Has anybody has the springs under the wheel sets wear out and compress in their AM E8 engines. My Illinois Central engine was running poorly and tracking badly. When I took the trucks apart some of the little springs that are underneath the axial were compressed so the spring action that helped it track was gone. I rearranged the springs so that the wheels on the four corners of each truck had the best springs. That helped.
I also had a clicking sound in one truck and couldn't find a solution. I called the dealer I bought it from, as he is a member of our club. He said that the clicking sound was likely a split nylon gear in the truck. He has seen that before. He said that he always sends the truck to AM for repair when that happens as he doesn't stock the gears. He is ordering the springs for me and I am going to get plenty because my AM SD60 has the same trucks.
Anyone else experienced this problems with their AM engines?