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I stopped at a train store today and saw the Premier ICG and BN auto carriers and was very impressed. However, as much as I liked them, I didn't buy since they require O54 minimum curves. My pike is all O31 and O42. I'd like to see MTH make a scaled-down version of this car. BUT not as compromised as the Lionel Conrail 6-16215 from the 1990s.  Maybe one 15-16 inches long and able to negotiate O31 and I'd buy several if they were ICG, NS, BN, or Conrail.


Original Post

I doubt that you are going to see that happen. MTH's premier Autorack is already truncated and now outdated a bit thanks to Lionel going Full scale. MTH has yet to offer ANY new model in O scale for several years and counting.

MTH already has their Railking autorack which is [Tommy La]sorta based on an Early Frisco prototype.

I could be wrong but I don't think MTH will spend thousands of dollars to tool up another autocarrier for their railking line.

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