I would like to ballast my Fastrack. I intend to use 50/50 mix of white glue and water to secure the ballast. However, I also want to be able to clean it off if I should decide to sell or reuse the track. Is this the way to do it?
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I use 60/40, Ed. It will wash off with plain water and a brush, but I found verdigris forming about a week later.
I had to go back some to find your layout design. I am thinking you could just pour the ballast to change the angle of the FasTrack ballast and just leave it loose.
Brennan's Better Ballast
Those small handheld vacuums can collect it if you make changes or it gets unruly for some unknown reason.
Are there children in the equation as operators or visitors? Then glue just the outside front.
It does clean off with some work and patience.
It won't mess with the rails Max, it's plastic roadbed track with plated rails.
That's good, Carl.
I'm talking nickel-silver
Kids will operate and visit. I'll start as suggested and put it down loosely. Thanks Gents.
The best part about this is how little ballast is needed so high quality ballast is very reasonable. I used Brennans. You don't need to dilute the white glue. just brush a coat along the side of the track and lightly sprinkle the ballast. It doesn't have to be perfect. Let dry overnight. Now finish off with more loose ballat till you are happy with the look. Now use a diluted mix with some dish soap so it penetrates. Soak the ballast but remember it may run. Once this dries you are done unless it needs a little touch up. My experience is that kids will find that one picee of loose ballast.
Good luck