I posted this over on Buy Anything Cool Lately but I can post it here too because the load is 3, that's right 3, 1957 Chevrolet Corvette convertibles.
@mike g. posted:
Well, Mike, yours is better than mine as she's the venerable '53 1/2 'Vette, the one who started it all! Now, I've got to find a couple! Is yours Dinky?
@Bill Swatos posted:Well, Mike, yours is better than mine as she's the venerable '53 1/2 'Vette, the one who started it all! Now, I've got to find a couple! Is yours Dinky?
Hi Bill I don't know I will have to check. I got a pawn shop for $14.00
@Bill Swatos Morning Bill sorry it took so long to get back to you it is a DINKY it says it is CCV06/B 1953 Chevrolet Corvette. the funny thing is it came in a matchbox box.
@coach joe posted:I posted this over on Buy Anything Cool Lately but I can post it here too because the load is 3, that's right 3, 1957 Chevrolet Corvette convertibles.
Coach, a man can never have too many "Vette's" on the layout...
@Capetrainman posted:
Well Paul in that case I am going to have to get more!
They look great! I bet with all the business the Pizza guy gets he has one!
@Mark Boyce posted:
Great scene, Mark...two characters taking it easy on the porch with a wagon and a "Vette" in the driveway...life is good for those two fellow's on the porch...
@Capetrainman posted:Great scene, Mark...two characters taking it easy on the porch with a wagon and a "Vette" in the driveway...life is good for those two fellow's on the porch...
Yes it is, Paul! 😊
@Capetrainman, I thought I'd be hitting a sweet spot for you.
Dave- your pavement and trackwork look great! JohnA
A minor incident in front of the bike shop... the guy on the Harley got knocked off his hog by the "Vette"...
@Capetrainman posted:
Wow Paul, that's a tough one! I don't know who to feel sorry for, the vet owner or the Harley owner!
The Xmas trees are gone from Djer's auto lot until next year, so he's building his spring inventory of new rides. He's hoping for a sale or two this weekend before the snow flies! This Saturday, a '62 Buick Invicta wagon is featured and priced to move...
Lotus team officials turned up on the workbench, hoping to get a look at the progress being made (or not) on the wrecked Corgi Lotus Climax:
New rubber mounted and balanced, a decal set and a new driver waiting in the bit box, but no luck finding repro cockpit glazing...still looking.
Figures are of the 100-for-ten-bucks variety, block-painted, dipped, and then an overspray of clear matte lacquer.
@pd posted:Lotus team officials turned up on the workbench, hoping to get a look at the progress being made (or not) on the wrecked Corgi Lotus Climax:
New rubber mounted and balanced, a decal set and a new driver waiting in the bit box, but no luck finding repro cockpit glazing...still looking.
Figures are of the 100-for-ten-bucks variety, block-painted, dipped, and then an overspray of clear matte lacquer.
Excellent looking Lotus, even without the ‘tune up’. What do you mean by ‘block-painted, dipped’? I have a bunch to paint myself. Thank you!
@Mark Boyce posted:Excellent looking Lotus, even without the ‘tune up’. What do you mean by ‘block-painted, dipped’? I have a bunch to paint myself. Thank you!
Mark - I'll flip you an email later today. I don't want to hijack this thread with some long-winded dissertation on figure painting, lol.
Paul R.
@pd posted:Mark - I'll flip you an email later today. I don't want to hijack this thread with some long-winded dissertation on figure painting, lol.
Paul R.
Hey Paul looks like you have a lot to do with that Lotus. One suggestion if you done have one already pick yourself use. a chrome pen, they sure do a nice job and very easy to use.
@mike g. posted:Hey Paul looks like you have a lot to do with that Lotus. One suggestion if you done have one already pick yourself use. a chrome pen, they sure do a nice job and very easy to use.
Thanks for that tip, Mike. Are those available at the hobby retailer or craft store? I've not seen them before.
Paul R.
@Capetrainman posted:
Looks great Paul!
With the spring thaw showing signs of arrival, "Joe Canoe" (as the locals call him) decided to haul his wooden canoe on top of his '49 Merc woodie to Spring Lake for a test drive! Let's hope the ice on the lake is gone for the season...
Anyone recall the marketing jargon, "Hi neighbor, have a Gansett"...?
The local Ford guy is pushing convertibles already...seems a little early in the season with flurries in the forecast...
Paul, the Ford man wants to get a jump on his competitors! Nice convertibles!
@Mark Boyce posted:Paul, the Ford man wants to get a jump on his competitors! Nice convertibles!
Thanks, Mark...the season can't be to far away!
As common as the R model Mack truck was, there is a large absence in the diecast field (with the exception of the Fire Replicas which are beautiful but $$$).
I have several of the following bought on sale to use as project cores.
So I finally decided to see what could be done. after a lot of cutting with a Dremel and adding detail parts here is what I came up with.
Gotta love those black wheels, Most LTL carrier equipment was, and still is, pretty utilitarian. It got the job done though, they weren't looking to win a show contest.
Mated to a repaired K Line trailer that the cast roof had suffered Zinc Rot.
Hennis was a LTL carrier out of Winston Salem, NC and filed for bankruptcy in 1970.
@NHVRYGray posted:As common as the R model Mack truck was, there is a large absence in the diecast field (with the exception of the Fire Replicas which are beautiful but $$$).
I have several of the following bought on sale to use as project cores.
So, I finally decided to see what could be done. after a lot of cutting with a Dremel and adding detail parts here is what I came up with.
Gotta love those black wheels, Most LTL carrier equipment was, and still is, pretty utilitarian. It got the job done though; they weren't looking to win a show contest.
Mated to a repaired K Line trailer that the cast roof had suffered Zinc Rot.
Hennis was a LTL carrier out of Winston Salem, NC and filed for bankruptcy in 1970.
I love Mack trucks, but a lot of these generic one don't have built dates. That one looks great what era would it fit?
You need to know the model of the model. This is a R model, 1966 to 2005 in various mechanical and trim configurations.
MPC sold a nice plastic Mack tractor with the Trains & Trucking sets, and Corgi toys sold diecast models in a number of different versions.
IF you can find the MPC Mack. The Mack's are much harder to find than the Peterbilt and the Peterbilts are hard enough to find.
Conrad of Germany made an R (or a U) many years back, they are difficult to find as well.
The only Corgi R model I've seen was from the old days of Corgi Circus. The newer Corgi Mack's are all B models. If you know of a modern Corgi R model, please post a picture or link - don't know that I've seen one.
The most common Mack models which Corgi made were the tandem tractors for the oil//gas trucks, the container trucks, and crane trucks. They show up pretty regularly on e--y.
Gray, I really like your kitbashed R-model tractor! I’m inspired to try the same.
here’s a photo of my recent Mack purchases. I don’t usually go in for crazy paint jobs, but I couldn’t pass up the 1:50 F cabover. The two Granites on the left are lesser quality models, but at $15 each, I can detail them up a bit.
Is the F model cab over a Tekno?
@NHVRYGray posted:Is the F model cab over a Tekno?
I believe it is, have to check the packaging when I get home. I purchased in from Mack’s on-line shoppe.
If it came from Mack, it's a Tekno. I have those as well
My Menards Carvana dealership arrived over the weekend so today I put some vehicles in it with the Florida Panthers Stanley Cup Champions Zamboni and the James Bond Lotus Esprit “Wet Nellie” from The Spy Who Loved Me movie framing the entrance . Of my limited 1/43 car/SUV inventory, only two of them (the Jeep Wrangler, Audi Convertible) would be actual Carvana sales stock, so the rest of them (TV and movie cars) would have to do for now, unless Carvana will put up classic cars for sale like the big time auction houses.
Took a couple photos inside the structure, looking upwards.
Love the building and happy that Menards returned it back to the market. My unit was number 69 of 300 made, so unlike the first “Cavana” release, I was not going to miss out this time.
The is one if the unsung hero series I bought 20 years ago? It seems there were two series I found USMC items. They were about eleven years past release when I found them on eBay. I purchased a couple of jeeps, four tanks and two deuce and a half’s. They are all marked USMC. Cool stuff.
@obxtrainman posted:
Very cool! Semper Fi!
@Capetrainman posted:With the spring thaw showing signs of arrival, "Joe Canoe" (as the locals call him) decided to haul his wooden canoe on top of his '49 Merc woodie to Spring Lake for a test drive! Let's hope the ice on the lake is gone for the season...
Anyone recall the marketing jargon, "Hi neighbor, have a Gansett"...?
Not only remember it, but translated it into Latin - "Salve finitamae, habe Narragantum" !
@Richie C. posted:Not only remember it, but translated it into Latin - "Salve finitamae, habe Narragantum" !
Richie, many spoke latin after a Gansett or two in the old days...
@obxtrainman posted:The is one if the unsung hero series I bought 20 years ago? It seems there were two series I found USMC items. They were about eleven years past release when I found them on eBay. I purchased a couple of jeeps, four tanks and two deuce and a half’s. They are all marked USMC. Cool stuff.
obx...those are sharp looking duece and a half models...more fun than the real ones, no doubt...lol!
On the prowl for lower cost 60’s-80’s semi trucks for my 70’s-80’s layout - found this ERTL tractor & trailer for $6 at an antique shop. Nice square cab like they were back then. 1:48 scale 8’ wide and 12’ tall cab
Bonus got the ERTL 1960 Chevy cab $8 and JD 630 for $4. Very happy with my finds.
Dan...good finds in the picture above I've been looking for a 1/43 or 1/48 JD tractor for the Sunset Farm across from the car rally...no luck yet...
@Capetrainman posted:
Nice car dealer Paul! Have you checked Tractor Supply for the tractor?
Returned to the antique toy store and found a Tootsie Toy Winnebago and a Jada Bronco. The Bronco is about 1:56 and the Winnebago is about 1:53, but I would rather have them a little small than large - they can be set back from the edge of the layout to enhance the perception of distance.
I can still make headway on my layout when I’m out of town!
@Hannibal-St Joseph RR posted:Returned to the antique toy store and found a Tootsie Toy Winnebago and a Jada Bronco. The Bronco is about 1:56 and the Winnebago is about 1:53, but I would rather have them a little small than large - they can be set back from the edge of the layout to enhance the perception of distance.
I can still make headway on my layout when I’m out of town!
Nice score on the Winnie. I've got one of those JADA Toys Broncos in black. Got it at Walmart. It's in JADA's Just Trucks line, the packaging says they're 1/64 but the Bronco is as big as the full size pick-ups in the same line so it's definitely a bigger scale. I also have a yellow one with a white hardtop I bought from a vendor at a train show years ago. It was loose, no package, I'll have to flip it over to confirm it is a JADA but it looks like a dead on match.
@mike g., I have that Rescue Team pick up also. That was from the Walmart $3.99 box. I also have a VW bus and a Chevy pick-up with utility body from that box of loose individual sale vehicles. All are off-road ready like your rescue pick-up. Alas the $3.99 box is now about $6.99 but seems to be all 1:34 scale.
@Capetrainman posted:
Paul, we all know those old truck will outlast any new one now on the market!
Looks like a great place to stay!
@mike g. posted:Paul, we all know those old truck will outlast any new one now on the market!
Looks like a great place to stay!
Couldn't agree more, Mike...the good old days in so many ways...