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Would anyone know what is the dimensions of the 3 stall roundhouse and the total foot print of real estate it would take up....left to right and front to back?

How far does a 34" turntable need to be located from the roundhouse for the track to lineup in the middle of the stalls? 
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I suggest you contact Bob Spaulding directly. i had him make a 5 stall RH for me that will be used with my new 32 inch Millhouse River Studios TT. Bob and Alan work together and can give you everything you need.

If you go to the Altoona Model Works Website you can pull down a diagram that will help you get the correct measurements.

Bob's email address is

Alan's is

Both attend York and are very responsive.

Here is the file for my RH & TT. This should help but I asked Bob and Alan to work together so that I knew exactly the space I needed. 



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