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I asked Jerry at Atlas about these as I wanted to buy a few that could fit into my layout as I had no clue to what each would carry. He was nice to reply to me and heres what he posted:

Cars often carry different products over the lifetime of the car


Free running or open lease cars are more likely to carry different products


CRGX and ADMX carry vegetable oils

PLMX is a free-runner and the model is placarded for <1268>

GATX 54xxx is a free runner, the model is on lease to Rexene Corporation and placarded for <2055> styrene

GATX 183xx is a free runner, this model is placarded for acrylate.

IBPX is used for tallow



David Casdorph

Atlas Model Railroad Co. Inc.

Original Post

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Yes, I saw on Ebay some of those 89 flats and I guess the new trailer release fit them fine?? I bought 3 a few years ago and looking for some Hunt trailers tp put on them.

I could easily spend more than a grand this next 8 months form Atlas releases but then I look in my closet and I got to stop.

R Nelson, That is my problem, getting more than I really need. I went gung ho with the trinity corn tankers, 18 in all, as I am going to have a facility that loads or unloads them with a 2 rail siding with ones lined up to work on. BUt do I really need the 18? No, and I'll possibly try to sell off a few to ones that need road number to fill in their needs.NO way any more will I go deep into any car outside of the Evans and Berwick box as they are Atlas reeleases over and over with new owners.

R Nelson, Yes, I have pigged out on buying cars,especially Atlas because of the detailed work. Just don't want to missout as they may not reproduce for years if ever any of these models. Example the CZ cars. I don't do passenger but still I bought into the CB&Q CZs thinking why would they be reproduced. Those 86 ft. tanks haven't been reproduced and others. I bought only 2 of the 86 flats as can't see too many on my 36x 11 ft layout. I now have enough cars to cover my layout over twice its size. That is over spend but it made me happy buying and owning those cars, sort of like the wife and her jewels. We all have vices and trains are totally


SD60m, Sorry, no adm. but GATX, minn, truesweet and cargill, Ha!


MATT, It could be a lot worse, I could own a bass boat and with gaas and repairs be way over trains. I am no where near a good bass boat yet. or hot rods. My son and I redid a 70 challenger. Thousands ouch. And my wife's viking designer one sewing mach.  5K. I don't remember where I came up with that money as I never spent that much at one time on trains. Most was $1400. Sunset FEF3.


R Nelson, Now there is a reason I have many of trinity tank cars as I was not so worried about Atlas reruning but if say I wanted a string I don't want all the same car numbers and so I started buying from the opening all that I could get to insure I had enough and that I'd have different road numbers. So I have bought several from the first few runs to doubly insure to fill my Wants.



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