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@lee drennen posted:

DEF130C1-B600-4CBB-B8EC-6417D96E6116This came in the mail today I finally scored a Weaver RS-3 been wanting one for years runs smooth thought I would get a UP since I don’t have much of any Western Rails 

Nice...good running model. FWIW, mine (which is of a similar vintage: red box, etc.) has a slightly warped frame in that the bottom of the pilots would contact the railheads. It took a fair bit of judicious filing to remove enough material to fix the issue. Hoping yours does not have that problem...

Mark in Oregon 

@Strummer posted:

Nice...good running model. FWIW, mine (which is of a similar vintage: red box, etc.) has a slightly warped frame in that the bottom of the pilots would contact the railheads. It took a fair bit of judicious filing to remove enough material to fix the issue. Hoping yours does not have that problem...

Mark in Oregon 

Mark. Thanks yes it does bottom out when coming off a grade glad you mentioned that I will check it out 

By pure happenstance, last week I read a thread on OGR forum with a link to Atlas' parts site with a parts break-out for their California Zephyr train from a few years back.  Clicked on the link and found the diagrams and a p/n for the dome.  Called Atlas on Monday and my four O Scale Budd domes arrived today.  Still can't believe these were available, and feel very lucky to have these...I've been looking for several years for ANY O scale dome by any mfr. or vendor, but preferably Budd domes.

Atlas Budd Domes 11

These will be used in my four Clark Benson 21" dome cars produced in the 80's.  A quick test fit and I'm confident these will work.


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  • Atlas Budd Domes 11
  • Atlas Budd Domes 6
  • Atlas Budd Domes 9
  • Clark Benson II 001
Last edited by Pingman

Bought this little beauty of a set, managed to get the tape off without damaging the box and have removed some cardboard someone glued over the other side's logo, also without damaging the box. Has everything except for the paperwork, even the original track wires! Got it cheap, thank god it had that engine, as my other one is out of service thanks to...."family" (same reason why my 2032's are OOS), planing on making my old one a Delaware and Hudson now after repairs.


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Last week I decided to ordered the M&M cars from Menards. I do not usually do fantasy but last year I joined a modular group and decided kids may get a kick out of seeing a candy train. The cars are well done and better in person then the photos.  I also found a MTH caboose to go with it plus I just located an MTH engine in the M&M paint scheme to go with these. Pics Paul 2



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@paul 2 posted:

Last week I decided to ordered the M&M cars from Menards. I do not usually do fantasy but last year I joined a modular group and decided kids may get a kick out of seeing a candy train. The cars are well done and better in person then the photos.  I also found a MTH caboose to go with it plus I just located an MTH engine in the M&M paint scheme to go with these. Pics Paul 2

I have exactly the same thought, Paul2, since I recently joined a club with a large traveling layout--kids will be instantly drawn to it--best to keep it well out of their reach, of course!

Dang it LeapinLarry,

Quit showing me all of these cool accessories.  I'm gonna go broke if I buy any more stuff.

(I am shocked to discover that the cost of the track and used engines is the cheapest part of a new layout.  It's all of those extras, like wire, connectors, crimping tools, pins, control buttons, bridge rectifiers, and accessories that will kill you on money side).  Thank God I'm not hooked on boxcars!



I bought this diecast 4-6-0 on E-Bay: no tender, just the locomotive. I know it's two-rail, it's probably an antique, and that it's had a rough time, but that's about all I know about it. Can anyone enlighten me as to who made it?


EDIT: I learned that it was an old All Nation ten-wheeler. I don't know just how old it is, but at a guess, I'd say it's pushing fifty if it hasn't passed it yet.




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  • thumbnail_IMG_2960: Fireman's side
  • thumbnail_IMG_2961: From above
  • thumbnail_IMG_2964: Engineer's side
Last edited by Mister_Lee
@Mister_Lee posted:

I bought this diecast 4-6-0 on E-Bay: no tender, just the locomotive. I know it's two-rail, it's probably an antique, and that it's had a rough time, but that's about all I know about it. Can anyone enlighten me as to who made it?


EDIT: I learned that it was an old All Nation ten-wheeler. I don't know just how old it is, but at a guess, I'd say it's pushing fifty if it hasn't passed it yet.



Nice. I started a thread on the 2-rail forum about a very similar engine; hope yours is "quartered" better than mine... 

Mark in Oregon

@leapinlarry posted:

Hey RSJB18, Bob, that’s a beautiful D&H Delaware and Hudson Diesel, great colors. I don’t have the engine I’ve just ordered, but it’s a UP Genset, VL, and I’m going to weather it, ad a little graffiti, and enjoy it.... Happy Railroading Everyone B5037308-81D9-452F-B5EA-EF31BB4CCCF2

Thanks Larry. The two rivers kind of 'frame" New York if you will. Can't go west off Long Island without crossing both. Love the sign BTW.

Paul @Apples55- wait....the techno-peasant is advocating for digital controls????

For 3 weeks I've been wanting to post these items- the purchases started on the weekend after my birthday, (birthday was Agust 13. so August 15th). These items all came from hobby shops . one retail store and one  'flash" train meet". I'd like to thank, in no particular order: Gryzboski's, Henning's, Ye Olda Train Shoppe, Tony's hobby shop and Renninger's Flash train meet at Renninger's antique/farmer's market in Quakertown PA. There will be more to come but right now I'm going to focus on accessories and rolling stock:

New passenger platform(Lionel-Tony's Hobby shop) and to the right is an awesome, medium sized MTH train station- labeled the country depot(Henning's). In front of the Platform is the woodland scenics chain link fence(Henning's)- pricey but wow is it a neat, realistic accessory!Lionel Platform WS Fence

COuntry depot from the front. Apparently, MTH copied this from Woodland scenics, there was a lawsuit, and it was withdrawn from production. Prior to buying it for a very reasonable amount, I knew none of this- not that it wuld've mattered, it was the perfect sized station I was looking for. Shrubbery and Lichen from Hobby LobbyMth Country Passenger Depot 30-90302

Tupelo's dairy farm milk tank car(Gryzboski's) ! Love these guys, have Borden's one already. The trackside construction company gondola for my new freight consist( renninger's) has 2 MTH generators(Hening's)Trackside CONSTRUCTION Gondola

Tupelo's dairy car up close. Behind it to the right is the 
"Mr. Spiffy and...." accessory by Lionel. Older gentleman talking to a youngergirl while his dog does his business in the backgroundTupelo Dairy butter dish car

Ok, yes it's tin but it's also postwar and the Marx 400 is plastic- trying to get the guy to run. Already had the stock car but not in very good condition. The track and fastrack bumpers are new as well. This is just an unconnected siding I set up between my two mainlines for the time beig.

Marx 400 UP Stock car

One of my favorites- New marx Sears box car! Man is this guy cool- this one is actually from ebay, forgive my lie in paragrah one lol.New marx Sears & Marx UP stock car


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  • Lionel Platform WS Fence
  • Mth Country Passenger Depot 30-90302
  • Trackside CONSTRUCTION Gondola
  • Tupelo Dairy butter dish car
  • Marx 400 UP Stock car
  • New marx Sears & Marx UP stock car

Picked this up from my LHS today. Railking Scale ATSF H10-44 with PS3. Pretty nice locomotive. The last brand new MTH locomotive I'll probably ever get. First locomotive I ever pre-ordered as well. Plan is to use it to move cars around and back up trains, so I don't have to use road locomotives to back trains into storage tracks. 



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Last week I purchased two pw Sunoco tankers, a 6415 and a 2465 w/boxes. For several yrs I've been looking for 2465 Sunoco two dome tanker w/good complete legible water slide decals. The lower part reads :  

"Tested 5-21-23 pressure 60 lbs" 

"at Milton Pa by A C & F co. " 

Most of the time the "at Milton Pa. by A C & F co" is at the lower horizonal seam and is scrapped off from wear. AC&F Milton Pa. is about 30 miles from where I live.

1) Sunoco 2465 tanker [3) crp



2) Sunoco 6415 tanker [2)


1) Sunoco 2465 tanker [2) crp









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  • 1) Sunoco 2465 tanker (3) crp
  • 2) Sunoco 6415 tanker (2)
  • 1) Sunoco 2465 tanker (2) crp

Ok, my cool item is a C,B & Q boxcar (Atlas #0507-1)   So why is a lowly boxcar cool ?  It's a car I'll run, but it's also a reminder of our trip last month to the Black Hills of S.Dakota.  The Burlington had a fascinating Black Hills 108 mile branchline that had 4 tunnels and 100 bridges.  The Burlington also went through my wife's hometown.  "Everywhere West" sums it up !IMG_0993


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Following up on my previous post

@Trussman posted:

Last week I purchased two pw Sunoco tankers, a 6415 and a 2465 w/boxes. For several yrs I've been looking for 2465 Sunoco two dome tanker w/good complete legible water slide decals. The lower part reads :  

"Tested 5-21-23 pressure 60 lbs" 

"at Milton Pa by A C & F co. " 

Most of the time the "at Milton Pa. by A C & F co" is at the lower horizonal seam and is scrapped off from wear. AC&F Milton Pa. is about 30 miles from where I live.

1) Sunoco 2465 tanker [3) crp



2) Sunoco 6415 tanker [2)


1) Sunoco 2465 tanker [2) crp








I really enjoy the Postwar tank cars( and the modern tank cars, and the box cars, etc.. ha). Have seen the water slide 6415s but at best the ones I’ve seen have been in “good” condition(not counting train meets where I wasn’t particularly looking for any). Anyway, the 1952(?) version came with my grandfather’s 1 and 1479WS set and I went through a phase of collecting the any brand(shell, Sunoco, Gulf) of the Prewar 1680s and Postwar single dome 6035s, double dome 6465s, triple dome 6425s. They weren’t high on my list but I’d pick them up when I felt it was right. Anyway, the variations in this range can drive one mad- but good on you for being able to find the ones you wanted. I really like your 6415 triple dome in particular 

@Bill T posted:

A pair of the Menards Trains Tide tankers. Very cool, sure do stand out mixed in a freight consist. The 2 free lighted Shelbies are a terrific bonus.


What's your experience with the couplers and wheels?

I received 3 of the Tide tank cars.

Couplers are very weak and some of the wheels when you free spin them they stop after about 2 or 3 seconds; no free-wheeling.

I did notice the trucks are plastic; maybe that's the problem?

@gunny nice pick up on the BL-2 ! In S no less! A couple months after I started collecting, I saw a Bl-2 O gauge for the first time- cant recall the RN but the BL-2 was a lighter blue with a silver stripe(where @RSJB18 ‘s yellow stripe is on the GE demonstrator) , made by Williams(maybe Wbb)  at a hobby shop. Had never seen one before and thought What a neat diesel with a cool, sleek ‘twist’ as opposed to the traditional F and E units.

@pennsynut beautiful brass PRR RPO! Makes me feel self-conscious about the Pennsy I got in the mail yesterday lol... I don’t have my GGD but I heavily considered ordering one of their upcoming Viewliners as an Amtrak fan and see profile pic ha

Cool pick up on theń Tide cars- @Bill T ! Do you have the Tide factory, too? Side note-I really like the look of your layout, in general- nice spacing between tracks, structures, details on point-the ties after the bumper, pick-up truck driver getting into the truck with beams, etc....Very nice! @Postwarman great lot of assorted freight- your tankers’ Class I/ semi-recently defunct RNs are the types of names for which I’m looking in rolling rock right now. 

Also, I really wish I had a  Menards near me! Do they still do that “mystery box” thing? Heard of that previously.

@Lou1985 very cool Santa Fe Fairbanks-Morse H10-44, lols like it’ll be a joy to run. Sad to hear people saying how it’s the last MTH “insert” They’ll ever buy- at. Flash train meet 2 weeks ago I planned on buying an engine(pics coming!) Good offers all around- one on a transfer engine stands out- but when I was at the table deciding between  a few different engines and finally between a MTH Penn Central E44(a RR which i’d Actually hated until recently, that’s another story though) and the “to be revealed in next post”, I chose the later. 

Like (I bet) a lot of you, I have interests in things other than trains. This is something I picked up this week with the intention of gifting it to our son this Christmas:


He's a bit of a writer, and this will be the second vintage "Royal" we've given him. Might as well start a collection of these too, right?  

Mark in Oregon

PS: when I "go", he gets my guitars...and trains!


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  • Royal

MTH dome car 1 8x6MTH dome car 2 8x6MTH dome car 3 8x6MTH dome car 4 8x6Just got my MTH 30-68207 North Pole Vista Dome Car with LED Lights delivered today, and it's fantastic. It also pairs nicely with the Polar Express FT, which I recently acquired through a forum member. I had been looking out for one of those for a long time, and will likely use the FT more than the PE steam engine for future Christmas layouts.



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  • MTH dome car 1 8x6
  • MTH dome car 2 8x6
  • MTH dome car 3 8x6
  • MTH dome car 4 8x6
Last edited by sinistar

I posted already in a separate thread, but picked up this vintage brass 2 rail locomotive.  I've been seeking one for about 8 years.  Thanks to input from this forum, the drive is an All Nation and it runs well considering this was likely built in the 50's.  Still trying to identify the manufacturer of the body.  



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This arrived earlier in the week and Completeds my 13 1/4 “ set of MTH PRR O-27 Madisons(Baggage/RPO, Baggage Combine, 2 coaches and observation). Then this 2 pack which has the Diner car and an RPO combine. At the least the lettering, or lack there of, on the combines gives me some diversity with mixed consists;


Next up- Scratchbuilt factory(won at auction) in the back. Lionel produced American Flyer truck(Hennings) and New York Central track inspection car(modern- 1995ish)-renninger’s Train meet.


The picture below is taken from where my mainline will extended to- a good 3 feet added in length and the table matches the current width perfectly. Also, the platform by MTH, UP stock car by MArx and Lionel 901 Prewar Lake Shore are new editions 


The above picture show it more polished, below less so- but started adding “scenic accents”  and found it really adds some depth to my layout- after I learned how to dO it correctly. Also,  thought this was a nice shot of what I’m trying to do with my dairy and food freight consists. .



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Finally,  my first Lionel Legacy engine- a CSX SD60! Swooping through the majorly unfinished portion of my layout


Another shot of the CSX- Picked up at the Renninger’s meet. fortunately I have a nice amount of Chesapeake, B&O, C&O, And General freight. Unfortunately- not too many CSX freight cars so that’s something I’m looking to add.

Below: Again a show from the addition. On the outer loop is a K-Line Amtrak F40PH following along the CSX SD60. Even though I don’t have a Legacy system yet, I’m content with thecontrol the my cab1 affords me.270D10C2-F6F1-4E7E-8C12-C26C59548731

Also picked up a new PH-180 and a TPC 300 followed by a TPC 400(both under $35). As I don’t have Legacy(so no Legacy powermaster) and my TIU isn’t updated passed 4.2(this min start voltage at variable is 5v)- these allow greater control of my conventional(mainly my Prewar) Tinplate.F4F9E033-D8C1-4D2B-BB82-274798721969

EDIT: forgot to include- Lionel Amtrak tools car and an MTH Seaboard covered hopper.


Picked up this Santa Fe 204 Alco shell for $3- switched it outwith a warbonnet Alco 218 extra dummy from a local flea market079A78AC-4313-451D-9EDE-856D93967DB3


prisoner transport scene- bus is the recent acquisition- made by Kinsmart4FE1F223-F46F-472D-B7ED-56FFA0315F1A


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Last edited by StevefromPA
@StevefromPA posted:

Below: Again a show from the addition. On the outer loop is a K-Line Amtrak F40PH following along the CSX SD60. Even though I don’t have a Legacy system yet, I’m content with thecontrol the my cab1 affords me.

Before you decide to upgrade to the Lionel LEGACY system, take a look at the MTH DCS.

The advantage of the DCS is that you CAN run BOTH t he MTH DCS AND the Lionel LEGACY system by adding only a couple pieces of hardware. You can NOT run the DCS on the LEGACY system - except in conventional  mode.

Yes I recognize that MTH is closing down down, but according to a recent e-mail from Mike Wolfe (MTH CEO) the development of ProtoSound and DCS is going to continue - probably using current employees under a different company name.

@paulp575 posted:

What's your experience with the couplers and wheels?

I received 3 of the Tide tank cars.

Couplers are very weak and some of the wheels when you free spin them they stop after about 2 or 3 seconds; no free-wheeling.

I did notice the trucks are plastic; maybe that's the problem?

So far no issues with the couplers on the Tide tankers, they have made a few hundred laps around the layout in various positions of different freights. I always oil the wheels & axles on Menards freight cars, so no issues there.

Some cools things you folks are getting...... I recently bought several lighting boards from RoyzTrains. They are very cool. Easy to install. Now my hot incandescent baggage and RPO heavyweights are properly lit. I bought a socket plug today that has a lighted switch on the side. This will allow to quit unplugging my cords all over the lower level. 😎

@paulp575 posted:

Before you decide to upgrade to the Lionel LEGACY system, take a look at the MTH DCS.

The advantage of the DCS is that you CAN run BOTH t he MTH DCS AND the Lionel LEGACY system by adding only a couple pieces of hardware. You can NOT run the DCS on the LEGACY system - except in conventional  mode.

Yes I recognize that MTH is closing down down, but according to a recent e-mail from Mike Wolfe (MTH CEO) the development of ProtoSound and DCS is going to continue - probably using current employees under a different company name.

@paulp575 I'd say that's great advice- as I already purchased the  MTH DCS TIU with remote about a year ago . I bought the original Lionel TMCC with the goal of eventually connecting it to MTH in mind. My line of thinking at the time was I'll have all the benefits of Lionel TMCC,  all MTH, and at least the 8-bit TMCC access to Legacy. 

@Trussman posted:

I went to a friends house today to pick up my custom painted "Barry's Train Shop" box car he picked up for me while he was down visiting Barry. 


1) Barrys 6464 [6) crp

1) Barrys 6464 [8) crp


1) Barrys 6464 [11) crp


1) Barrys 6464 [16) crp

 This is great! I live in Hershey and got my grandfathers 226e and a few other engines a couple of years ago. I just set up a circle around the tree and only intended to use the trains at Christmas. Then that year I saw an ad in the local paper about a train shop closing sale so I went a few Saturdays in a row. I purchased several new cars and a used set of Southern Crescent passenger cars. I would have spent a lot more if I really knew what I wanted then. Since then I've kept the trains out and now have a small permanent layout. I have always liked the trains, but I credit Barry's for getting me into the hobby.  


I just put a nice consist together courtesy of the great folks on this forum. I bought these Williams NYC Baldwin Sharks  recently and needed a set of cars to pull behind. I saw a FS post from @Chris Dunn and POOF! instant NYC passenger train. These K-line repros work well on my tight curves and are nicely detailed.

Gotta love this place

2020-08-17 11.41.53DSC05500DSC05522


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@PRRick posted:This is great! I live in Hershey and got my grandfathers 226e and a few other engines a couple of years ago. I just set up a circle around the tree and only intended to use the trains at Christmas. Then that year I saw an ad in the local paper about a train shop closing sale so I went a few Saturdays in a row. I purchased several new cars and a used set of Southern Crescent passenger cars. I would have spent a lot more if I really knew what I wanted then. Since then I've kept the trains out and now have a small permanent layout. I have always liked the trains, but I credit Barry's for getting me into the hobby.  



I first met Barry atleast 20yrs ago, his table was across the isle from my table at York. Great guy and very reasonable prices on his trains.


@RSJB18 posted:

I just put a nice consist together courtesy of the great folks on this forum. I bought these Williams NYC Baldwin Sharks  recently and needed a set of cars to pull behind. I saw a FS post from @Chris Dunn and POOF! instant NYC passenger train. These K-line repros work well on my tight curves and are nicely detailed.

Gotta love this place

2020-08-17 11.41.53DSC05500

Hummmmm... a set of A-A Sharks, and now 4 passenger cars... definitely smells like a layout expansion is in order   

@leapinlarry posted:

Mannyrock, Thank You for the compliment. There’s a reason that where the molding is, is a straight line. At one time I had the nicest curve there and the wife said I was taking up too much room, So, we cut the table off right there. A happy wife is the answer to a happy life. She built the house, gave me a great basement, I can not complain.  RSJB18, thank you for the compliment to and I love looking at your pictures. Stay safe, stay healthy, Happy Railroading 73A0F5A4-50AA-43FF-8805-0BC316F16DD5

Mirrors on the ceiling, Larry? Cheesecake on the walls and layout fascia? Geez, Larry!

Nothing model train related as this time, but now that the nights are darker when we're done running trains on the tourist RR on which I volunteer as a brakeman, I needed a lantern. I have an excellent condition Adlake lantern, but I wanted a modern battery powered one with LEDs. I found a great deal on a pair of them on eBay. I'm keeping the best of the two (having cleaned it up with a paper towel soaked in Goo Gone), and likely I'll give the other to one of the younger guys who helped me through my initial training who needs one.


I've also been using some bargain-basement-looking masks on the trains, so I found these from the same vendor also on ePay, for just $5 each!



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1) Found "the other"  road # MTH 50' PC boxcar. MTH only made two road #'s and now I have a set.

PC Boxcars_20200911_144741006

2) Picked up this brand new MTH SD40-2 body shell in Western Maryland colors. I already had an MTH SD40-2 of the same vintage with a damaged body and had been on the lookout for some remedy when I scooped up this.  Feels like having an all new loco.  Shown here partnered up with a GP40. This version has ditch lights. I don't know if the WM ever had ditch lights but it's OK, I think ditch lights are kinda cool. WM didn't have dash-2's either, just SD40's. Still a pretty cool loco.

wM SD40-2_20200919_135326084WM SD40-2_20200919_135339244


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  • wM SD40-2_20200919_135326084
  • WM SD40-2_20200919_135339244
Last edited by Ralph M
@RamblerDon posted:

I finally finished my MPC steamers obsession with the final locomotive I needed for the Famous American Rail Road collection. Now to focus on the cars.


I also decided to put up the boxes for display because I really like the photos they used on these. I also noticed I didn't dust very well beforehand. 


You could add a Blue Comet and a Southern crescent and I doubt anyone would fault you....Nice collection!

@RamblerDon posted:

I finally finished my MPC steamers obsession with the final locomotive I needed for the Famous American Rail Road collection. Now to focus on the cars.


I also decided to put up the boxes for display because I really like the photos they used on these. I also noticed I didn't dust very well beforehand. 


That GN3100 is my favorite of that series.  Been keeping an eye out for a great price on one for years.  The only other one I have is the NKP 6-8215 that my wife got me for my wedding present.  Someday!!!

@justakid posted:

You could add a Blue Comet and a Southern crescent and I doubt anyone would fault you....Nice collection!

I do want a Blue Comet someday. Just not high on the list.

@brr posted:

RamblerDon, Santa Fe FARR#1? 

I have one but it doesn't have the cool photo box so I left it in storage. 

That GN3100 is my favorite of that series.  Been keeping an eye out for a great price on one for years.  The only other one I have is the NKP 6-8215 that my wife got me for my wedding present.  Someday!!!

I over paid a bit for the 3100 but when you get down to the last one you just want to be done with it! The 8215 is great. I usually run it with the L&N Berk they put out a few years later.


I'm still not sure though if I'm a tinplate guy with a MPC side collection or a MPC guy with some tinplate now! I guess it really doesn't matter but the local train shops really don't know what to pitch me lately when I stop in.

Well ITs Sunday but Fedex Pulled up and delivered this from Charlie RO!

Definitely a lot shorter and smaller than this below!

GGD-Independence Hall002

And definitely a lot smaller than the MTH 64' Cars too! 
NO interiors visible through the windows.

Gotta love it when Fed Ex makes your Sunday!

That obs car is drop dead gorgeous, one of my favorites - I don't have it, but if I did it would be my favorite!!!


Well, more junk project stuff for me.  Got another (fourth one) Scale Craft prewar PRR K4 pacific and then scored a newer Lionel legacy K4 shell for just $20... It actually fits pretty good on an old spare SC frame.... hmm




Dennis, I totally admire your style of "playing with trains", your ability to find old things that folks are willing to part with and turn them into functioning works of art. Attaboy!!


Got in engine house doors for the Danish single stall...had already slightly bashed and want to find another to lengthen this one, and l had fabricated doors, waiting for these, so checked Menards' two stall....too small!! Will have to fabricate LARGE doors for that, too, and lengthen one stall, and it is not petite. However l also got in windows for other projects.

I don't want to one-up anyone but I  bought this for the Chief Financial officer and Chairman of the board.  40th anniversary present, I figure if she can tolerate me for that long she deserves something nice.  


Wife had a cocktail ring from her mother that wasn't her style,  so we took it to a jeweler and had this custom made using the heirloom diamonds. Just got it back today. 

Show this to your significant other at your own risk. 

"Diamonds -that'll shut her up!"-Ronn White 

She says my anniversary present is in the works-hmmmm wondering what it could be. 



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To add my 2 cents. Aside from the addition that was completed today and the connecting room which will match it after next week...

I swore I wouldn't buy anything until my table was up. Yeah, no.

After reading some of the MPC/Pullmor posts I decided to just look at what would be available. Found a F3 in PRR green, A-B-A. The B is the rare one with the horn.

Then Sunday I was in a local train shop and I found a 6-18044 4-6-2 in Southern livery. It was to beautiful. After consulting the CFO it was acquired. It's sitting here in my office waiting for the table to go up.

I thought that was it, but nooooo.

While browsing last night I saw a scale Williams GG-1, green 5 stripe. Now normally GG-1s don't do it for cuz the semi scale ones never look right. Trainz had an absurdly low price on it. So I snatched it up. We will see if they realize their pricing mistake. If they don't then I will say what it was.


Soon to be CEO of the Pennsylvania & Southern circa 1930s to 1970s

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@leapinlarry posted:

Third Rail, you made a lot of great points with your CEO, also, congratulations on your 40th Anniversary, great to hear, also, during the LCCA Convention in Chicago, We visited your club layout, Awesome... Today, I received 2 new cars for my layout, VW’s..... Wow. Happy Railroading Everyone 1907E994-A06D-472E-8BC7-FC1808C2245A671F93C6-F010-48E7-B5A3-486D91F763EA

Thanks Larry. 

The club put many many hours into building the 2 layouts you saw, still not finished but when is a layout ever completed. 

2018 saw the club retire the mortgage on the building so all the money from dues , open houses and car sales/donations go into building and maintaining the layout.  Some members were talking about expansion in to one of the adjacent spaces as they empty. Who knows. 

IMG_20201001_122834IMG_20201001_122325Received my second GGD PRR Baggage Mail car today. It will be in the local commutter train with my current K-line passenger cars until I get enough itch to splurge on GGD P70 coaches. But those are 20 inches not 18 and I'm on the fence about how they will look and track on my layout. Here are the two GGD cars in the same train, new car on the right.


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Picked up these two New York Central passenger cars. With Penn Central being part of my model RR universe, I wanted a small infusion of NYC stock. I will eventually re-do these as Penn Central units. Historically, with ridership down and many PC passenger trains only running because of mandates, some PC trains only consisted of a single locomotive and a single coach. This train with two coaches and 4 baggage cars would have been a good sized passenger consist at one time.



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@romiller49 posted:

Frank, I don’t know if it’s prototypical or not but I think it’s beautifully done. Very nice. 

Thank you, it is a beautifully done engine, and it's not prototypical.  The prototypical engine had streamline shrouding.  The reason I said the colors were too bright, it did not match my un-prototypical MTH passenger cars...  Next time I'll run this engine I'll use Lionel's SS 21" passenger cars.


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Yesterday my Atlas scale CZ dome car "Silver Lariat" came. It's something special for my wife and I. She bought us a trip on the real car from the Bay Area to Reno and road it back two days later. Good food, good wine. It was wonderful going through the mountains sitting in the dome. Been looking for that car for a long time. Don


PS. I've posted this many times but it was shot on the "Silver Lariat" on an Amtrak run when we were going back to the Bay Area. We had four CZ cars at the tail of the train. IMG_0145


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Went to an estate sale yesterday...not much there but did pick up this Lionel circus car (circa 1956-57 if my research is correct).  Needs a little TLC but in pretty good shape.  Estate sale was the home of a former professor of mine who died a couple months ago so kinda cool to have a piece of him now part of our layout.20201003_14254220201003_142517


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Purchase a 2560 Lionel Crane from a forum member and a Lionel Prewar #831 from eBay.

Both are in fair condition and are the same length.


Since I like prewar I m thinking of taking the crane off the postwar flat and drilling out a hole in the prewar 831 flat car then to mount the crane on that flat.

I will repaint the 831 flat car and will keep the crane paint as is.

Once done I will pst pictures in the Prewar Section.


Also for the purist, the crane will not be modified at all and I will keep the Postwar 2560 flat in case I ever want to reassemble the original 2560 Crane car.

Also the prewar flat hole that was drilled could always be covered with the wood lad.





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A lot of cool stuff everyone! Very nice- from the beaut of a Santa Fe Steamer and passenger cars to the NY Central passenger cars and Atlas CZ car, the Prewar crane for a Prewar layout section(aiming to do that on mine as well!) and that awesome C&O E8 @Obsidian


Been meaning to post some of these for 2 1/2 weeks. Health issues got in the way, but I’m doing ok for now. Let’s start with CSX- Have been on a hunt for CSX freight cars and other quality scale freight ever since I got a Lionel CSX SD60 about  6 weeks ago....


oddly, I start w/ a diner car- but it fits the CSX criterion! And it’s a k-line 15” Aluminum, which I love. Tease- might be more to come!


CSX Coke Express- Better than I expected it to be in terms of scale and quality.38A42D6A-F649-426E-BADE-77059D9C8D50

Lastly and possibly most impactful- a Lionel CSX maxi-stack intermodal. My first intermodal car. When I was a kid, I fell in love with passenger cars. As I got back in the hobby. I realized I could mix and match those trains - to a degree. I havent had the actual desire or a willingness to spend effort to build a freight consist until I bought this “traditional size” Maxi-Stack. I’d like to add more of them and possibly Huskys, spine cars, container on flat, and even ToFcees.


The remnants of Conrail: With it’s assets, including rolling stock, split between Norfolk Southern & CSX , this MTH semi-scale Conrail Gondola with crates brings up the rear. 


A Weaver special make for  Penn Security out of Scranton must only be hauling office furniture as the PS-1 40’ boxcar sits at the transfer dock 


Lionel Roadrailer tractor trailer picking up from the transfer dock to take to the transfer depot


Lionel Grain Tractor trailerC64B3071-B341-421E-9076-B3DDF76CCFB5

lionel gravel tractor trailer

the tractor trailers are another byproduct of the intermodal bug. A set of 3 containers was supposed to come with them but the seller forgot, currently in the mail.


Finally, some new buildings. K-line Taxaco  gas station, used with permission through Taylor made trucks and with a special box.  from a LHS for a bargain because I don’t think they knew what it was. Nice fit at the back of the layout, even though it’s unfinished. C09784E2-7850-4790-8711-66939EDFD006

Finally- this behemoth.  MTH Dual engine shed! PRR edition. Side view


Front/rear view as they’re the same. Engines can go through and come out the other sideAF748CF1-A0FF-4BF2-9764-F397A6A26A81

if anyone has any interest in the Dual engine shed- please don’t hesitate to contact me. It was an impulse blast second bid on eBay. I’d rather someone who wants it get it- which I implored the seller to do for the runner-up($4 apart) but no message back.


anyway, hope you enjoyed!



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I had been eyeing a set of MTH plated Santa Fe E8's.  I had the cars and also the Atlas F3's or F7's that are plated and about 8 or 9 of the plated cars.   Initially I wanted a powered A and unpowered A but seemingly missed the boat on it.  @MrMuffin'sTrains had two powered A's in stock and so I bought those.  

I also bought 4 more of the 25.5 gallon Atlas masterline tank cars from them as well.  My birthday is in a few weeks, so I guess happy birthday to me.  Pictures and videos to come.


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Old Lionel, thank you for mentioning my using the TCA grading standards for purchasing pre-owned trains. Do to being confined to my home and just going to the stores essentially for food, hardware, lawn and garden supplies, our church, there’s ample time to read LCCA’s Interchange Track with all the train and related items for sale, and they’re grading system to, and OGR the magazine, and the OGR on line Forum, and working on the layout. These two engines were purchased from the same person, he packed everything perfectly. From near Gettysburg Pa., to Clarksville, Tennessee.... This is a good story.....Happy Ending... 104BE192-1AB2-4682-8968-C951C299826899EB918E-5619-4CC4-89BC-BEA351EBDBB1D41D6B9A-084A-4795-B7C7-3BBFE1371DAE


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I purchased this radio tower from "Whistle Stop Train Service and Repair" Rocky Point, NY.  Joe, advertised them on the "for sale or Trade thread. They are custom made and very well constructed.  Four beacon lights, 33 1/2 inches tall. The electrical hook  up connection is excellent. The lights can run on AC or DC 9 -14 volts. If you need a broadcast tower completely prototype and in scale, this is the one.  The base is 3" X 5"..

Here's a few shots'



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Gandydancer, Cool #313 Bascule bridge, with the boxes, one of my favorite of all time Lionel accessories.  Just wondering if the floor base was included? I’ve had those bridges both the one your picturing and the new Lionel release from years back. If you did not get the metal floor base, I have one that you may have. As much as I love this bridge, it didn’t allow my scale cars to go through it. I wish Lionel would make a new one, command controlled with the scale measurements that would allow us to operate Intermodal cars and GG1,s with a pantograph up. Congratulations, very nice. Happy Railroading Everyone

I purchased this radio tower from "Whistle Stop Train Service and Repair" Rocky Point, NY.  Joe, advertised them on the "for sale or Trade thread. They are custom made and very well constructed.  Four beacon lights, 33 1/2 inches tall. The electrical hook  up connection is excellent. The lights can run on AC or DC 9 -14 volts. If you need a broadcast tower completely prototype and in scale, this is the one.  The base is 3" X 5"..

Here's a few shots'


Ted, this is cool.  I hope we see the station soon....WKRP. You need to include the whole crew, Dr. Johnny Fever, Venus Flytrap, and of course, Les Nessman with the news, and Arthur Carlson "As God is my witness, I thought Turkeys could fly!" No one should attempt to model Jennifer Marlowe.      

@ToledoEd posted:

Ted, this is cool.  I hope we see the station soon....WKRP. You need to include the whole crew, Dr. Johnny Fever, Venus Flytrap, and of course, Les Nessman with the news, and Arthur Carlson "As God is my witness, I thought Turkeys could fly!" No one should attempt to model Jennifer Marlowe.      

Ed, The winter construction modeling schedule has yet again been added to and adjusted do to recent required projects..... do to popular demand'.....😁

@ToledoEd posted:

Ted, this is cool.  I hope we see the station soon....WKRP. You need to include the whole crew, Dr. Johnny Fever, Venus Flytrap, and of course, Les Nessman with the news, and Arthur Carlson "As God is my witness, I thought Turkeys could fly!" No one should attempt to model Jennifer Marlowe.      

Don't forget about Andy Travis, Bailey Quarters, and Herb Tarlek.

1) Abby and Ed's bd present 10-09-20 [3)

Last Saturday my son and his wife also my daughter and her boyfriend  has a belated birthday party for me. Previously my kids gave me my presents on my birthday. After dinner I was surprised when my son brought another gift from him and my daughter-inlaw. Lionel 81256 personalized message birthday box car.


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These are the FIVE original AF Wide Gauge freight cars I chose to go with my original AF 4637. All also from Dave Corbett. I did NOT take the 4010 tank car - at this time.




Love the Tinplate! Great wide gauge AF pick-ups, seem to be in quite good condition. In O gauge,  the large(longer/heavier)  version of the green Gondola(sand car?) and yellow Box Car were my first Prewar/o gauge American Flyer purchases.  I’ve seen a few of the tankers lately in o gauge and was very close to buying one as I haven’t usually seen them. I like the look very much

Last edited by StevefromPA

Got some neat boxes on my front porch this week!

MTH Railking Amtrak F59PHI Surfliner paint scheme with proto 2. Was worried that this one may be iffy as I don’t have experience with proto 2, 3 volt boards and it hadn’t been used in a while, per the seller. But it started up and all functions work just fine!


Have run it with some phase 3 Horizons(15” by k-line) but like it with these Lionel 18 inchers

Posed next to an NJT premier genesis2E8F6E4A-F5B5-434C-BD2B-8D8AF48C517A

Hoping to acquire a combo of surfliners and some superliners to run with it

Second- K-line 15” aluminum CSX passenger cars. Love these K-lines(have the Amtrak Horizon 15 inchers too) likely my last purchase of modern passenger cars below 18 inches. Headed up by a Legacy sd60



While the sizes are different and not prototypical- I’m happy to have a diesel to lash-up with my NJ transit

finally- my Amtrak Command control engines(and the Njt genesis), chronologically from left to right. Unfortunately, there’s very limited cross compatibility in terms of lashing up


K-line F40ph with TMCC Rs and cruise- phase 3

MTH Aem-7 dummy

Lionel TMCC Dash 9

MTH proto 3 NJ transit

MTH proto 2 Amtrak F59phi

Lionel HHP-8(set version)


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On our recent Wisconsin road trip, I bought several original early AF accessories from NWL. I was blown away with these- many of these I had never seen before, in my limited Tinplate world knowledge. I had no idea these AF pieces were so BIG in real life, compared to other accessories for tinplate layouts that I already knew about.

Here are some pics of most of them in situ on my layouts: the CROSS CROSSINGS sign, 4032 crossing gate, a medium large semaphore, the DANGER RR signal with a repro top section, and one of two blue lamps.








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Last edited by Carey TeaRose

Carey TeaRose, Standard gauge Tinplate is so unique, size, colors, shapes, and the great memories of years gone by. As we now see MTH Trains leaving the Standard gauge scene, re-issues of the original trains if yesteryear  and neat accessories may go away to. Your standard gauge layout is really nice, it sets the stage for the season around the corner, Christmas. I use standard gauge accessories in conjunction with my O Gauge layout. This is such a fun hobby, and you add a lot to our OGR Forum.  Thank you very much. Happy Railroading Everyone 093D8527-BBF4-4810-AFEE-2A86C244E7670413DA72-B4CB-468E-89BC-C66530B3A938


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Good morning Everyone, I meant to include a picture of this new accessory earlier as it just arrived in time to get it wired in for Christmas, I love that time of year and wish All an early Happy Holidays.  One thing for sure, our train rooms are simply fun places to remember those times We shared with our favorite family members. Way back in the 1950’s.  Those were the beginnings of where we are Today. Happy Railroading Everyone 80CEF4F8-4D2A-43B0-A4D1-B39BE41345AF4DE35388-FD99-48A6-AA23-07962E9D7A2B45300069-AA96-40C4-89B9-B5852FBF4563


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A couple weeks ago, I stopped at Stockyard Express originally to pick up some of their custom cars with the Sears trailers.... walked out with those, a caboose, and a Railking Western Maryland RS-3.

Now yesterday and today: went to the Painesville Railroad Museum for their garage sale/train show. Picked up some freight cars from a fellow friend part of the module group I'm a part of. Then stopped by the local Menards and walked out with more freight cars.

@Mark Boyce posted:


You can't go wrong with the Railking Western Maryland RS-3.  I have two.  Not the latest release, but older PS2 releases; one in Fireball and the other in Speedletter.   How was the Painesville sale/show overall as far as number of vendors and number of attendees?

Overall it was decent. Only one CSX mixed freight passed while there, about a dozen vendors, around 30-40 attendees. Was originally going there to find some postwar Lionel cars for a family member but didn't have the ones he's looking for. I almost walked out with a MPC General locomotive model kit and a replica number plate, but wasn't able to. Couple fellow members of the module group I'm a part of were there.

Bought a 1938 0080w Double O set last week that arrived this Saturday.  Full scale(mini 700e) NYC Hudson with whistle tender, 3 freight cars and the PRR caboose.  The two unique to 1938 cars have to be restored as a past owner resprayed them another color.  I already stripped the hopper and will strip the box car once I find a paint in a rattle can that is close the yellowish cream paint.  Set came with the complete loop of correct 1938 track as well.  The Hudson is high mileage, the pickup rollers have nearly worn thru the arms!  But she runs excellent and that part is available.  AD

0080w set


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Yes, after all the enablers here and on Fb showed me ideas for a Halloween theme layout- I've been further encouraged- enough so that I pretty much am creating one after all. The weekend I have ordered a few things online that I hope will get here soon enough before Halloween to be worth the bother! Two Lemax Spooky Town buildings, a Dept 56 Halloween wooden backdrop, and even found a few cut off tree branches in the back garden from Hubby Tom's seasonal tree trimming that might make for good Halloween trees. I may even add a small perimeter Standard Gauge loop, have emails out to USA Track regarding that. The table top size has not and will not change though- its still just 4ft x 6 ft.

Hi everyone, well I made my trip to Menards today with the CEO and the mother in law. I was able to get a couple building fronts, the FedEx building, the lumber and hardware shop and some cars. The CEO picked out some stuff for the park she wants me to build on the layout.

The only draw back was there were no churches at Menards, but the mother in law had a surprise for me when we got back to her house. She had one that was the right size and was free!

Photos below, I hope you all enjoy.


I forgot I also got a new water tower! Lol


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Lost out on eBay by a matter of seconds, when I went to buy the 2006 RS.5 NYC E7's. Had already bought the "Breakdown" B Unit. Finally had a buddy help me out and locate an A-A Set with a Powered B Unit. So now I have one **** of a monster E7 A-B-B-A setup. I only collect NYC and prefer RS5 TMCC 1 to Legacy so this was a BIG WIN for my layout!



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Since the pandemic hit, I took a major hiatus from the O gauge world (mostly to keep my finances stable during these troubling times), but I recently came across this Pennsylvania L2s Mikado made by K-Line from a fellow OGR forum member. At $250, I couldn’t pass it up. Very elegant locomotive and exquisitely detailed.


I will be upgrading it to ERR Cruise-M, fan driven smoke, John’s Super Chuffer and Generator, new RailSounds 5 chip, and a few other details in the near future.


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@Mikado 4501: That is a beautiful steamer for a great price!

Today I picked up one of my White Whales:

I first realized I was a "railfan" when I was very young.  Summer trips in the 70's and 80's usually took us to visit family in Chicago, and my earliest memories of Chicago are almost always full of trains.  There seemed to be trains everywhere...subways, elevated trains, commuter trains of all colors running in and out of Union Station.  Dad and I would sometimes hop on the Aurora Metra line just to go for a ride. I vividly remember the green Burlington Northern E-units pulling the shiny steel cars.  There was something about those locos with their orange and white stripes, watching them go forwards, backwards, fast and slow...yeah I'm pretty sure that's when I really started to "dig" trains.

I've kept an eye out since I got back into trains for anything that would bring me back.  MTH offered several versions of the Metra FP40, which is also memorable with the blue and red, and I even saw they released a blue / red E8 Metra consist, but it's impossible to find for sale anywhere.  Not a big deal (although I'd love to have one) since those did not normally run the Aurora route from what I remember, though I did marvel at them when hanging around Union Station.  But I *really* wanted a green and white BN E-unit.  The ones dad and I would spend hours on the platform in Downers Grove watching. I know MTH made a Railking version, but I've literally never seen one for sale anywhere.

But guess what popped up the MTH auction? 

So I HAD to have them.  I honestly don't care if they're even running, I got plenty of stuff to fix them up.  I even scored one of three unfinished bi-level cab cars that I'm going to do up with Metra Burlington decals.  I missed out on another set of two that someone else wanted more than me, I guess...

So if anyone has any bi-levels they want to sell off, look me up!  I'm putting together the consist that got me into trains!  Then I'll be hopping a ride from Downers Grove to Chicago!


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I picked this up on a trade for some repairs I did. Been at the bottom of a box for a while! Lionel Milwaukee Road postwar 2351 from 1957 one year only. Wires needed replacing, E-unit cleaning and some touch up. Horn works also, has a good crack on one nose just super glued to stabilize it. I wonder where it will end up in the next 63 years?



First run.


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