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Hi Alan,


          I just watched your new video on weekend photo fun, it was absolutely fantastic !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm trying to copy it in it's own thread, because it's so good it deserves it's own thread, If it don't work

please post it here .


Videos (1)
Downtown Movie 3
Last edited by OGR CEO-PUBLISHER
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Yes, Alex, ditto for your reposted video not working, just see a black square. For those interested in seeing it, here's a link to original thread with Alan's posted video (it's the forth posting in that thread).


BTW, it's a truly awesome sight to behold, every conceivable nook and cranny is packed with buildings and accessories. Magnificent job, Alan. Kuddos to you for your untiring effort 

rising well above mediocrity!!!

Last edited by ogaugeguy

Hi Guys


I wish i could have posted it here, but it won't take. John it's great that you got it to play,

Kenn thanks for posting the link.


Alan, where are you, i think you slept enough. Time for you to get up and post your video here.

come on Alan, lets get cracking. LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm going to call your house and wake you up LOL !!!!!!!!!!!




Alex...I just got to my email a little while ago with your request to post the video here.  Sorry it took me so long....we had quite a day yesterday!  Anyway, I believe I fixed it so now it appears to be least from my connection.


I had posted this on the weekend photo fun thread.  Thanks guys for the compliments and especially to Alex for doing this...thank you my Friend!



WOW!!!!!!!  The music was a nice and appropriate touch to the video, too.  Is there anything else that you could possibly do with this layout because it seems to be totally done and comprehensive?  Or are you going to build another concept after having completed this one?  Absolutely, an awesome city scene--Petula Clark would be inspired to go down to your town anytime.

i am in awe. thanks. im planning my layout  to be a multi level urban with many things going on in a compact area as well. this is great inspiration... especially when im only at the backdrop stage!  i thought i saw one of those "girder and panel" building sets mixed in there.  i know you guys are old enough to remember those construction sets from the late 70's that came with hundreds of H-beam girder parts that connected into each other , then you snapped the facade pannels onto the little tabs.

Originally Posted by Alex M:

Hi Alan,


          I just watched your new video on weekend photo fun, it was absolutely fantastic !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm trying to copy it in it's own thread, because it's so good it deserves it's own thread, If it don't work

please post it here .

That just may be the coolest train layout i've seen thus far, my mind is blown...

Thank you Alex for giving this the position it deserves on it's on thread. 


Alan I have saved so many pictures of your layout and now they are all into one video.  It might only be 6 minutes but by the time I stop and start it took me twenty minutes to get through it. 


Your urban city scene is just fantastic.  The mix of architecture is absolutely great.  I can pick out lots of old model lines like American Skyline which hasn't been around for 50 years.  Kitbashed Korber and MTH kits plus lots of one offs that you built yourself.


Excellent work.  Keep posting and keep inspiring us.     

WOW!!!  I just got some "like" notices and decided to see what was going on with this thread. 


Thanks so much to all of you for the very nice comments!  Carl mentioned a few posts above that he had talked to me a while back about being absent on the forum.  Well...this is my first post under "leavingtracks" since the end of last year...the reason being that I found I was spending hours of time on the forum in the evening...heck all the way into the early hours of the morning!  I wasn't getting anything done on the layout or around the house or anywhere else!  In addition, and more importantly, my mother-in-law has been very ill so this has kept us pretty busy.  Along with that, my mother has been having health issues and is in a long term care home at this point.  PLUS I have been extremely busy with all of the new advertisers and sponsors that have come aboard with OGR!!  Anyway, I have missed you all and really appreciate the wake-up call!!


To answer a few of the questions above:  The layout room is about 40 x 30 feet but because the layout is composed of different levels, I would say that the layout itself is very close to 1200 or so square feet.  The buildings are a variety of store bought to completely kitbashed and just about everything in between including old building sets like American Skyline and Kenner Girder and Panel.


Thanks again everyone for looking....a real video IS coming hopefully soon!



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