When I received the cars I realized one was 11.5" and the other is 14"
I looked at the PFE cars and they are listed as being 11 inches. So question is, would 11 inches be scale in relationship to the Big Boy or are these semi-scale cars and going to look small?
You're comparing a 40' car to a 50'. They are both scale cars.... and both could/would be pulled by the Big Boy.
Laid off sick is correct. In the 1941-1959 service life of the Big Boys there were many types of box cars and reefers on America's railroads. Almost all box cars and in revenue service in that period had a 40' 6" or 50' 6" interior length. For the sake of simplicity they are referred to as 40 or 50 foot box cars. Those 40 and 50 foot cars had a variety of widths, heights and construction styles. If you stick with Lionel Standard O, MTH Premier and Atlas Masterline and Trainman products you will be getting scale models. The MTH and Lionel web sites let you search by product line item type and road name so they make it easy to find their scale freight cars.
The oldest box cars in wide use throughout the Big Boy period of service were USRA designs. The Lionel 6-27983 that you mentioned is a USRA double sheathed box car. I believe that it is decorated in an as delivered paint scheme.
MTH and Atlas also make scale models of the USRA double sheathed box car. Of the three the MTH car is the best model. Both the MTH and Atlas USRA box cars have been offered in a later UP paint scheme.
Other era appropriate O scale 40 foot box car models include the MTH and Atlas USRA single sheathed box cars. Both are very good models.
The Weaver single sheathed box car, the Atlas rebuilt USRA box cars, the Atlas X-29, the Lionel X-31, the Weaver B&O round roof and Milwaukee Road rib side box cars and the MTH and Atlas 1937 AAR 40 foot box cars are also appropriate for the entire 1941-1959 period.
For the post WW II era the Lionel, MTH and Weaver PS-1s and Atlas trainman 40 foot cars are appropriate although increased attention should be paid to decoration if you want to avoid 1960s paint schemes.
For 50 foot box cars the Atlas Trainman single sheathed and the MTH and Pecos River automobile box cars fit the entire Big Boy era. The Lionel automobile box car and the Atlas and MTH 50 foot PS-1s fit the Post WW II period. Again, attention to decoration is needed to avoid 1960s or later paint schemes.
Atlas, Lionel and MTH all make detailed models of 40 foot steel reefers. The Atlas model is appropriate for the entire Big Boy era. The Lionel and MTH models fit from about 1945 and after. Atlas and K-Line by Lionel 40 foot wood side reefers are also possibilities. Be aware that 40 foot ice bunker reefers are about the size of USRA box cars and much smaller than later box cars like the 1937 AAR or PS-1 designs.
For a caboose you have your choice of the MTH CA-1 or Lionel CA-3/CA-4. Both are excellent models. The UP gave their cabooses four digit numbers for all of the Big Boy era and began painting their cabooses yellow in 1947.
For information on other types of freight cars appropriate for the Big Boy era take a look at the O Scale Freight Car Guide.