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After weeks of trying to align schedules with a fellow OGR member I was finally able to land this beauty. 

The speaker was blown. I ordered an 89 cent 16 ohm speaker from Parts Express and it works perfectly. 

Now the dilemma: I have to re-think my elevated track strategy due to the sheer mass of the S2. What a wonderful problem to have! 


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Billsrr posted:
TedW posted:

Bought some of these to experiment with on converting passenger cars to led.  Got $1.07 in the complete board w/components.  I buy the leds in 5 meter rolls of course.  We’ll see how they work.

Where did you buy the boards?

Osh Park. Read another thread a few weeks ago and after a lot of searching, found these. Soon after, GRJ, posted his lighting board to the site, but I had already ordered.  His is certainly more elegant, but with more components.  I paid too much for the inductors, a different source would have lowered the price by    $0.22 ea.  OshPark led car lighting boards

Just bought a Lionmaster J3a hudson from Ebay, hoping it will come before next Thursday because I will be leaving for a marching band trip in Quebec. The engine is only 2 inches away from being scale in length but that isn't a huge issue, I mean from a distance you can't even tell. I'm sure it'll still look good pulling scale heavyweights.

Got this yesterday from Stoddart's Ltd., in Georgia.  Ordered it Tuesday, came Thursday.  Two days to Connecticut.  You gotta love Fed. Ex.  20180201_130124



This is a husband and wife business.  They had a booth at the Big E train show last week, and they make some awesome stuff.  15 X 21 inches.  Weighs about 9 lbs.



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Thanks Ron.  There wasn't much in the way of stuff I look for at that show.  I think it is a great type of show to try and bring kids and such into the Hobby though.  There were tons of parents and kids and interestingly a lot younger people looking at and buying trains and parts that I would not have expected.  I think that is a great thing and suggests in general that probably a lot more people than we sometimes think are active in this hobby. I think if I had an easy way to strip the paint on one in my hotel room I would probably repaint it right here

I found a seven car set of Southern Pacific 20" Weaver passenger cars from trainz on Ebay I sniped in at the last minute for $114.01.  They listed them as "O Scale Southern Pacific Passenger Cars (7) 3-Rail" which I believe was to my advantage on getting them for that price since most guys search "Weaver Passenger" when looking for these cars.

A couple of months back I found an new/old stock ABBA set of Weaver Southern Pacific Daylight scheme E-8's for $275 that I now have matching varnish for.    Two powered A's, two B units, and 7 matching 20" aluminum cars all for $470 shipped.  This is how I roll.  It's all about "BANG FOR THE BUCK".

took The Boss antiquing today, and the shop was totally lacking in any train stuff except for a box of Marx stuff ($75) which all of I already have, but also in the box was these two pieces. Both made of wood. The crane has Prewar Lionel trucks with Postwar base plates and couplers, and the flatcar has late Postwar trucks. The shop owner called the dealer and she made an offer for me on the two wood cars $ I brought them home. I was just amazed that someone had the ability (I don't) to make these out of wood. The crane has some really nice work. Except for the Postwar couplers, I think the crane may have been made during WWll. 



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Mark Boyce posted:

Chas, That is an impressive train regardless of the price.  You really got a great deal!

Thanks Mark,

I will be operating them on the club layout in a couple of weeks.  Even though the E-8's are 20 years old plus new/old stock they will be getting some new traction tires, a repack of some red and tacky grease where the worm gear engages the truck gear and a few small dabs in between the idler gears, and some Labelle 107 oil on the axles where they engage the truck to ensure smooth operation. 

I will also be giving the passenger cars a once over with some oil on the roller rivets and the needle points where they seat into the trucks.  I noticed these are the later run of Weaver passenger cars with the green window strips and the troublesome plunger couplers which uncouple under a very light load with minimal vibration.  I will be pre-cable tying every coupler with these that I bring in my bag of goodies for club shows.


Last edited by Chas

A pair of AF tinplate Zephyr cars. Another variation I don't recall seeing. 

Truck mounted light sockets.  Dont look aftermarket or hobbyist installed. 

The observation has holes in the roof where I have seen clips for light sockets before.

No holes in the coach roof.s-l1600 [3)s-l1600 [5)s-l1600 [6)s-l1600 [4)



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Steamer posted:

took The Boss antiquing today, and the shop was totally lacking in any train stuff except for a box of Marx stuff ($75) which all of I already have, but also in the box was these two pieces. Both made of wood. The crane has Prewar Lionel trucks with Postwar base plates and couplers, and the flatcar has late Postwar trucks. The shop owner called the dealer and she made an offer for me on the two wood cars $ I brought them home. I was just amazed that someone had the ability (I don't) to make these out of wood. The crane has some really nice work. Except for the Postwar couplers, I think the crane may have been made during WWll. 


I love this kind of stuff

Chas posted:
Mark Boyce posted:

Chas, That is an impressive train regardless of the price.  You really got a great deal!

Thanks Mark,

I will be operating them on the club layout in a couple of weeks.  Even though the E-8's are 20 years old plus new/old stock they will be getting some new traction tires, a repack of some red and tacky grease where the worm gear engages the truck gear and a few small dabs in between the idler gears, and some Labelle 107 oil on the axles where they engage the truck to ensure smooth operation. 

I will also be giving the passenger cars a once over with some oil on the roller rivets and the needle points where they seat into the trucks.  I noticed these are the later run of Weaver passenger cars with the green window strips and the troublesome plunger couplers which uncouple under a very light load with minimal vibration.  I will be pre-cable tying every coupler with these that I bring in my bag of goodies for club shows.


Yes, that’s a good idea to do right off the bat!  I know what you mean about the couplers.  I had a set of Weaver cars I bought not asking, then finding they were 21”.  Too long for my layout, but I did see the couplers were weak.  I sold them, but I agree the cable ties will work 

RSJB18 posted:

Scored another one last night. Picked up a MTH 0-4-0 work train set in B&O livery. I have one of these 0-4-0's already and they are nice little switchers. This one is # 97, the one I have is # 99. No track or transformer but for $60.00 bucks hard to pass up.


Only 4 of these engines were built for the B&O back in the day. The other two were numbered 96, 98.

Looks better in person than in the listing pictures.

2018-02-03 10.04.172018-02-03 10.05.18

Turns out the caboose has a whistle unit in it too! Sweet!


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RSJB18 posted:
RSJB18 posted:

Scored another one last night. Picked up a MTH 0-4-0 work train set in B&O livery. I have one of these 0-4-0's already and they are nice little switchers. This one is # 97, the one I have is # 99. No track or transformer but for $60.00 bucks hard to pass up.


Only 4 of these engines were built for the B&O back in the day. The other two were numbered 96, 98.

Looks better in person than in the listing pictures.

2018-02-03 10.04.172018-02-03 10.05.18

Turns out the caboose has a whistle unit in it too! Sweet!

Cool set!  Need to find me a cool little engine to pull the reindeer cars!  


Back in the day when o gauge was starting to turn uncool? This was the first HO loco I ever bought, at age 10,

then bought a B&O heavyweight passenger car to go with it and a couple of more HO cars I don't remember. 

About 3 months later I traded them to a neighbor for two boxes of his "OLD' lionel.



carsntrains posted:
RSJB18 posted:
RSJB18 posted:

Scored another one last night. Picked up a MTH 0-4-0 work train set in B&O livery. I have one of these 0-4-0's already and they are nice little switchers. This one is # 97, the one I have is # 99. No track or transformer but for $60.00 bucks hard to pass up.


Only 4 of these engines were built for the B&O back in the day. The other two were numbered 96, 98.

Looks better in person than in the listing pictures.

2018-02-03 10.04.172018-02-03 10.05.18

Turns out the caboose has a whistle unit in it too! Sweet!

Cool set!  Need to find me a cool little engine to pull the reindeer cars!  


Jim- I have a Lionel 0-6-0 that I think they make in a Christmas scheme. They are very nice too.


2017-08-19 15.23.00


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Not sure this would count as cool or not ...

1. Three O27 uncoupling tracks, and one uncoupling FT kit

2. Marx railroad crossing signal (I'm digging the Marx stuff for sure) ...

3. A second Marx Switch Tower (I'm planning on putting them at opposite ends and lighting them with Woodland Scenic LED nano lights).

ETA #4. A few amber and white flashing Just Plug LED nano lights off of eBay.

Last edited by Deuce
Deuce posted:

Not sure this would count as cool or not ...

1. Three O27 uncoupling tracks, and one uncoupling FT kit

2. Marx railroad crossing signal (I'm digging the Marx stuff for sure) ...

3. A second Marx Switch Tower (I'm planning on putting them at opposite ends and lighting them with Woodland Scenic LED nano lights).

ETA #4. A few amber and white flashing Just Plug LED nano lights off of eBay.

carsntrains posted:

I've bought a bunch of cool stuff lately... 

Reindeer car 4  pack A 

Reindeer car 4  pack B

Santa observation disconnect car

Miller High Life car

Southern Comfort car

8 car mix of 6454 and 2454 cars

2 Fastrack 036 manual switches and

3 Fastrack 30 inch straights

Now I need a place to put them all!! LOL



Pics, please, pics are proof.  Words are just idle rumors.  :-)

I've recently bought several Atlas 1920's--1930's era freight cars to complement an ETS Baldwin--Westinghouse electric motor I'm thinking of buying. I've also invested in a Lionel mill gondola that would complement a generic looking 1960's-era work train I'm putting together. Since at least two other members have "big hooks," I'll do a different sort of work train.


Now I've now got to screw up my nerve and start painting and lettering.

On Friday, I drove down to Todd Architectural Models in Chatham, NJ to pick up a couple of pieces I ordered. I was able to see the prototypes for some of the new buildings they are working on - looks like some good stuff coming this year.

When Doug had a sale back around Thanksgiving, I ordered one of his manufacturing warehouses and two of his concrete warehouses...



I had intended to use these in this open corner area...


Unfortunately, Doug pooched my plan when, in December, he offered a great deal on a very limited edition 5-story warehouse which he told me was designed as a commission from Scapiron Scher. Well, since I did have around 12 feet of back wall I needed to fill...


LOVE that sign!!!

In these photos, the flats haven't been installed yet - they are just leaning against the wall until I decide on their final placement. Tomorrow, I will have to cut some wood strips to fill the gap between the Mianne benchwork and the wall.

Overall, I find Doug's offerings to be excellent, and the detail in the brick work and windows is amazing. But the manufacturing warehouse is a real standout...




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20180205_17405620180205_150805I recently got my SF SD40 to add to the collection. All the varying details between these 3 is really cool.

I saw a picture of the prototype GT #5922 with a snow plow on it in the scrap yard. So I swapped out the rock plow pilot Lionel put on it for a BN pilot. They both have white accents on the steps so it worked great.




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Last edited by SuperChiefer84

Santa postman was very good to me today. 

Marx Union Pacific boxcar

AF Minehaha loco, looks like a motor change

AF Comet set, little rough but some cleaning and straightening will help and 

some lube and tuning. 

Oh, and did I mention I need more prewar streamliners like a hole in the head.IMG_20180205_151456IMG_20180205_151550IMG_20180205_1516061517871161496IMG_20180205_1452481517872106823


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Duece, Marx is awesome. But be aware running pre war designed fat wheel locos through later turnout curves isn't going to happen and most Marx locos are fat wheeled. They can however make it through most straights if the fat wheel can be kept to the "long rail" on all turnouts (E.g. a left and a right turnout in a loop means no go, but left OR right alone is ok and it, just limits use to clockwise or counterclockwise operations. 

   I struck out on a Menard's visit. Nothing but a few buildings and new military trucks on flat cars was left this year.

I bought a new Lionel 6-84239 Western Maryland 3-Truck Shay, but I am sending it back to the dealer because it grinds and may be missing an axle bushing.

I called Lionel Service, but they are closed for Inventory this week according to a Lionel dealer who waited 90 minutes trying to reach his sales representative.  There is no message on the Lionel phone System either.  If you call, enjoy the doddle. doodle music.

Adriatic posted:

Duece, Marx is awesome. But be aware running pre war designed fat wheel locos through later turnout curves isn't going to happen and most Marx locos are fat wheeled. They can however make it through most straights if the fat wheel can be kept to the "long rail" on all turnouts (E.g. a left and a right turnout in a loop means no go, but left OR right alone is ok and it, just limits use to clockwise or counterclockwise operations. 

   I struck out on a Menard's visit. Nothing but a few buildings and new military trucks on flat cars was left this year.

@Adriatic thanks for the info. Currently all my Marx stuff is accessories. I do have a couple bids on cabooses but I'd probably just display those anyways. If I ever decide to get a complete train, I'll keep their wheel issues in mind.

Still a hard ponder on the E33. Trying to find a lone LC train of decent size is bringing me more than half of the way to the cost of the E33. At that point, moving up will give me a better bang for my buck and I may be able to make it work with the current setup. What I really need to do is logon, do and then file my taxes, so I can justify a small celebration with part of my return.

Last edited by Deuce
Deuce posted:

Wife commented yesterday "Every day it's something new in the mail for this railroad." Probably need to start laying low!

Ya know, if you have stuff shipped to your work, you can avoid that "hostile environment" and negativity. 

However , you then need to come up with ways to get it into your house, and hope that the MRS. doesn't pay "that close" of attention to notice when new stuff shows up. 

Mo985 posted:
Deuce posted:

Wife commented yesterday "Every day it's something new in the mail for this railroad." Probably need to start laying low!

Ya know, if you have stuff shipped to your work, you can avoid that "hostile environment" and negativity. 

However , you then need to come up with ways to get it into your house, and hope that the MRS. doesn't pay "that close" of attention to notice when new stuff shows up. 

Mo, quite the master plan !

Sparky74 posted:

SP passenger carsJust arrived!

And all 7 cars are being shipped back for an exchange tomorrow.  Think I would of learned my lesson after the Legacy Allegheny, Y6B, Rock Island, SP diesel, Lionmaster challenger,  Granted these were ordered way back when with my GS4. 

Lionel’s modern day QC is just deplorable, frustrating, and inapprehensible.  

This saddens me because there are enough resons why the hobby is fading for some, older generations and new.  

But to spend this amount of money on a particular manufacturer and come to point where you expect something to be wrong upon receiving any on of their products.......

Lionel,  after this gets straightened out, you will not see anymore $ spent on new products from me.   Sad but true.  

This coming from a guy that owns many legacy units and loves many things/features about them but brand new arrivals with major issues is not acceptable.

I wonder how long you’d last in business building cars


ED5FA04D-ED44-466C-B8C0-AAF25BDD104C9B0AD6B5-FFB1-4AA0-9BA3-78EEAB8B0DDDB1CD05EF-A28F-4EC7-837A-F7CD757F5D181105D5AF-8030-4643-A406-923CBE256A3BMatt Makens posted:

Rob, what’s wrong with them?

The banner where it says "Southern Pacific Lines" is bowed out and you can see the glue strings behind it.   Six of the seven cars are like this and is easily viewable before I even unpacked them. I only removed one car and noticed it. It's as if the banners were cut just a hair too long causing them to want to bow out. Granted I could probably carefully glue them back but on the fence about it.  I mean for almost 1K nothing but perfection should be expected.  


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Sparky74 posted:
ED5FA04D-ED44-466C-B8C0-AAF25BDD104C9B0AD6B5-FFB1-4AA0-9BA3-78EEAB8B0DDDB1CD05EF-A28F-4EC7-837A-F7CD757F5D181105D5AF-8030-4643-A406-923CBE256A3BMatt Makens posted:

Rob, what’s wrong with them?

The banner where it says "Southern Pacific Lines" is bowed out and you can see the glue strings behind it.   Six of the seven cars are like this and is easily viewable before I even unpacked them. I only removed one car and noticed it. It's as if the banners were cut just a hair too long causing them to want to bow out. Granted I could probably carefully glue them back but on the fence about it.  I mean for almost 1K nothing but perfection should be expected.  

I would tell them that you could fix them IF they compensated you!  I agree. For that much money one should expect and receive a perfect product!  


Arnold D. Cribari posted:
Trussman posted:

Just couldn't resist these very nice 027 pw silver, black lettering w/gray roofs passenger cars at a good price. Bought them Monday and arrived today.

   2) silver w gray roof 2421 23 24 [4)2) silver w gray roof 2421 23 24 [6)


That looks like a very nice find in the perpetual treasure hunt.

Thanks Arnold, I think it was a good deal, cost a c-note and 3 saw bucks shipped. ;-)  

The only imperfection is a slight smudge on one side of the Chatham car.

David 66 posted:

i just bought a prewar, painted (red top) with fluted sides Flying Yankee. Its nice, missing one vestibule but has all the plastic window inserts. Id like to repaint at some stage of the game. i do however need a vestibule.

ive bought a mess of other stuff ill photograph it when im next home


So now ya gotta go to York! Plenty there. One table I call the 'streamliner lady', usually has lots of sets and parts.

Mo985 posted:
Deuce posted:

Wife commented yesterday "Every day it's something new in the mail for this railroad." Probably need to start laying low!

Ya know, if you have stuff shipped to your work, you can avoid that "hostile environment" and negativity. 

However , you then need to come up with ways to get it into your house, and hope that the MRS. doesn't pay "that close" of attention to notice when new stuff shows up. 

Deuce- At some point you will reach what we all know as critical mass.

That means that the mass of crap you have for the RR is large enough that the new stuff blends in


PS- this is still sitting in my office till I can figure out how to smuggle it up to my attic

2018-02-08 08.42.27



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Dennis Holler posted:

Just picked up this older scale Lionel PRR H9s loco.  It is boardless but I would like to install a cruise commander.  Also got this older MTH GP-30 for a good deal.  Both from a fellow Forum member.   With this H9 now on my layout, I think I will pass on the new 2018 Lionel H10.


Are you OK Dennis? This stuff looks way too new for you!

Both are very nice!


RSJB18 posted:
Mo985 posted:
Deuce posted:

Wife commented yesterday "Every day it's something new in the mail for this railroad." Probably need to start laying low!

Ya know, if you have stuff shipped to your work, you can avoid that "hostile environment" and negativity. 

However , you then need to come up with ways to get it into your house, and hope that the MRS. doesn't pay "that close" of attention to notice when new stuff shows up. 

Deuce- At some point you will reach what we all know as critical mass.

That means that the mass of crap you have for the RR is large enough that the new stuff blends in


PS- this is still sitting in my office till I can figure out how to smuggle it up to my attic

2018-02-08 08.42.27


 If it is that much trouble, you can send it to me... and I will send it to your home as a gift!  You thought I was going to stop at send it to me, didn't you!!   

Mark Boyce posted:
RSJB18 posted:
Mo985 posted:
Deuce posted:

Wife commented yesterday "Every day it's something new in the mail for this railroad." Probably need to start laying low!

Ya know, if you have stuff shipped to your work, you can avoid that "hostile environment" and negativity. 

However , you then need to come up with ways to get it into your house, and hope that the MRS. doesn't pay "that close" of attention to notice when new stuff shows up. 

Deuce- At some point you will reach what we all know as critical mass.

That means that the mass of crap you have for the RR is large enough that the new stuff blends in


PS- this is still sitting in my office till I can figure out how to smuggle it up to my attic

2018-02-08 08.42.27


 If it is that much trouble, you can send it to me... and I will send it to your home as a gift!  You thought I was going to stop at send it to me, didn't you!!   

LOL Mark!- the trains are on the layout. This is the empty box!

RSJB18 posted:
Mark Boyce posted:
RSJB18 posted:
Mo985 posted:
Deuce posted:

Wife commented yesterday "Every day it's something new in the mail for this railroad." Probably need to start laying low!

Ya know, if you have stuff shipped to your work, you can avoid that "hostile environment" and negativity. 

However , you then need to come up with ways to get it into your house, and hope that the MRS. doesn't pay "that close" of attention to notice when new stuff shows up. 

Deuce- At some point you will reach what we all know as critical mass.

That means that the mass of crap you have for the RR is large enough that the new stuff blends in


PS- this is still sitting in my office till I can figure out how to smuggle it up to my attic

2018-02-08 08.42.27


 If it is that much trouble, you can send it to me... and I will send it to your home as a gift!  You thought I was going to stop at send it to me, didn't you!!   

LOL Mark!- the trains are on the layout. This is the empty box!


carsntrains posted:

I finally got my A pack of reindeer disconnect cars!  Only problem is the pack says set A. But the cars are set B!!!  Now I have two sets of B cars!   Aint lookin good! 


Mario's Trains says since my order was filled with the correct package but incorrect content he would not let me return them or refund my purchase. That Lionel should take care of it. I called Lionel and they don't have any to replace them with.  They are trying to find some.  I told Joe at Mario's  .  He says if Lionel cant help me I now  own 2 sets of B cars .    Now Im looking for a new dealer !!


carsntrains posted:
carsntrains posted:

I finally got my A pack of reindeer disconnect cars!  Only problem is the pack says set A. But the cars are set B!!!  Now I have two sets of B cars!   Aint lookin good! 


Mario's Trains says since my order was filled with the correct package but incorrect content he would not let me return them or refund my purchase. That Lionel should take care of it. I called Lionel and they don't have any to replace them with.  They are trying to find some.  I told Joe at Mario's  .  He says if Lionel cant help me I now  own 2 sets of B cars .    Now Im looking for a new dealer !!


Wow, I'm sorry to see this!!  I would have thought he would have had you ship them back to him for a refund, then he would send them to Lionel and it would be obvious they were mis-packaged.  I am not familiar with the item.  Is the box all cardboard so that you can't see what is in it until you open the box? 

Mark Boyce posted:
carsntrains posted:
carsntrains posted:

I finally got my A pack of reindeer disconnect cars!  Only problem is the pack says set A. But the cars are set B!!!  Now I have two sets of B cars!   Aint lookin good! 


Mario's Trains says since my order was filled with the correct package but incorrect content he would not let me return them or refund my purchase. That Lionel should take care of it. I called Lionel and they don't have any to replace them with.  They are trying to find some.  I told Joe at Mario's  .  He says if Lionel cant help me I now  own 2 sets of B cars .    Now Im looking for a new dealer !!


Wow, I'm sorry to see this!!  I would have thought he would have had you ship them back to him for a refund, then he would send them to Lionel and it would be obvious they were mis-packaged.  I am not familiar with the item.  Is the box all cardboard so that you can't see what is in it until you open the box? 

No Mark.  Is is a box with a window in the front with clear packaging so you can see the cars.   I even sent an email asking him to check it lol


Last edited by carsntrains
carsntrains posted:
carsntrains posted:

I finally got my A pack of reindeer disconnect cars!  Only problem is the pack says set A. But the cars are set B!!!  Now I have two sets of B cars!   Aint lookin good! 


Mario's Trains says since my order was filled with the correct package but incorrect content he would not let me return them or refund my purchase. That Lionel should take care of it. I called Lionel and they don't have any to replace them with.  They are trying to find some.  I told Joe at Mario's  .  He says if Lionel cant help me I now  own 2 sets of B cars .    Now Im looking for a new dealer !!


This is interesting.. I have to rely on the internet, forum buy, sell, trade and forum  sponsors for my train needs.. I don't have a local hobby shop, the closest reliable one is about 125mi away.. Any dealer is happy to sell you stuff.. It's when you have issues with an order that"the cream rises to the top".. I have already eliminated one forum sponsor because of lack of concern to an order issue.. I have purchased a good many things from Mario's Trains, but have had no issues.... Perhaps I need to rethink who I purchase from in the future!!!

Last edited by Woodson
carsntrains posted:

Mario's Trains says since my order was filled with the correct package but incorrect content he would not let me return them or refund my purchase. That Lionel should take care of it. I called Lionel and they don't have any to replace them with.  They are trying to find some.  I told Joe at Mario's  .  He says if Lionel cant help me I now  own 2 sets of B cars .    Now Im looking for a new dealer !!


That is a bummer.  since you wanted a full set, if Lionel can't get you a proper "A", they should refund your other "B" set too.

I skipped the Christmas versions, but I ordered all the other disconnect cars.  I actually ordered 2 full "sets" of the short cars (all boxed as individuals, but they comprise a "set" in my mind, at least ), one of each type of car from the 2 (3?) catalogs that had them prior to 2018 V1.  I realize this is a bit OCD, but I ordered 2 full sets specifically because 2 colors of caboose were offered, so I could theoretically run 2 trains that would have a slight different look due to the caboose color.

When I received all of these cars around Christmas, instead of a brown caboose, the second one was also red, with just the different road number on it! While the listing in the links doesn't specifically call out the color in the text, the catalog copy did (both print and on-line):

Totally not the same thing as cataloged!  It's puzzling, because it's not like these have road names on them or anything, and Lionel could claim they did more research and found it wasn't prototypical, or any plausible excuse like that.  It's also extremely puzzling because the 4 pack Dinner set did come with a brown caboose, though it's a slightly different design with the clerestory roof shown I believe.

I decided to take delivery of the cars from my dealer anyway, as it was not his fault Lionel screwed up the color on one (and they technically weren't offered as a "set", that was my doing).  I may try to find someone who wants a full set of  these with either red road number caboose though.

I'll need to post some pics of the actual cars later (not sure if anyone ever posted them yet in this thread or not).  I do like the cars, just not the caboose color for the one item.



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Last edited by Dave45681
carsntrains posted:
Mark Boyce posted:
carsntrains posted:
carsntrains posted:

I finally got my A pack of reindeer disconnect cars!  Only problem is the pack says set A. But the cars are set B!!!  Now I have two sets of B cars!   Aint lookin good! 


Mario's Trains says since my order was filled with the correct package but incorrect content he would not let me return them or refund my purchase. That Lionel should take care of it. I called Lionel and they don't have any to replace them with.  They are trying to find some.  I told Joe at Mario's  .  He says if Lionel cant help me I now  own 2 sets of B cars .    Now Im looking for a new dealer !!


Wow, I'm sorry to see this!!  I would have thought he would have had you ship them back to him for a refund, then he would send them to Lionel and it would be obvious they were mis-packaged.  I am not familiar with the item.  Is the box all cardboard so that you can't see what is in it until you open the box? 

No Mark.  Is is a box with a window in the front with clear packaging so you can see the cars.   I even sent an email asking him to check it lol


Wow Jim!  It would have seemed like a no brainer on his part to give you a refund!!  

Dave45681 posted:
carsntrains posted:

Mario's Trains says since my order was filled with the correct package but incorrect content he would not let me return them or refund my purchase. That Lionel should take care of it. I called Lionel and they don't have any to replace them with.  They are trying to find some.  I told Joe at Mario's  .  He says if Lionel cant help me I now  own 2 sets of B cars .    Now Im looking for a new dealer !!


That is a bummer.  since you wanted a full set, if Lionel can't get you a proper "A", they should refund your other "B" set too.

I skipped the Christmas versions, but I ordered all the other disconnect cars.  I actually ordered 2 full "sets" of the short cars (all boxed as individuals, but they comprise a "set" in my mind, at least ), one of each type of car from the 2 (3?) catalogs that had them prior to 2018 V1.  I realize this is a bit OCD, but I ordered 2 full sets specifically because 2 colors of caboose were offered, so I could theoretically run 2 trains that would have a slight different look due to the caboose color.

When I received all of these cars around Christmas, instead of a brown caboose, the second one was also red, with just the different road number on it! While the listing in the links doesn't specifically call out the color in the text, the catalog copy did (both print and on-line):

Totally not the same thing as cataloged!  It's puzzling, because it's not like these have road names on them or anything, and Lionel could claim they did more research and found it wasn't prototypical, or any plausible excuse like that.  It's also extremely puzzling because the 4 pack Dinner set did come with a brown caboose, though it's a slightly different design with the clerestory roof shown I believe.

I decided to take delivery of the cars from my dealer anyway, as it was not his fault Lionel screwed up the color on one (and they technically weren't offered as a "set", that was my doing).  I may try to find someone who wants a full set of  these with either red road number caboose though.

I'll need to post some pics of the actual cars later (not sure if anyone ever posted them yet in this thread or not).  I do like the cars, just not the caboose color for the one item.


Please do post pics!   I just saw these for the first time a few days ago.

Adriatic posted:
Dave45681 posted:
carsntrains posted:

Mario's Trains says since my order was filled with the correct package but incorrect content he would not let me return them or refund my purchase. That Lionel should take care of it. I called Lionel and they don't have any to replace them with.  They are trying to find some.  I told Joe at Mario's  .  He says if Lionel cant help me I now  own 2 sets of B cars .    Now Im looking for a new dealer !!


That is a bummer.  since you wanted a full set, if Lionel can't get you a proper "A", they should refund your other "B" set too.

I skipped the Christmas versions, but I ordered all the other disconnect cars.  I actually ordered 2 full "sets" of the short cars (all boxed as individuals, but they comprise a "set" in my mind, at least ), one of each type of car from the 2 (3?) catalogs that had them prior to 2018 V1.  I realize this is a bit OCD, but I ordered 2 full sets specifically because 2 colors of caboose were offered, so I could theoretically run 2 trains that would have a slight different look due to the caboose color.

When I received all of these cars around Christmas, instead of a brown caboose, the second one was also red, with just the different road number on it! While the listing in the links doesn't specifically call out the color in the text, the catalog copy did (both print and on-line):

Totally not the same thing as cataloged!  It's puzzling, because it's not like these have road names on them or anything, and Lionel could claim they did more research and found it wasn't prototypical, or any plausible excuse like that.  It's also extremely puzzling because the 4 pack Dinner set did come with a brown caboose, though it's a slightly different design with the clerestory roof shown I believe.

I decided to take delivery of the cars from my dealer anyway, as it was not his fault Lionel screwed up the color on one (and they technically weren't offered as a "set", that was my doing).  I may try to find someone who wants a full set of  these with either red road number caboose though.

I'll need to post some pics of the actual cars later (not sure if anyone ever posted them yet in this thread or not).  I do like the cars, just not the caboose color for the one item.


Please do post pics!   I just saw these for the first time a few days ago.

They are in the 2017 signature catalog.   And I will post pictures later.   I really like the cars.   A bit prices but as I have said they have a big cool factor!


carsntrains posted:
carsntrains posted:

I finally got my A pack of reindeer disconnect cars!  Only problem is the pack says set A. But the cars are set B!!!  Now I have two sets of B cars!   Aint lookin good! 


Mario's Trains says since my order was filled with the correct package but incorrect content he would not let me return them or refund my purchase. That Lionel should take care of it. I called Lionel and they don't have any to replace them with.  They are trying to find some.  I told Joe at Mario's  .  He says if Lionel cant help me I now  own 2 sets of B cars .    Now Im looking for a new dealer !!


      I also see this as Lionel's fault... 200% because they make the distribution chain rules, Mario's would be stuck with a product YOU pre-ordered. The alternate choice for you is waiting for a shelved product and taking a chance on it selling out or never being ordered because the store didn't think it would sell.

  I'm not saying it was smart not to appease the customer, but then again it isn't my stockroom that might be filled with dozens of sets of cars I didn't want in my overhead.

...Lionel distribution system is at fault imo, but good luck.

   And I agree, they should offer to take back both sets if the pre-order for their cars actually produced, can't be completed in full.

...The next thing you know you'll order a loco, but get a non-returnable $1000 caboose instead ...."the road name is correct; sort of anyhow, so you own it" 

As long as we are talking about dealers, this what I recently received as a result of winning a

recent auction. As you can see, the signal bridge is in good shape in the auction photo,

not so much in the as received. Both shipping box and the ob were undamaged. This is

the result of some one in the shipping department just trying to jam it into the box.

I contacted the dealer and the first response I received was a lecture on what "as is"

meant. The second offered me $15 saying they were selling between 9.99 and 11.99

on ebay. NOT! That day the average price on ebay was 53.41. Then she came back with

the fact that the price I got it for in auction was only $30 and that also included a 397

coal loader so she was offering me $15 because that was half the price I paid for two items

in the auction. I told her she could take the $15, buy me a similar item and have it shipped 

to me. No response since then.1517778576025IMG_20180206_090059IMG_20180206_090019s-l1600


carsntrains posted:
Adriatic posted:
Dave45681 posted:
carsntrains posted:

Mario's Trains says since my order was filled with the correct package but incorrect content he would not let me return them or refund my purchase. That Lionel should take care of it. I called Lionel and they don't have any to replace them with.  They are trying to find some.  I told Joe at Mario's  .  He says if Lionel cant help me I now  own 2 sets of B cars .    Now Im looking for a new dealer !!


That is a bummer.  since you wanted a full set, if Lionel can't get you a proper "A", they should refund your other "B" set too.

I skipped the Christmas versions, but I ordered all the other disconnect cars.  I actually ordered 2 full "sets" of the short cars (all boxed as individuals, but they comprise a "set" in my mind, at least ), one of each type of car from the 2 (3?) catalogs that had them prior to 2018 V1.  I realize this is a bit OCD, but I ordered 2 full sets specifically because 2 colors of caboose were offered, so I could theoretically run 2 trains that would have a slight different look due to the caboose color.

When I received all of these cars around Christmas, instead of a brown caboose, the second one was also red, with just the different road number on it! While the listing in the links doesn't specifically call out the color in the text, the catalog copy did (both print and on-line):

Totally not the same thing as cataloged!  It's puzzling, because it's not like these have road names on them or anything, and Lionel could claim they did more research and found it wasn't prototypical, or any plausible excuse like that.  It's also extremely puzzling because the 4 pack Dinner set did come with a brown caboose, though it's a slightly different design with the clerestory roof shown I believe.

I decided to take delivery of the cars from my dealer anyway, as it was not his fault Lionel screwed up the color on one (and they technically weren't offered as a "set", that was my doing).  I may try to find someone who wants a full set of  these with either red road number caboose though.

I'll need to post some pics of the actual cars later (not sure if anyone ever posted them yet in this thread or not).  I do like the cars, just not the caboose color for the one item.


Please do post pics!   I just saw these for the first time a few days ago.

They are in the 2017 signature catalog.   And I will post pictures later.   I really like the cars.   A bit prices but as I have said they have a big cool factor!


Closest thing are the old MPC Kickapoo RR starter set cars. I've been trying to get a buddy to sell me his (cheap ) for a few years.

  I found some cheap plastic toy bobbers that work out, but a nicer set of bobbers would be.....well, they'd be nice to have too

I wonder if we will get a smaller logging loco too? A closer to 1:48 Porter or Forney? Vulcan steam ? IMG_20180208_141351


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I will check the 6-83102, 6-83107 and 6-83110 Southern Pacific Cars that just arrived from Train World.  So far the rear coupler on the 6-83107 Two-pack Coach Car will not close. The knuckle on the coupler won't go in enough to catch the pin. 

I just reached Lionel service and was told to return the cars to the dealer because the couplers and trucks on the second run 21" passengers are different and not interchangeable according to Katie.  Lionel does not have replacement parts at this time and cannot guarantee that they will get any repair parts in the future.  (I just ordered a second Lionel 6-83107 set from Paul while I pack up my first to return.)

The 6-83110 Sound SP Stations car had to be programmed three times before the Announcements would broadcast.  The first and second programming only caused the background sounds to play when activated.  My previous Wabash diner did the same thing.

I will open the factory-sealed 6-83102 4-car set this afternoon. I quit in frustration and went to bed last night after dealing with just three of the seven cars.

This morning I returned my new Western Maryland 3-truck Shay to another dealer. The gear started grinding after 15 minutes. the rear engineer axle may be missing a bushing, The axle moves up and down one-quarter inch. When going in reverse, the rear engine truck lifts slightly.  Fortunately my old Westside Lumber #10 TMCC Shay runs smoothly, though the sound is old technology.

Adriatic posted:
carsntrains posted:
carsntrains posted:

I finally got my A pack of reindeer disconnect cars!  Only problem is the pack says set A. But the cars are set B!!!  Now I have two sets of B cars!   Aint lookin good! 


Mario's Trains says since my order was filled with the correct package but incorrect content he would not let me return them or refund my purchase. That Lionel should take care of it. I called Lionel and they don't have any to replace them with.  They are trying to find some.  I told Joe at Mario's  .  He says if Lionel cant help me I now  own 2 sets of B cars .    Now Im looking for a new dealer !!


      I also see this as Lionel's fault... 200% because they make the distribution chain rules, Mario's would be stuck with a product YOU pre-ordered. The alternate choice for you is waiting for a shelved product and taking a chance on it selling out or never being ordered because the store didn't think it would sell.

  I'm not saying it was smart not to appease the customer, but then again it isn't my stockroom that might be filled with dozens of sets of cars I didn't want in my overhead.

...Lionel distribution system is at fault imo, but good luck.

   And I agree, they should offer to take back both sets if the pre-order for their cars actually produced, can't be completed in full.

...The next thing you know you'll order a loco, but get a non-returnable $1000 caboose instead ...."the road name is correct; sort of anyhow, so you own it" 

Thing is I didnt buy anything from Lionel.   Im not bad mouthing them just that policy. 


Well I just bought a M &STL caboose to match my Geep. Bought on Ebay at a good price ,came in 3 days almost.  Whwn the usps showed it delivered , it wasnt ib my mail.  Drove to post office, the driver was sent back over and hand delivered them with 2 other pkgs.  He said key fell out of my box, yeah buddy😐

At least I have this one. Another USPS pkg is lost  or damaged at local distribution center, for a 7 days now, put a claim on it, its a Lionel  train wreck  recovery  set.😥20180208_145201


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Sparky,  My 6-83102 set has bowed and loose Southern Pacific Lines name plates too. The Observation name plate runs out over the door on the side. Lionel has no parts and instructed me to return it to my dealer.  Good luck finding a set that does not have this problem. Your set is one, and my set is two.  Does anybody else have a set with loosening name stripes? 

Lionel will not be attempting to fix these at their service center. They have no parts and will not be getting parts.  The word is "send them back". ...after waiting so long.

John Rowlen posted:

Sparky,  My 6-83102 set has bowed and loose Southern Pacific Lines name plates too. The Observation name plate runs out over the door on the side. Lionel has no parts and instructed me to return it to my dealer.  Good luck finding a set that does not have this problem. Your set is one, and my set is two.  Does anybody else have a set with loosening name stripes? 

Lionel will not be attempting to fix these at their service center. They have no parts and will not be getting parts.  The word is "send them back". ...after waiting so long.

Wow.  Not cool, especially for those who bought the engine meant to go with them too.

These posts are making me think I might have made a serious mistake deciding to place an order for the Broadway Limited from the 2017V2 catalog.  If the overall quality is really this bad, it seems highly unlikely to get a fully non-defect laden set, and even harder if you also wanted good add-on cars to go with it.


Mark Boyce posted:
RSJB18 posted:
Mo985 posted:
Deuce posted:

Wife commented yesterday "Every day it's something new in the mail for this railroad." Probably need to start laying low!

Ya know, if you have stuff shipped to your work, you can avoid that "hostile environment" and negativity. 

However , you then need to come up with ways to get it into your house, and hope that the MRS. doesn't pay "that close" of attention to notice when new stuff shows up. 

Deuce- At some point you will reach what we all know as critical mass.

That means that the mass of crap you have for the RR is large enough that the new stuff blends in


PS- this is still sitting in my office till I can figure out how to smuggle it up to my attic

2018-02-08 08.42.27


 If it is that much trouble, you can send it to me... and I will send it to your home as a gift!  You thought I was going to stop at send it to me, didn't you!!   

Hahaha, it just so happens that I am known to have good luck with "raffles" and "door prizes"! 

Good evening, yesterday I received my Pennsy K4s face from Stoddart's Ltd.

I asked for a Pennsy face a while back and they said they were working on one.

Someone posted some photo's from the Amherst  show and there was the Pennsy face.

 Nicely detailed and a great addition to my other Pennsy art work.

The face has a Headlight and Marker lights which are Led and battery operated. The on/off switch is up under the front pilot.



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  • mceclip0
Mo985 posted:
Mark Boyce posted:
RSJB18 posted:
Mo985 posted:
Deuce posted:

Wife commented yesterday "Every day it's something new in the mail for this railroad." Probably need to start laying low!

Ya know, if you have stuff shipped to your work, you can avoid that "hostile environment" and negativity. 

However , you then need to come up with ways to get it into your house, and hope that the MRS. doesn't pay "that close" of attention to notice when new stuff shows up. 

Deuce- At some point you will reach what we all know as critical mass.

That means that the mass of crap you have for the RR is large enough that the new stuff blends in


PS- this is still sitting in my office till I can figure out how to smuggle it up to my attic

2018-02-08 08.42.27


 If it is that much trouble, you can send it to me... and I will send it to your home as a gift!  You thought I was going to stop at send it to me, didn't you!!   

Hahaha, it just so happens that I am known to have good luck with "raffles" and "door prizes"! 

LOL, so I guess your wife doesn't ask how many tickets you bought to win? My wife would be all over it!

MarkStrittmatter posted:

Good evening, yesterday I received my Pennsy K4s face from Stoddart's Ltd.

I asked for a Pennsy face a while back and they said they were working on one.

Someone posted some photo's from the Amherst  show and there was the Pennsy face.

 Nicely detailed and a great addition to my other Pennsy art work.

The face has a Headlight and Marker lights which are Led and battery operated. The on/off switch is up under the front pilot.


Very nice, Mark!!

RSJB18 posted:
Dennis Holler posted:

Just picked up this older scale Lionel PRR H9s loco.  It is boardless but I would like to install a cruise commander.  Also got this older MTH GP-30 for a good deal.  Both from a fellow Forum member.   With this H9 now on my layout, I think I will pass on the new 2018 Lionel H10.


Are you OK Dennis? This stuff looks way too new for you!

Both are very nice!


$75 each and the 2-8-0 is missing all the boards inside.  The PO said the GP30 did not run, but once it showed up it did run...needs a little service, but it runs.  your right, they aren't very tinplatey are they!

AmeenTrainGuy posted:
Deuce posted:

I have zero willpower. 682972-03

Is that an industrial switcher? I always wondered if there were any in real life and what roads used them, I could not find any pics. Does anyone know anything about these switchers? 

   Plymouth and Vulcan would be your two main names to search. I'm not sure which it is exactly, and there are other similar looking I'd imagine; maybe Whitcomb?

RSJB18 posted:
Deuce posted:

I have zero willpower. 682972-03


If you like little switchers these K-line Plymouths are really nice.

2018-01-04 10.17.00

I do like the look,  I needed (ok, not really) this one for the Inglenook puzzle on my O27 loop. It's small enough to navigate the curves and is a LC so I don't have to futz with the transformer controls. Hope Lionel makes them as a LC+ at some point. 

carsntrains posted:
Deuce posted:

I have zero willpower. 682972-03

WOW that is SWEET!    I need something like that to pull my disconnect cars.   In Southern or a Christmas theme!!!


I got it off the bay. It's a part of the Lionel Junction PRR set. It was a breakdown (engine only) and I managed to snag it at a price that made enough sense for me not to buy the whole set elsewhere, or grab the E33 LC+ I've been sweating over.

I'm thinking I'll go through my trains and put a few that I know I'll probably never use (along with a bunch of my golf clubs) on eBay. Maybe I'll make enough to grab an LC+.

pdxtrains posted:

Bought a group of cheap people off Amazon. Cut some plastic squares from a package harvested from garbage, some E6000 and I have figures that stand up and can be easily placed around my on the floor layout! Fun!FA61ADF3-0DCD-497D-8843-DADE0D816F8C65AE293D-EABB-45F3-8FC9-3854F7DC9D7473BE88BA-0E82-4A09-B51E-60028B8E3F30

Congratulations on getting your little people cheap. Cheap is important. I went to a train show recently, and a vendor had some very nice metal little people. I was stunned how ecpensive they were.

Arnold D. Cribari posted:
pdxtrains posted:

2BD4A635-F697-48FA-A6EE-21B8B45E12E7I think I paid 12 bucks for 100 and prime shipping got them to me in two days. The seated figures aren’t as good for passenger cars because I think they are a bit too big. But with my toy layout the standing figures are marvelous. Here’s a group I will use waiting for the train .

Great deal. Who did you buy them from?

Search amazon for o scale people and it should come up

New Railking Amtrak Genesis from Trainworld. Here it goes through the PSA sequence. In the background, I discovered my LC Amtrak loco will negotiate o27 so it pulls a passenger car from the 90s I think, and a string of Lionel horse, zoo and giraffe cars, tailed by a Ringling Bros caboose, all circling the Lemax rides and animated circus. Finally, in the foreground, you can see my grouping of cheap people from my earlier post. Really happy with Trainworld and the clear, no nonsense return policy printed right on the invoice!


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jim pastorius posted:

I went antiquing today with friends and found a nice Lionel 260E  with a tender for $225. The tender looked like a Vandy. I have lost my Lionel books and was wondering if this was a good price ? The piping etc on the engine was copper. It seems I have read that 260s are good engines.  What do yiu think ??

If it is complete and the wheels are good, I'd say yes.  It would have come with either a 260T (Vanderbilt) or a 263W or T also a Vanderbilt tender.  Look at it this way, a new MTH one is listed at $430 plus, so I figure if you can get a really nice original for less or considerably less, that is a good deal.

Mo985 posted:
mike g. posted:


Thank you so much for the kind gifts Brian!

That plane is gonna look great on your airfield, Mike!

You know Mo, its funny I was telling Brian tonight how you and Larry Sr. helped me with the airfield! I told him I would dig up some pictures of it and repost it for him! Thanks again!

04085C9F-FDD4-4E83-B3AB-72CD801D01B857E240BC-CE19-4297-87E4-30EC8C968EAFBought some Lionel LIRR cars. The couplers aren’t strong, but I guess I should expect that. Still, fun.

Here an Amtrak engine pulls a nostalgia train consist of an early Amtrak phase car and LIRR cars. Next stop— the circus and fair! My next purchase needs to be a LIRR loco but I’d like it with passenger sounds. Right now my layout is really all Amtrak motive power and I’m having fun with that.


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Last edited by pdxtrains

Finally in what has been a glorious week of adding to motive power, RDC Budd cars in Amtrak livery. Sometimes the second car headlight in front flickers, but it seems to do so when cold and it settles down. If it’s about to fail I guess I will find out, but so far so good.

By the way, the lights flash between psa announcements because I am on transformer power on that loop. I run two loops on good old z500 transformers from old starter sets, a third loop from a remote commander powered by a z500 brick, and the outer loop that has two switches and a passing lane is controlled by the new DCS Explorer and powered by a z1000. I run two Amtrak passenger trains on that loop with zero problems. Since I’m mostly running loops that are independent, I find the use of the different systems liberating and flexible. Too much fun! Enjoy. 


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Last edited by pdxtrains

Cleaned, polished and lubed the Lionel JR orange and gray streamliner. It had no motor

when I bought it so I installed one out of a flying yankee. The disc wheels look a lot

better than the one with steam wheels that was original. Runs good. A new one on ebay

today, probably in worse shape than mine and they are asking $230. I prob have less

than a hundred in min. Pardon the inadequate video skills. 



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pdxtrains posted:

04085C9F-FDD4-4E83-B3AB-72CD801D01B857E240BC-CE19-4297-87E4-30EC8C968EAFBought some Lionel LIRR cars. The couplers aren’t strong, but I guess I should expect that. Still, fun.

Here an Amtrak engine pulls a nostalgia train consist of an early Amtrak phase car and LIRR cars. Next stop— the circus and fair! My next purchase needs to be a LIRR loco but I’d like it with passenger sounds. Right now my layout is really all Amtrak motive power and I’m having fun with that.

A nice LIRR RS-3 pulling those cars will look sharp! Give Charlie at Nassau Hobby a call. He has a great selection of MTH equipment.



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John Rowlen posted:

Sparky,  My 6-83102 set has bowed and loose Southern Pacific Lines name plates too. The Observation name plate runs out over the door on the side. Lionel has no parts and instructed me to return it to my dealer.  Good luck finding a set that does not have this problem. Your set is one, and my set is two.  Does anybody else have a set with loosening name stripes? 

Lionel will not be attempting to fix these at their service center. They have no parts and will not be getting parts.  The word is "send them back". ...after waiting so long.

I called the dealer. Told me all of the sets are like this. Don't know for sure as they are shipped out in the original cardboard box.  So unless they are removing them how would you know. They told me Lionel says wait for them to warm up and push name plates back and they should stick. HA what a joke.  So apparently Lionel has invented glue that activates at let's say 64F and above but comes loose in colder temperatures.  The excuses given for the price charged is unacceptable. Looks like I'll be doing self repairs on new products. 

I ordered these SP cars a long time ago after the GS4 was ordered and have not purchased anymore Lionel products due to issues like this and a quite a few new Legacy locomotives as well.  At least I have enough engines and cars to keep me satisfied for years to come now.

I can say that my MTH stuff is much more reliable and have experienced an extremely far less amount of problems.

Sparky74 posted:
John Rowlen posted:

Sparky,  My 6-83102 set has bowed and loose Southern Pacific Lines name plates too. The Observation name plate runs out over the door on the side. Lionel has no parts and instructed me to return it to my dealer.  Good luck finding a set that does not have this problem. Your set is one, and my set is two.  Does anybody else have a set with loosening name stripes? 

Lionel will not be attempting to fix these at their service center. They have no parts and will not be getting parts.  The word is "send them back". ...after waiting so long.

I called the dealer. Told me all of the sets are like this. Don't know for sure as they are shipped out in the original cardboard box.  So unless they are removing them how would you know. They told me Lionel says wait for them to warm up and push name plates back and they should stick. HA what a joke.  So apparently Lionel has invented glue that activates at let's say 64F and above but comes loose in colder temperatures.  The excuses given for the price charged is unacceptable. Looks like I'll be doing self repairs on new products. 

I ordered these SP cars a long time ago after the GS4 was ordered and have not purchased anymore Lionel products due to issues like this and a quite a few new Legacy locomotives as well.  At least I have enough engines and cars to keep me satisfied for years to come now.

I can say that my MTH stuff is much more reliable and have experienced an extremely far less amount of problems.

What will yall do when Lionel doesnt have parts  ..  Tells you to return it to your dealer.. Then the dealer tells you that you can't return it to them because they shipped you the right product number so you own them? 


Last edited by carsntrains

Big Mike G,

   The Coors plane is out of sight, very serious gift from Brian.  I just picked up another original Tin Plate 817 Caboose in full semi-gloss Red, to add to the Tin Plate Mini 817 Collection.  She arrived this morning in perfect condition, including the Box Couplers, she is the next to the last Caboose on the 263E Work Train Consist.


Some serious Tin on the over head shelf FasTrack layout.



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Last edited by Pine Creek Railroad

Bunch of goodies today!


House was not as big as I thought it would be. Might be able to add another to the layout. 


Accessory transformer! Now to get it wired up.


Needed some Pennsy rolling stock for the PRRBeep engines and my son's PRR steam engine. These will fit the bill nicely.


Needed something to shuttle people to/from my stations.


Will never run these, but they remind me of home.


This one works, but the cellophane is broken. I'll fix it with brake light tape, I think.


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Pine Creek Railroad posted:

Big Mike G,

   The Coors plane is out of sight, very serious gift from Brian.  I just picked up another original Tin Plate 817 Caboose in full semi-gloss Red, to add to the Tin Plate Mini 817 Collection.  She arrived this morning in perfect condition, including the Box Couplers, she is the next to the last Caboose on the 263E Work Train Consist.


Some serious Tin on the over head shelf FasTrack layout.


Again..  I still like that little light up Santa!!! 

Jim : ) johnson [2)


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  • johnson (2)
Last edited by carsntrains
carsntrains posted:
Pine Creek Railroad posted:

Big Mike G,

   The Coors plane is out of sight, very serious gift from Brian.  I just picked up another original Tin Plate 817 Caboose in full semi-gloss Red, to add to the Tin Plate Mini 817 Collection.  She arrived this morning in perfect condition, including the Box Couplers, she is the next to the last Caboose on the 263E Work Train Consist.


Some serious Tin on the over head shelf FasTrack layout.


Again..  I still like that little light up Santa!!! 

Jim : ) johnson [2)

Jim, I am sure glad I seen this picture with out my wife looking over my shoulder! I love Christmas, but hate the work making everything look just right! LOL

I picked up a 624 switcher and did the whistle relay conversion on the couplers. It was a non runner when it showed up. All bound up with dried grease. Not bad for a $60 low ball offer on eBay. 

And I picked up a 6 1/2 foot long 4 shelf set at Home Depot on sale for $149. Finally have a place for my engine shed that was too big for the layout. Set it up for power on the 2 shed tracks and it’ll have 3 full length tracks and a half track for car storage. 


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mike g. posted:
carsntrains posted:
Pine Creek Railroad posted:

Big Mike G,

   The Coors plane is out of sight, very serious gift from Brian.  I just picked up another original Tin Plate 817 Caboose in full semi-gloss Red, to add to the Tin Plate Mini 817 Collection.  She arrived this morning in perfect condition, including the Box Couplers, she is the next to the last Caboose on the 263E Work Train Consist.


Some serious Tin on the over head shelf FasTrack layout.


Again..  I still like that little light up Santa!!! 

Jim : ) johnson [2)

Jim, I am sure glad I seen this picture with out my wife looking over my shoulder! I love Christmas, but hate the work making everything look just right! LOL

Mike.   That was 2015.   All of that is computer controlled also.  Flashes to music.  Roof can be 5 different colors.  soldiers, snowmen, stars, snowflakes, and all hanging lights are hooked to an LOR controller.  


I had one of those gotta have sale moments and picked up 2 inexpensive Bachmann G scale conventional engines.

I thought they would be neat to name (decal) Rock Creek RR .

That's my Outside Train in the Yard  Projects name. lol


Still having lot's of fun. Even in Winter.

Black unlettered 2 4 2


Green unlettered  2 4 2

A good one for the grandchildren to crash and .....well you know .lol


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Larry Sr. posted:

I had one of those gotta have sale moments and picked up 2 inexpensive Bachmann G scale conventional engines.

I thought they would be neat to name (decal) Rock Creek RR .

That's my Outside Train in the Yard  Projects name. lol


Still having lot's of fun. Even in Winter.

Black unlettered 2 4 2


Green unlettered  2 4 2

A good one for the grandchildren to crash and .....well you know .lol

Nice buy Larry! Plus great planning ahead! LOL

carsntrains posted:
mike g. posted:
carsntrains posted:
Pine Creek Railroad posted:

Big Mike G,

   The Coors plane is out of sight, very serious gift from Brian.  I just picked up another original Tin Plate 817 Caboose in full semi-gloss Red, to add to the Tin Plate Mini 817 Collection.  She arrived this morning in perfect condition, including the Box Couplers, she is the next to the last Caboose on the 263E Work Train Consist.


Some serious Tin on the over head shelf FasTrack layout.


Again..  I still like that little light up Santa!!! 

Jim : ) johnson [2)

Jim, I am sure glad I seen this picture with out my wife looking over my shoulder! I love Christmas, but hate the work making everything look just right! LOL

Mike.   That was 2015.   All of that is computer controlled also.  Flashes to music.  Roof can be 5 different colors.  soldiers, snowmen, stars, snowflakes, and all hanging lights are hooked to an LOR controller.  


Someone pleased tell me what happened to lights on the gutters, a few in the trees, and maybe some around the windows! I thought as you get older things were to get easier! LOL

mike g. posted:
Mill City posted:

Impressive! But I have to ask; Where dose it all live during it's post season hiatus?

johnson [2)

In the big building he wanted for the Layout! 

Mike hit the nail on the head!!  I built a 16x32 building in the back.  16x24 was closed in for a train layout. Even built the bench work!   Ended up full of Christmas, Halloween, Easter, and Valentines decorations!   If you see pictures of my present layout build you see some Halloween stuff under the layout.  Have another 8x12  building close to the back of the house.  2/3 of it is full of Christmas stuff.   The window with Tazz and Tweety has a 4x10 table/shelf in it with molds on top and below it.   I have well over 1000 blow molded figures.  The room on the left end is my new train room!  

Notice the red/green/blue/and white snowmen that represent our military, police, fire, and first responders.  

I take all of my "hobbies" seriously!   I also collect Mark Martin die-cast cars.  And dabble in self defense "equipment" LOL 


Edit:  OOPs forgot I also have a 12x24 steel building I got to put my camper in.  Built a 4 shelf 4x8 storage area that is 100% Halloween!   20171106_183709


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  • 20171106_183709
Last edited by carsntrains
carsntrains posted:
mike g. posted:
Mill City posted:

Impressive! But I have to ask; Where dose it all live during it's post season hiatus?

In the big building he wanted for the Layout! 

Mike hit the nail on the head!!  I built a 16x32 building in the back.  16x24 was closed in for a train layout. Even built the bench work!   Ended up full of Christmas, Halloween, Easter, and Valentines decorations!   If you see pictures of my present layout build you see some Halloween stuff under the layout.  Have another 8x12  building close to the back of the house.  2/3 of it is full of Christmas stuff.   The window with Tazz and Tweety has a 4x10 table/shelf in it with molds on top and below it.   I have well over 1000 blow molded figures.  The room on the left end is my new train room!  

Notice the red/green/blue/and white snowmen that represent our military, police, fire, and first responders.  

I take all of my "hobbies" seriously!   I also collect Mark Martin die-cast cars.  And dabble in self defense "equipment" LOL 


Edit:  OOPs forgot I also have a 12x24 steel building I got to put my camper in.  Built a 4 shelf 4x8 storage area that is 100% Halloween!   20171106_183709

It's very comforting knowing that I'm not alone with collecting pathologies. I'm currently in recovery and have reduced warehouse space from 9000f2 down to 1500f2. The saying was, "if it's large, heavy, and obsolete, I probably have it." At least blow mold stuff isn't heavy, but you must have several tons of zip cords, cube taps cable, and distros to power all that stuff up. Fun, nevertheless...

NIMG_20180212_184440o big deal, but I just got this Marx GN  light green box car. I only started 

collecting the marx short boxcars a couple of months ago. Lot of fun to look

for variations and not much money. I think I have ten already.  I have several 

marx 6 inch prewar ones, but I think I will sell them and continue with the

postwar ones. 


Images (1)
  • IMG_20180212_184440
beardog posted:

NIMG_20180212_184440o big deal, but I just got this Marx GN  light green box car. I only started 

collecting the marx short boxcars a couple of months ago. Lot of fun to look

for variations and not much money. I think I have ten already.  I have several 

marx 6 inch prewar ones, but I think I will sell them and continue with the

postwar ones. 

Beardog I think I have a few odd pieces of Marx.   Have to dig in a few totes .. 


carsntrains posted:
beardog posted:

NIMG_20180212_184440o big deal, but I just got this Marx GN  light green box car. I only started 

collecting the marx short boxcars a couple of months ago. Lot of fun to look

for variations and not much money. I think I have ten already.  I have several 

marx 6 inch prewar ones, but I think I will sell them and continue with the

postwar ones. 

Beardog I think I have a few odd pieces of Marx.   Have to dig in a few totes .. 


Thanks, Jim


These MTH NASA cars were delivered to our house today. The quality and detail is very impressive. I'm excited about collecting for a new NASA theme.

Not sure if my wife would be happy to have the back yard turned into a reproduction Cape Canaveral / Kennedy Space Center complete with Florida wetlands. The neighbours might also have something to say about the launch tower. I can dream!




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  • IMG_8173
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O Gauge Guy posted:

These MTH NASA cars were delivered to our house today. The quality and detail is very impressive. I'm excited about collecting for a new NASA theme.

Not sure if my wife would be happy to have the back yard turned into a reproduction Cape Canaveral / Kennedy Space Center complete with Florida wetlands. The neighbours might also have something to say about the launch tower. I can dream!



Those are awesome!!!  


Mill City posted:
carsntrains posted:
mike g. posted:
Mill City posted:

Impressive! But I have to ask; Where dose it all live during it's post season hiatus?

In the big building he wanted for the Layout! 

Mike hit the nail on the head!!  I built a 16x32 building in the back.  16x24 was closed in for a train layout. Even built the bench work!   Ended up full of Christmas, Halloween, Easter, and Valentines decorations!   If you see pictures of my present layout build you see some Halloween stuff under the layout.  Have another 8x12  building close to the back of the house.  2/3 of it is full of Christmas stuff.   The window with Tazz and Tweety has a 4x10 table/shelf in it with molds on top and below it.   I have well over 1000 blow molded figures.  The room on the left end is my new train room!  

Notice the red/green/blue/and white snowmen that represent our military, police, fire, and first responders.  

I take all of my "hobbies" seriously!   I also collect Mark Martin die-cast cars.  And dabble in self defense "equipment" LOL 


Edit:  OOPs forgot I also have a 12x24 steel building I got to put my camper in.  Built a 4 shelf 4x8 storage area that is 100% Halloween!   20171106_183709

It's very comforting knowing that I'm not alone with collecting pathologies. I'm currently in recovery and have reduced warehouse space from 9000f2 down to 1500f2. The saying was, "if it's large, heavy, and obsolete, I probably have it." At least blow mold stuff isn't heavy, but you must have several tons of zip cords, cube taps cable, and distros to power all that stuff up. Fun, nevertheless...

No zip cords for me!!  Although I do use indoor cords outside.   And the electric company would go broke if they counted on my bill!!  LED bulbs in nearly everything!  The only thing not LED on that setup is just a few soldiers and the icicle lights on the house!!   My bill for that time period for the past 3 years has been around 100.00 dollars lol   Taps yes tons.  Cords hundreds.  


Last edited by carsntrains
Mill City posted:
carsntrains posted:
mike g. posted:
Mill City posted:

Impressive! But I have to ask; Where dose it all live during it's post season hiatus?

In the big building he wanted for the Layout! 

Mike hit the nail on the head!!  I built a 16x32 building in the back.  16x24 was closed in for a train layout. Even built the bench work!   Ended up full of Christmas, Halloween, Easter, and Valentines decorations!   If you see pictures of my present layout build you see some Halloween stuff under the layout.  Have another 8x12  building close to the back of the house.  2/3 of it is full of Christmas stuff.   The window with Tazz and Tweety has a 4x10 table/shelf in it with molds on top and below it.   I have well over 1000 blow molded figures.  The room on the left end is my new train room!  

Notice the red/green/blue/and white snowmen that represent our military, police, fire, and first responders.  

I take all of my "hobbies" seriously!   I also collect Mark Martin die-cast cars.  And dabble in self defense "equipment" LOL 


Edit:  OOPs forgot I also have a 12x24 steel building I got to put my camper in.  Built a 4 shelf 4x8 storage area that is 100% Halloween!   20171106_183709

It's very comforting knowing that I'm not alone with collecting pathologies. I'm currently in recovery and have reduced warehouse space from 9000f2 down to 1500f2. The saying was, "if it's large, heavy, and obsolete, I probably have it." At least blow mold stuff isn't heavy, but you must have several tons of zip cords, cube taps cable, and distros to power all that stuff up. Fun, nevertheless...

I'm lost somewhere between "Hoarders" and "American Pickers". 

O Gauge Guy,

   You are going to love running the NASA rolling stock, having worked for NASA/Martin Marietta at both the Michoud & Huntsville Plants, I have a real nice NASA Train, with both the different #1 & #3 Switcher Engines.  I do believe between Jim's wife (Peggy) and myself we had just about every NASA Car ever made. MTH, K-Line and Lionel.  I have to admit I do not own the newer double decker MTH Car, in your picture. Real nice unique piece of NASA rolling stock.

Have fun with your NASA Train!



Last edited by Pine Creek Railroad
O Gauge Guy posted:

These MTH NASA cars were delivered to our house today. The quality and detail is very impressive. I'm excited about collecting for a new NASA theme.

Not sure if my wife would be happy to have the back yard turned into a reproduction Cape Canaveral / Kennedy Space Center complete with Florida wetlands. The neighbours might also have something to say about the launch tower. I can dream!



WOW! Those are really nice!  That little collection alone makes me want to start a NASA collection.  I'm rooting (sp?) for your outdoor Cape Canaveral making it to reality.  It would be fantastic.  What will pull these new cars, O Gauge Guy?

Tomlinson Run Railroad

Mill City posted:

Jim, I assume you have these guys casted in your line-up...

Image result for blow mold train

Related image



I have 3 different trains and 4 different tenders.  That Halloween train you have pictured is a custom but I now the guy that made it!   I have the very rare black train that was only made one year, still in the box it came in.  : )  


carsntrains posted:  

I have 3 different trains and 4 different tenders.  That Halloween train you have pictured is a custom but I now the guy that made it!   I have the very rare black train that was only made one year, still in the box it came in.  : )  


Why am I not surprised? Of course you have them, and then some. I'm going to have to find you and check it out for myself. I thought I was out of control with 200-plus foam Jack-O-Lanterns, but that doesn't hold a candle to this collection. I'm thankful they stopped producing them in foam, or that number could have become much worst. Is there a blow-mold club of some sort?

An example of early production foam JOL...


Last edited by Mill City
Mill City posted:
carsntrains posted:  

I have 3 different trains and 4 different tenders.  That Halloween train you have pictured is a custom but I now the guy that made it!   I have the very rare black train that was only made one year, still in the box it came in.  : )  


Why an I not surprised? Of course you have them, and then some. I'm going to have to find you and check it out for myself. I thought I was out of control with 200-plus foam Jack-O-Lanterns, but that doesn't hold a candle to this collection. I'm thankful they stopped producing them in foam, or that number could have become much worst. Is there a blow-mold club of some sort?

Early foam JOL


Cool pumpkin!   Yes there are a few blow mold groups on Facebook.  BlowMoldnation is about the best. 


Pine Creek Railroad posted:

O Gauge Guy,

   You are going to love running the NASA rolling stock, having worked for NASA/Martin Marietta at both the Michoud & Huntsville Plants, I have a real nice NASA Train, with both the different #1 & #3 Switcher Engines.  I do believe between Jim's wife (Peggy) and myself we had just about every NASA Car ever made. MTH, K-Line and Lionel.  I have to admit I do not own the newer double decker MTH Car, in your picture. Real nice unique piece of NASA rolling stock.

Have fun with your NASA Train!



Thanks for your comments. Are your switchers the SW1500? The white/blue or dark red ones?

TomlinsonRunRR posted:
O Gauge Guy posted:

These MTH NASA cars were delivered to our house today. The quality and detail is very impressive. I'm excited about collecting for a new NASA theme.

Not sure if my wife would be happy to have the back yard turned into a reproduction Cape Canaveral / Kennedy Space Center complete with Florida wetlands. The neighbours might also have something to say about the launch tower. I can dream!



WOW! Those are really nice!  That little collection alone makes me want to start a NASA collection.  I'm rooting (sp?) for your outdoor Cape Canaveral making it to reality.  It would be fantastic.  What will pull these new cars, O Gauge Guy?

Tomlinson Run Railroad

I'm hoping to be able to find one of these 2 options to buy ...



Images (2)
  • 3GS21B
  • SW1500
O Gauge Guy posted:
TomlinsonRunRR posted:
O Gauge Guy posted:

These MTH NASA cars were delivered to our house today. The quality and detail is very impressive. I'm excited about collecting for a new NASA theme.

Not sure if my wife would be happy to have the back yard turned into a reproduction Cape Canaveral / Kennedy Space Center complete with Florida wetlands. The neighbours might also have something to say about the launch tower. I can dream!


WOW! Those are really nice!  That little collection alone makes me want to start a NASA collection.  I'm rooting (sp?) for your outdoor Cape Canaveral making it to reality.  It would be fantastic.  What will pull these new cars, O Gauge Guy?

Tomlinson Run Railroad

I'm hoping to be able to find one of these 2 options to buy ...


Humm ... tough choice!  Both have their merits.


O Gauge Guy & T RUN RR

   My NASA Switcher Engines are the older P2 #1 Red, White and Black, I have 2 of these Switcher Engines, to run as a double header & the P3 #3 Blue, White and Red Switcher.  I do not have the P3 Genset Deisel Version.  Here is the truth, NASA never had one, unless they Purchased one after I retired.  All the NASA Engines were 1500 type Switchers in real life, when President Reagan's Star War Program was being built.  The one Engine MTH did not produce was the Michoud NASA internal plant, Yellow, Red & Black Switcher, that moved the LO and LH Tanks around for rail shipment to the Gulf.  Of Course MTH might never have had access to actually see or photograph this particular NASA Switcher Engine, to know of it's existence.





Last edited by Pine Creek Railroad
RSJB18 posted:
Tug_Driver posted:

I found a 218 “B” unit today. A little scratched up but not bad considering how rare they are. 

Cool. I have the 218 AA set. Never knew there was a B unit made.

They did but it was very limited. https://www.tandem-associates....rains_218_diesel.htm

Too bad my A unit is spent. It has reached a point where it just won’t run. I’m sending it off to Dr. Tinker for what will most likely be a motor swap. 

Now boarding passengers at Gate 4 of Yankee Stadium after Aaron Judge hit a grand slam home run in the bottom of the ninth inning of the seventh game of the 2018 World Series to defeat and break the hearts of the miracle Pittsburgh Pirates (sorry Mark), who amazed the Universe by coming from nowhere to win the National League Pennant, is a brand new Lion Chief Plus New Jersey Central 4-6-2 Pacific:

EFC269DA-57AB-47D1-8AAC-BAC448872427C80650E6-4B0D-473C-B3A1-B09BFB671255IMHO, there ain’t no “perfier” (prettier with a Southern drawl) engine than that. It’s cute and adorable in every way and relatively affordable. I got it from a local hobby store for $389, which does not break the bank.

I’ll put some nice passenger cars behind it later, turn it into a Blue Comet, make a video of it running, and then post the video here later.



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Dennis Holler posted:

Found another Marklin loco, this one a clockwork RS 900.  Will need some work like everything I seem to find...

My rs900 endmy RS900 side

So, Dennis, for someone not familiar with this Marklin loco and clockwork trains in general, what do the two rods with the knobs do?   Backwards?  Forwards?  Wind 'em up an' go?  Just wondering; it looks good!


Tomlinson Run Railroad


beardog posted:

NIMG_20180212_184440o big deal, but I just got this Marx GN  light green box car. I only started 

collecting the marx short boxcars a couple of months ago. Lot of fun to look

for variations and not much money. I think I have ten already.  I have several 

marx 6 inch prewar ones, but I think I will sell them and continue with the

postwar ones. 

if you decide to part with your Marx, l would be interested in them.  my email in profile...

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