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I have a layout with 9 atlas witches, the layout is 2 loops. with 1 crossover, the middle rail is insulated.

When the switch is thrown to the diverging route to cross to the inner loop, Both my TMCC lockons  trip momentarily, but when I throw it back to the thru position no short occurs

All the other switches or on the inner loop, and,  3 of those switches due the same thing, I spent all day working on these **** things, my brain is jelly, what am i missing150151


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Hopefully Steve can help and I am interested in knowing what the result is. Right now only guess I have is that one loop is wired backwards (gnd and power) from the other loop. However with this scenario an engine would not work on the one loop of track but I don't know if you have gotten that far as yet.


Model Structures posted:


Hopefully Steve can help and I am interested in knowing what the result is. Right now only guess I have is that one loop is wired backwards (gnd and power) from the other loop. However with this scenario an engine would not work on the one loop of track but I don't know if you have gotten that far as yet.


My guess also is you have reversed the hot and ground on one loop so when switches are diverging the switch points touch the outer rail and create a short.  Probably the points don't quite touch the outside rail until an engine or car wheel forces the points over fully, then the TMCC lockons respond to a short . 

Best bet, follow your transformer wires to all lock ons, making sure the hot is to center and ground to outer rails..

If you are using two or more power packs, one may be out of phase with other so they trip the lockons, because current "bucking" each other.  There are numerous OGR threads that detail how to phase transformers or how to make different type transformers play nice.

Does this shorting happen with one engine or all engines?  Happen in either direction through the pair?  Might roller diameter be bigger so it falls shorts between the center rail and an outside rail as it crosses over?  Turn out the lights and slowly run or push the engine over the switches and observe if there is a spark.  Maybe have to bypass lockons and directly connect to track so can observe shorting if it is occurring.  May need to insulate with tape.  On my layout I had to place tape in strategic spots on KLine O72 switch rails as some engine wheels and rollers would short the track.

When you said the TMCC trips momentarily, does layout then operate normally with crossover in diverging path or does layout remain shorted out? 

If you are using two or more transformers, try running whole layout from just one transformer and see if short condition persists.  If it does then problem is in turnout itself such as metal particle stuck somewhere.  You say three switches are doing this, does this include the two in the crossover or is it three others elsewhere (five culprit switches)?  I am assuming you are not using the Atlas non derailing boards, just used out of box without any extra wiring to turnout rails?  Seems odd unless you got a bad batch of turnouts from one supplier at same time.

Sorry so many questions, so few helpful answers.

I would have also suspected a crossed wire or something touching when it shouldn't, but it's all just guessing on my part. Have you got anyone that could come over and take a look at it with you? Hopefully they would have some knowledge of train layout wiring, but not mandatory. You could just explain it to them or show then a wiring diagram. Just thinking out loud here, but my thought was that two heads are better than one and 4 eyes are better than two. Might be worth a try if at all possible. 

Also rrman has good suggestions above as well.

Last edited by rtr12

I also have Atlas track and switches. I have a power feed on all 3 sides of every switch and have had no problems what so ever. I have several insulated rails to trigger some signals.  Everything works great. I power the track with MTH Z4000 run Legacy. I have a small separate transformer that powers all my switches.

Finally fixed!

I found some power feeds crossed, ground to common, I also have power feeds at all 3 legs of each switch, I am using a ZWC with 2 1350 watt bricks, and 1 180 w brick, all switches are poweredpowered by  the 180 w brick on  the D post of  my ZW . All my snap relays are on D post also connected to  dedicated buss wire, all the dwarf signals are working fine. i just have 1 switch that's throwing very slow, I'm gonna tackle that this morning.

lennster posted:

Finally fixed!

I found some power feeds crossed, ground to common, I also have power feeds at all 3 legs of each switch, I am using a ZWC with 2 1350 watt bricks, and 1 180 w brick, all switches are poweredpowered by  the 180 w brick on  the D post of  my ZW . All my snap relays are on D post also connected to  dedicated buss wire, all the dwarf signals are working fine. i just have 1 switch that's throwing very slow, I'm gonna tackle that this morning.

Glad you found the trouble area(s).  Certainly can be frustrating pulling wires and checking they REALLY go to the right terminal/rail/accessory(s). 

Of course I never have this problem as I ALWAYS use the same color wire for a circuit, and I ALWAYS document every connection, and I NEVER splice a circuit with wrong color wire,  (and I also have the Brooklyn Bridge deed I can sell you cheap)

Happy running, and just in time for Christmas.

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