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The MTH part # is CI-0000032 and it is a 6v bulb.

TrainDoctor has it listed for $2 but describe it as 12v (maybe description error?)  CI-0000032 Bulb Red for Bridge and Water Tower Midget Screw Base 12 Volt $2.00 Order

I've found the #378 midget screw base 6.3v bulb works fine and you can leave it clear or paint it red.

Amazon has a box of 10 for ~$15

Hope that helps!

S/F Mike


The MTH part # is CI-0000032 and it is a 6v bulb.

TrainDoctor has it listed for $2 but describe it as 12v (maybe description error?)  CI-0000032 Bulb Red for Bridge and Water Tower Midget Screw Base 12 Volt $2.00 Order

I've found the #378 midget screw base 6.3v bulb works fine and you can leave it clear or paint it red.

Amazon has a box of 10 for ~$15

Hope that helps!

S/F Mike

Thanks Mike. I’ll them a call!

The bulb, via the PC board shown, flashes on/off.  The PC board, is part of, one of the three piers, provided with the bridge. The three piers for a truss bridge like this, has been a point of discuss for some time.  I mounted the board under the layout and extended wiring to the existing bulb wiring.  My guess, 12 volts AC eventually via the board, 6 volts DC, or a chopped AC.

Last edited by Mike CT

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