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What are the Best kits to use in Kit bashing for constructing buildings and scenes? I would think that would be a good way to start.

  I have seen some of the most amazing construction of scenes and buildings by members on this site.

How would one start the buildings? Will some of you talented members lead me in the right direction  with Information on best kits to "bash" or ways to build the street scenes logging diorama layout.

There is so much amazing talent here it is an inspiration see what can be accomplished with the proper knowledge 

This is the best forum I have found, thank you all for allowing me to become a member 


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martyb posted:

What are the Best kits to use in Kit bashing for constructing buildings and scenes?

"Best" is a very relative term.  Really depends ultimately on what it is you are trying to do, when that is, where that is, etc.  Your objectives define "best".  Your economics is another factor.

Here is my take on options for kitbashing:

Ameri-towne: Retail, Commercial, and Industrial kits and walls.  Pros:  Large variety of retail/commercial building fronts, the most cost effective brand.  Cons: requires some time and skill to paint the windows and trim.

Here is my custom build of the Ameri-Towne Palace Theater.  White was painted with a rattle can, then masked and airbrushed the blue colors.  Gold was brush painted.  Building to the left is Ameri-towne Granato's Grocery.  Brick was spray painted, windows and trim were brush painted:


Korber: Industrial and Railroad buildings.  Pros: some industrial walls have separate windows, so painting is much easier.  Reasonably priced. Cons: some of the older kits and walls are less sharply detailed

DPM:  2 Retail buildings, Commercial/Industrial modular walls.  Pros: Includes brick columns to hide seams. Cons:  Modular walls are expensive ($10 for two 3"x4" walls), requires some skill to paint the windows and trim

Here is a John Deere dealer that I created with DPM wall sections and a piece of Masonite.  Signs were from the web.


Another option for industrial buildings is the Lionel Electrical Substation and Lionel Municipal building kits.  Norm Charbonneau did some great kitbashes of those kits. 

Bob Glorioso


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  • IMG_1849
  • IMG_2876
  • IMG_2886
Last edited by RRDOC

I have seen a lot of fantastic kitbashes from Ameritown, Korber, and Lionel kits both here on this forum as well as for sale on daBay! I have created files and saved a bunch of pictures of the creative structures made from components of these kits. ( At least the ones I can tell!)

As stated in many of the "k" books is you have to develop the mindset that the kits you plan to modify are just materials/parts and not to be assembled as instructed in the kit. (This makes one think "outside the kit box!")

Some Lionel kitbashes:

Big Dawgcabin service4REA2REA5Coal Tipple5

Some Korber Kitbashes:

Coke-bottle1ace-tank-fctry3flag-warehse1Horseshoe-plastics17Korber Warehse1Korber wesleyfoods9Korber#953 Pickle Factory 004klink-mfg1


Images (13)
  • Big Dawg
  • cabin service4
  • REA2
  • REA5
  • Coal Tipple5
  • Coke-bottle1
  • ace-tank-fctry3
  • flag-warehse1
  • Horseshoe-plastics17
  • Korber Warehse1
  • Korber wesleyfoods9
  • Korber#953 Pickle Factory 004
  • klink-mfg1
Last edited by prrhorseshoecurve
Alan Graziano posted:

Korber and Lionel kits are my favorite. I used  the Lionel sub station building for many different things. Since the korber buildings are urethane plastic, they are sometimes difficult to cut and modify.

Alan, I would love to see what you have done with the Lionel Municipal Building and substation kits. I have acquired a few of those kits and would like to see a unique structure like these:

Big Dawg

Max Foods


Blacksheep Mills [Rear]


A Factory


Norms Lionel Elect Substaion Kitbash 2 3.18.18

Machefsky Filter


Images (4)
  • Big Dawg
  • blacksheepmillfront
  • DSC02342
  • Norms Lionel Elect Substaion Kitbash 2  3.18.18

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