Some people are aware of the quest I undertook to get fuel columns for my layout. It seems that everything is either HO or N scale, a Lionel/K-Line kit that lacks realism, is sold overseas, is made out of brass and would require me to take out a second mortgage, or has been sold out for years. After finally coming to the realization that I would have to come up with an alternative if I ever wanted to have fuel columns on my layout, I decided to build my own.
The parts list was pretty simple, and is as follows, with the detailed materials coming from the Narrow Gauge Modeling Co:
1. Valve (NGM-B051): http://www.narrowgaugemodeling...roduct/ngm-b051-new/
2. Pipe Elbow (NGM-B055):
After that, I purchased alum tubing from Hobby Lobby. The 3/32" tubing dry fits with the above pieces perfectly.
3. Aluminum Tubing 3/32":
I dry fit the pipe elbow, just ensure that it would fit. It did.
I also drilled out a hole in the pipe elbow (the wide portion) to accept a cutting from a paper clip. This is where I will connect the tubing (the sheath from black 18 gauge wire).
After cutting the aluminum tubing to the size I felt was best, I then cut it about 1/3 of the way up from the base to insert the valve, and then used JB Weld to keep everything in place.
Everything from Narrow Gauge comes in pairs, so there was enough to build two fuel columns. So after the epoxy cured overnight, I primed them.
And then went with an acrylic metallic sterling silver to paint the columns. Used a Testors enamel paint to paint the valve wheels.
Here it is post first coat.
I weathered them and the platform a bit and then got them on the layout. Don't have the nozzles yet. Have hose attached though.
The process is not completed, but as I finish, I'll update this post. Current plans are to add a fuel nozzle (from Scale City Designs) , and some road details to the platform (people, fire extinguisher boxes, etc).