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Let the train season begin!

Delivered to our shop and processing orders NOW!  Boy do these look great!

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Screenshot 2022-11-09 174722

  ARRIVED 7/22/22!  Price $1249.99 each.  Call / Email / or order online.                                        ⇓  Ordering Info below  ⇓


Equipped with all the PS 3.0 features you are accustomed to.  Smoke out the top, wheels on the bottom, goes "ding-ding" and "woo-woo".  Price $1250.

Screenshot 2021-07-02 212858Screenshot 2021-07-02 213230Screenshot 2021-07-02 213042Screenshot 2021-07-02 212748Screenshot 2021-07-02 213122Screenshot 2021-07-02 212959Screenshot 2021-07-02 213329Screenshot 2021-07-02 213403

We have requested that this engine come with the long tender, just like we used for the RI engine.

The profile in the picture vs the MTH drawing is slightly different.  This is a standard production tooling that MTH uses for most of their USRA Pacific's.  This is NOT an O-Scale brass 2-rail model that would mimic the real thing (picture) to the correct scale with correct proportions.  This is as close as we can get to using the available tools at hand.

CNW 629 real pacific

caption of cnw picture


Now accepting orders online:



Images (19)
  • Screenshot 2022-11-09 174245
  • Screenshot 2022-11-09 174337
  • Screenshot 2022-11-09 174452
  • Screenshot 2022-11-09 174539
  • Screenshot 2022-11-09 174803
  • Screenshot 2022-11-09 174852
  • Screenshot 2022-11-09 174631
  • Screenshot 2022-11-09 174722
  • images
  • CNW 629 real pacific
  • caption of cnw picture
  • Screenshot 2021-07-02 212858
  • Screenshot 2021-07-02 213230
  • Screenshot 2021-07-02 213042
  • Screenshot 2021-07-02 212748
  • Screenshot 2021-07-02 213122
  • Screenshot 2021-07-02 212959
  • Screenshot 2021-07-02 213329
  • Screenshot 2021-07-02 213403
Last edited by Berwyns Toys and Trains
Original Post

Replies sorted oldest to newest

All scale steam engines are over $1000 now I’m afraid. There won’t be new tooling for die cast steam engines. So if your a fan of a railroad that never got exact tooling made for steam engines you like, it isn’t going to happen now.  I own a Lionel RI northern from last year. It’s not exactly right either in fact I am removing the SF number boards that Lionel painted over. When possible we try to be prototypical, sometimes we can get to a believable range. That’s where this CNW falls in my opinion. Not every engine on a railroad should be an E4 Hudson or Hiawatha . Not every Pacific had a colorful paint job.  

All scale steam engines are over $1000 now I’m afraid. There won’t be new tooling for die cast steam engines. So if your a fan of a railroad that never got exact tooling made for steam engines you like, it isn’t going to happen now.  I own a Lionel RI northern from last year. It’s not exactly right either in fact I am removing the SF number boards that Lionel painted over. When possible we try to be prototypical, sometimes we can get to a believable range. That’s where this CNW falls in my opinion. Not every engine on a railroad should be an E4 Hudson or Hiawatha . Not every Pacific had a colorful paint job.  

I think you folks should be congratulated for offering creative adaptations using existing tooling, painting prototypically as possible and avoiding "fantasy" paint jobs.


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