I have already done a brewery from kitbashed Korber kits, but wish I had before
had a book that floated in this week, "Brewing in Trinidad, Colorado", that records some of the history of the Philip Schneider Brewing Co. and "Century" Beer (for which Atlas did a reefer). It shows some good shots of the Schneider brewery, which as of 1992, was there and standing.....hope it still is, although it was in a realtor's hands. Would like to get there and shoot some photos from all angles. They lasted until
1957, so like some of the trains I could have rode and didn't, I could have gotten
to Trinidad and seen it in operation. There are only poor photos of models of the
reefers in the book and none of actual railcars. It is darn hard to find a historical brewery standing, although I've visited the one in Potosi, Wisconsin. I am guessing there are others standing in Wisconsin?