered with engine sounds.
3. Smoke unit that works with its own remote control (DCS or otherwise).
I have some parts (smoke unit, speaker, pickups) from MTH 30-2425-1 that might be usable in adding smoke to the dummy. Also, the dummy unit already has the smoke manifold.
Can anyone here give me a ballpark estimate / educated guess of the cost for each of the above options?