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Well, if you find out you already had something you did not know you had, I think that is the same as buying something cool.  Found I had a CMStP&P  (Milwaukee Road) Blue kerosene lantern circa 1930.  I've had this lamp and a red Elgin kicking around for over 20 years and did not know what to do with them. Being a recent convert to modeling the Milwaukee Road, I am tickled to have found I have a piece of rail road history having decided yesterday to look a little further at the lanterns wrapped up in a box. 

MR Lantern aMR Lantern b


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  • MR Lantern b

Haha. That's clearly from the late 90's early 2000's. The Ford explorer still had the old Firestone tires that were all recalled. But, in all seriousness, that's really cool @Brooklyn Corey. Enjoy!

When I saw that video I had to look it up! The model is from 2000, so I am VERY impressed it's so flawless. There are college graduates who were born in 2000. I also had to look up the menus for a laugh. In 2000, you could buy a Big Xtra Combo Meal for $2.99. Presently, a medium Shamrock shake runs about $5.79. I need a bigger paycheck.

Last edited by CharmCityAirLine
@ScoutingDad posted:

Well, if you find out you already had something you did not know you had, I think that is the same as buying something cool.  Found I had a CMStP&P  (Milwaukee Road) Blue kerosene lantern circa 1930.  I've had this lamp and a red Elgin kicking around for over 20 years and did not know what to do with them. Being a recent convert to modeling the Milwaukee Road, I am tickled to have found I have a piece of rail road history having decided yesterday to look a little further at the lanterns wrapped up in a box.

MR Lantern aMR Lantern b

They would have been patio lights by now at my place

Great buys everyone! As always, Thanks for sharing!

With York approaching I was somewhat behaving and not getting out of control with purchases this month. Well I was ONLY scrolling eBay and next thing I knew, 6 boxcars jumped into my cart! LoL! Before I knew it there was a confirmation email. Introducing my dealer pack of 4 Menards (earlier release) commemorative WWII nose art boxcars along with 2 Menards Goodyear boxcars. All unopened! Here’s the individual car photos.

Here’s an overall photo of the 6 culprits that jumped into the cart. LoL



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Either I payed too much or others just let me have it lol, Kind of been wanting one of these old Max Gray  PRR N6B cabooses for a while.  I have a little older brass and quite a few kit built early PRR loco's so this will fit right in with my other junk....  Just have to clean/fix it up and paint/decal/weather.... It'll fit in with the Walthers and the Saginaw N6A I have.

MG PRR N6b box endMG PRR N6b endMG PRR N6b100_3568Saginaw PRR Caboose endSaginaw PRR Caboose


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  • Saginaw PRR Caboose
@RSJB18 posted:

I got the a fore-mentioned B&O coaches out of the box and on the rails last night. These are very nice cars for us 027 nuts. These will go into the shop at some point for an led lighting upgrade and passengers. The baggage car does not have lights so I will need to order a set of powered trucks.

2023-03-31 20.33.21


Wow. Those are awesome! What engine will be pulling them?

Either I payed too much or others just let me have it lol, Kind of been wanting one of these old Max Gray  PRR N6B cabooses for a while.  I have a little older brass and quite a few kit built early PRR loco's so this will fit right in with my other junk....  Just have to clean/fix it up and paint/decal/weather.... It'll fit in with the Walthers and the Saginaw N6A I have.

MG PRR N6b box endMG PRR N6b endMG PRR N6b100_3568Saginaw PRR Caboose endSaginaw PRR Caboose

Fixin' stuff is half the fun.  AND you learn how to do stuff for around the house while you are at it.  Besides the Hobby is what you personally want it to be. Whether it's out taking pictures and riding trains or building something you saw.   When you get finished with that original brass. It's gonna be great.

@RSJB18 posted:

I got the a fore-mentioned B&O coaches out of the box and on the rails last night. These are very nice cars for us 027 nuts. These will go into the shop at some point for an led lighting upgrade and passengers. The baggage car does not have lights so I will need to order a set of powered trucks.

2023-03-31 20.33.21


Congratulations Bob, they look great. I’m sure they’ll get a lot of run time.

@RSJB18 posted:

I got the a fore-mentioned B&O coaches out of the box and on the rails last night. These are very nice cars for us 027 nuts. These will go into the shop at some point for an led lighting upgrade and passengers. The baggage car does not have lights so I will need to order a set of powered trucks.

2023-03-31 20.33.21


Bob, those are awesome for smaller passenger cars, the paint looks great and the color scheme is awesome. Very nice addition to your layout!

@Donnie Kennedy- The C&O is by Williams, MTH did the BL2 also in several road names including a demo paint. All of mine are conventional but MTH did make them with PS2.

2019-12-30 16.01.27

@WesternPacific2217 @Tranquil Hollow RR- Thanks guys. It was all in the timing. I just started running my C&O/ B&O, Western Maryland, Chessie equipment and I realized I didn't have any passenger sets in these road names. It's nice to find good looking cars that fit small layouts.



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@RSJB18 posted:

I got the a fore-mentioned B&O coaches out of the box and on the rails last night. These are very nice cars for us 027 nuts. These will go into the shop at some point for an led lighting upgrade and passengers. The baggage car does not have lights so I will need to order a set of powered trucks.

2023-03-31 20.33.21


That illuminated drum head is really special!

I don’t recall ever seeing one on an 027 set.

@pennsyfan posted:

That illuminated drum head is really special!

I don’t recall ever seeing one on an 027 set.

Lionel did a nice job on these cars. Searching for the parts list yesterday I saw that they made them in several road names.

My only complaint is that they didn't put lights in the baggage car. An easy fix but I will need powered trucks, also an easy fix except that Lionel is out of stock on the trucks......

The drum head and rear markers will get dedicated led's when I do the upgrade.


I went to the DuPage county show in the chicagoland area today.  A lot lighter crowd than two months ago when I was last there.  I bought a few things from Merlyn at Caboose Stop Hobbies.  He is not in the main building but always has some nice product.  He had some just released products from Atlas and MTH.  I also bought a PUP NYC Lionel trailer that had been weathered.  I thought it was a great deal.  Finally, I bought some lighted structures and a few whimsical items to go with them.


Great additions to everyone’s collections!

After the furnace fiasco yesterday, my day had some joy added to it when a Menards box was delivered.

Earlier in the week Menards released their new Sinclair tanker and I snagged one up just in time since these sold out faster than the M&Ms caboose. Great looking car!


Next up is a Lifesavers tanker. Yes this is my second one but last weekend I learned that Menards had 2 releases and the first release had silver trucks compared to the new one with black trucks. So I grabbed one since the inventory count was getting low. There’s currently only 10 left! Another great looking car!


Last up is a Burlington Northern covered hopper. This hopper was on my list and the inventory was getting really low with only 2 left so I had to add it to my order. Menards still says there’s 1 remaining so don’t hesitate!



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@Richizzle07 posted:

Great additions to everyone’s collections!

After the furnace fiasco yesterday, my day had some joy added to it when a Menards box was delivered.

Earlier in the week Menards released their new Sinclair tanker and I snagged one up just in time since these sold out faster than the M&Ms caboose. Great looking car!


Next up is a Lifesavers tanker. Yes this is my second one but last weekend I learned that Menards had 2 releases and the first release had silver trucks compared to the new one with black trucks. So I grabbed one since the inventory count was getting low. There’s currently only 10 left! Another great looking car!


Last up is a Burlington Northern covered hopper. This hopper was on my list and the inventory was getting really low with only 2 left so I had to add it to my order. Menards still says there’s 1 remaining so don’t hesitate!


I may have repaint one of my present tank cars, love the Dino

@Apples55 posted:

Unbeknownst to me, I actually ordered one of these beauties from the fine folks (read “bad influences”) at METCA. Once again, they have done a fabulous job. Overall, the car is beautiful… nice sharp graphics and those red trucks!!! And the added details, especially on one end, are amazing, if rather delicate.

They did take awhile to get produced. After seeing it in person I had to go back for a second one!

I got this from a fellow OGR member.  It had never been opened.  It's a Lionel 27658 Pennsylvania Power & Light Work Caboose.  I got it to go with my Lionel 29832 Chessie Crane Car with TMCC.  I couldn't find a Chessie work caboose I could afford, so I may be doing some painting/decaling if I get really, really bored, but since the crane and caboose are mainly black, the difference isn't all that noticeable.

If you note in the picture, I installed an LED light inside the caboose.  I had to swap out the standard truck for one with a collector.



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@Darrell posted:

I'm not getting a Visionline anything for a while........ if ever.


Looks pretty darn nice Darrell .  A fun time coming up for you outdoors.  Just be safe and keep the shiny side up.       I had to sell mine in 2017 because of the bum hip.  With this new titanium hip I might get back on one again,20230303_160902bright color MTH switcher........bright color Hayabusa.........20211028_102141............maybe I had to sell it since it didn't have an MTH or Lionel marking on it.


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My Granddaughters fiancé got this from a friend that picked it up at the curb. It’s got lights and sound and one truck runs the other one needs help. It appears to be mechanically ok. I have to take the shell off.

I’m thinking of turning it into one of these.
The C&D is leasing the old Conrail secondary that runs from Redbank to south of Lakewood NJ. The track is about a mile from my home. I happened to see this on the Freehold secondary as I was passing by.


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@coach joe posted:

Dallas a Hayabusa!  You do everything "All the way!"

Geeez Joe thanks.

When I was 69  ,brother # 2 was 68 and brother # 3 was 63  ( two Hayabusas and a 1200 Bandit ),  we stopped at Java Center NY for a lunch break . One nice guy ( about 35 ) had to give up riding to take care of the wife and kids.    His remark ( I guess because of all our white hair  ) ........" you guys are an inspiration "   

I wonder what he would think about my new hobby .😁        Take care Joe.


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@pennsyfan posted:

My Granddaughters fiancé got this from a friend that picked it up at the curb. It’s got lights and sound and one truck runs the other one needs help. It appears to be mechanically ok. I have to take the shell off.

I’m thinking of turning it into one of these.
The C&D is leasing the old Conrail secondary that runs from Redbank to south of Lakewood NJ. The track is about a mile from my home. I happened to see this on the Freehold secondary as I was passing by.

That's a great find.

Some guys have all the luck.....😉

Geeez Joe thanks.

When I was 69  ,brother # 2 was 68 and brother # 3 was 63  ( two Hayabusas and a 1200 Bandit ),  we stopped at Java Center NY for a lunch break . One nice guy ( about 35 ) had to give up riding to take care of the wife and kids.    His remark ( I guess because of all our white hair  ) ........" you guys are an inspiration "   

I wonder what he would think about my new hobby .😁        Take care Joe.

Still inspirational!

Bob, that is a cool little, yet mighty caboose, I really like it! It's very detailed and wood siding is just awesome old school. Hmmm, maybe one day there will be one of those in a western railroad to go on my layout. Thanks for sharing it with us all! Happy Railroading.

Well now that we know Lionel can make just need to find a club or dealer in your area as awesome as NLOE....


Sooo, these were new purchase\project for my MPC Southern Crescent loco.

First thing I did was buy the MTH Crescent limited passenger cars. I just think they look good. Not a fan of the mpc version. (Sorry mpc loyalist)

PXL_20230406_221953803PXL_20230406_221957178PXL_20230406_222001958Then, I beefed up the engine by adding a diecast rear truck. The plastic thanks.

PXL_20230406_221929021Next, I changed the frame on the tender to accommodate diecast 6 wheel trucks. Just looks more muscular. Again , plastic little trucks.. no thanks.


Finally I found a sound of steam board with whistle  all thanks to @ZWPOWER13!

Now I can enjoy a refreshed, but classic engine hauling passengers around town.


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Sooo, these were new purchase\project for my MPC Southern Crescent loco.

First thing I did was buy the MTH Crescent limited passenger cars. I just think they look good. Not a fan of the mpc version. (Sorry mpc loyalist)

PXL_20230406_221953803PXL_20230406_221957178PXL_20230406_222001958Then, I beefed up the engine by adding a diecast rear truck. The plastic thanks.

PXL_20230406_221929021Next, I changed the frame on the tender to accommodate diecast 6 wheel trucks. Just looks more muscular. Again , plastic little trucks.. no thanks.


Finally I found a sound of steam board with whistle  all thanks to @ZWPOWER13!

Now I can enjoy a refreshed, but classic engine hauling passengers around town.

Glad I was able to help!

@coach joe posted:

Isn't it about time for another fish fry?

@Guttersnipe posted:

It's ALWAYS time for another Fish Fry

FISH FRY at Force Pa. at St. Joseph Church guys.

First time I was able to get to one since the surgery.  It was great of Judy to suggest we go up the hill afterwards to see if Charlie could throw an engine on the test track for us againsince he had recovered from his  surgery ...............well it seems I still have no backbone to resist temtation.

RK  Imperial ps3 Pennsy Turbine.    I've thought about the Imperial version way in the back of my mind for awhile.  Didn't know if I could get along without the chug ,chug chugging.      Well no reason for my fears .......she IS one sweet runner.  ( I've been doing the shrimp selection now Joe )


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This purchase was a little out of my budget range, but I have nobody to blame but myself for the, "Gotta have that on my layout feeling"! I was influenced by certain members here, mainly leapinlarry who has this set too, and Eric Seigel (Eric's Trians) that reviewed the set not to long ago. Anyway it arrived last night via UPS at around 9:30PM! That poor UPS guy was on his 12th hour of deliveries, he looked exhausted! I gave him a to go cup of coffee for the effort, he was most appreciative!

Here's the unboxing and on the layout photos, plus a runnin' light video. I haven't added a locomotive to the fleet in a long time, so I'm jazzed!

Excuse the messy shop bench in my garage during unboxing, I'm gonna have to do something about the mess this weekend.

Arrived very well packaged in a Lionel bulk Fastrack box.

Two Lionel boxes inside:

Outer shipping boxed removed reveals the blue and orange classic Lionel boxes. How exciting! LoL

Okay, let's take them into the train room and crack them open! Oh yeah, like a kid at Christmas!

On the track.: Lionel SF Yellow Bonnet AA set catalog 2233810 and Super Bass B Unit 2233819.

Runnin' light.

Next video, when I find the time, will be pulling the Chief passenger train. Soon I hope!

Happy Railroading.


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I was influenced by certain members here, mainly leapinlarry who has this set too, and Eric Seigel (Eric's Trians) that reviewed the set not to long ago. Anyway it arrived last night via UPS at around 9:30PM!

Two Lionel boxes inside:

Outer shipping boxed removed reveals the blue and orange classic Lionel boxes. How exciting! LoL

Okay, let's take them into the train room and crack them open! Oh yeah, like a kid at Christmas!

On the track.: Lionel SF Yellow Bonnet AA set catalog 2233810 and Super Bass B Unit 2233819.

Runnin' light.

Next video, when I find the time, will be pulling the Chief passenger train. Soon I hope!

Happy Railroading.

See what happens.

You watch Eric or read what Larry says. Then the money just jumps outa yer pocket......😁

Nice touch the engineer hanging out

Last edited by Walter Anderson

FISH FRY at Force Pa. at St. Joseph Church guys.

First time I was able to get to one since the surgery.  It was great of Judy to suggest we go up the hill afterwards to see if Charlie could throw an engine on the test track for us againsince he had recovered from his  surgery ...............well it seems I still have no backbone to resist temtation.

RK  Imperial ps3 Pennsy Turbine.    I've thought about the Imperial version way in the back of my mind for awhile.  Didn't know if I could get along without the chug ,chug chugging.      Well no reason for my fears .......she IS one sweet runner. ( I've been doing the shrimp selection now Joe )

OMG Gorgeous. Some of us aren't into sound effects. Though.  My sound effects are usually some 1930's big band on the stereo.  Pardon me Boys, but is that the Chattanooga Chu Chu, or Ellington 's A Train

@MTN posted:

Haven't bought anything cool lately, but will be selling all sorts of great O gauge (and N scale) goodies for you to buy and proudly display here at the Evansville Model Train sale at the National Guard Armory in Evansville, Indiana Saturday April 8, 2023:

I'll have locomotives, rollling stock and accessories from Lionel, MTH, Williams, K-Line, American Flyer, Marx, Atlas (O and N scale), Kadee/Micro-Trains, Athearn, Minitrix, Arnold Rapido, Model Power, Intermountain (I've probably missed some), and good ol' junk to wade through!

From L.A> it's a long long way to St. Louie, Sorry Evensville, but I hope you good luck

@RSJB18 posted:

I got the a fore-mentioned B&O coaches out of the box and on the rails last night. These are very nice cars for us 027 nuts. These will go into the shop at some point for an led lighting upgrade and passengers. The baggage car does not have lights so I will need to order a set of powered trucks.

2023-03-31 20.33.21


Hi Bob, as I mentioned I have a Santa Fe set from the same tooling from the 2018 catalog. If you're planning to add lighting to the baggage car, I found the  power collectors, but had to call Lionel. Here's the part number 6209043026.

However, I have yet to find the right size copper ground that goes to the wheels. Sounds simple enough, but they are tempered copper, or I'd make a set myself (doesn't have to be copper). Still working on that. If you find a solution let me know.

Just thought I'd pass this along to you.

Happy railroading!


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Just received these two Santa Fe Chief passenger cars to add to the 6 I already had. Keep in mind my layout is just 12 x 8 1/2 feet, and part of the 8 1/2 feet is in the bay window. So all my curves are 048, except for the inner loop which is 036. So I have to keep my passenger cars to semi scale 15" or less, otherwise they look ridiculous and might run into things from the overhang. These new SF passenger cars are from the Lionel 2018 catalog and are 12.5 inches in length, but the look good to me. Especially behind the new to me Santa Fe F7 Yellow Bonnet ABA. I'll be adding passengers to the new cars soon.

Here's a vid:


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Just received these two Santa Fe Chief passenger cars to add to the 6 I already had. Keep in mind my layout is just 12 x 8 1/2 feet, and part of the 8 1/2 feet is in the bay window. So all my curves are 048, except for the inner loop which is 036. So I have to keep my passenger cars to semi scale 15" or less, otherwise they look ridiculous and might run into things from the overhang. These new SF passenger cars are from the Lionel 2018 catalog and are 12.5 inches in length, but the look good to me. Especially behind the new to me Santa Fe F7 Yellow Bonnet ABA. I'll be adding passengers to the new cars soon.

Here's a vid:

Very nice Scott and I've always admired your layout.

A couple of goodies showed up while I was away this week…

First up, from the gang at the Nassau Lionel Operating Engineers on Lawn-guy-lind, a nice LIRR bobber caboose. Nicely done (as are all their offerings I’ve purchased), and surprisingly heavy for it’s small size:


Next up, a pair of special run MTH fantasy Premier boxcars from forum sponsor Berwyn’s Toys & Trains. I just love the graphics on this car and just had to get the pair - a good friend of my parents was an engineer for RCA back in the 40’s and 50’s and had several patents for them. When he left RCA, he went to to work helping to build the BART system in San Fran!!!




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@Apples55 posted:

A couple of goodies showed up while I was away this week…

First up, from the gang at the Nassau Lionel Operating Engineers on Lawn-guy-lind, a nice LIRR bobber caboose. Nicely done (as are all their offerings I’ve purchased), and surprisingly heavy for it’s small size:


Next up, a pair of special run MTH fantasy Premier boxcars from forum sponsor Berwyn’s Toys & Trains. I just love the graphics on this car and just had to get the pair - a good friend of my parents was an engineer for RCA back in the 40’s and 50’s and had several patents for them. When he left RCA, he went to to work helping to build the BART system in San Fran!!!

Paul, you and Bob @RSJB18 are twins! LoL Both of you must belong to the Nassau Lionel Operating Engineers. Link below to Bob's post. That caboose is really neat, and for a little guy very detailed. Enjoy!

Hi Bob, as I mentioned I have a Santa Fe set from the same tooling from the 2018 catalog. If you're planning to add lighting to the baggage car, I found the  power collectors, but had to call Lionel. Here's the part number 6209043026.

However, I have yet to find the right size copper ground that goes to the wheels. Sounds simple enough, but they are tempered copper, or I'd make a set myself (doesn't have to be copper). Still working on that. If you find a solution let me know.

Just thought I'd pass this along to you.

Happy railroading!

I generally prefer actual battery power, myself and there is so much room to work with, plus several different ways to hide an on/off switch.  However, And Roy and Dale use to sing Happy Rails to You

You must have searched high and low for those, they're from the 2000 catalog. I have similar cars from the same tooling, except they are Santa Fe and were offered in 2018 catalog. Very nice find Bob!!!

Actually I fell into them. I hadn't been looking but after recently switching out power to B&O, I realized that I didn't have any passenger cars.

A member posted them on the For Sale forum and I snapped them up.

I'm either really lucky, or I spend way too much time on here.....😃😃

I can wait for the powerd trucks to be stocked again.

As for the caboose, Paul @Apples55 is a Lawn-guy-land ex-pat so he shares the LIRR love-hate that we all do. 🤣🤣


Paul, you and Bob @RSJB18 are twins! LoL Both of you must belong to the Nassau Lionel Operating Engineers. Link below to Bob's post. That caboose is really neat, and for a little guy very detailed. Enjoy!

No, Scott, I don’t belong to the NLOE, however purchasing one of their cars makes you an Associate Member (which basically means you get notified of new car offerings - a vicious cycle for sure ). While Bob and I aren’t related, I do admit to being a bad influence on him - I believe I’m the one who told him about the bobber!!!

@RSJB18 posted:

As for the caboose, Paul @Apples55 is a Lawn-guy-land ex-pat so he shares the LIRR love-hate that we all do. 🤣🤣


Wow, Bob - you actually admit us Brooklynites are actually Lawn-guy-linders!!! Not sure who denies it more… real islanders or Brooklynites. I guess I am now a proud Poconoid

A Happy Easter to one and all.

Got a great deal on a Lionel TMCC C&O 2-6-6-2 articulated Mallet steam engine.   Been wanting one of these ever since the Western Maryland restored a C&O mallet they got from the B&O museum.   Perhaps some day Lionel will make a Legacy #1309.   In the meantime I'll be running this O-54 rated scale articulated on the inside and outside loops of my new layout.   Happy Easter!

Paul I had that argument with a young guy from Brooklyn.  I was still commuting from the Bronx to work in East Meadow and Carmine was coming out from Brooklyn.  He would never concede that Brooklyn and Queens were part of Long Island even though those two Counties resided on the same sand bar as Nassau and Suffolk.

@Obsidian posted:

Got a great deal on a Lionel TMCC C&O 2-6-6-2 articulated Mallet steam engine.   Been wanting one of these ever since the Western Maryland restored a C&O mallet they got from the B&O museum.   Perhaps some day Lionel will make a Legacy #1309.   In the meantime I'll be running this O-54 rated scale articulated on the inside and outside loops of my new layout.   Happy Easter!

Congratulations are definitely in order.  And the layout itself look like its going to be great

@Apples55 posted:

No, Scott, I don’t belong to the NLOE, however purchasing one of their cars makes you an Associate Member (which basically means you get notified of new car offerings - a vicious cycle for sure ). While Bob and I aren’t related, I do admit to being a bad influence on him - I believe I’m the one who told him about the bobber!!!

Wow, Bob - you actually admit us Brooklynites are actually Lawn-guy-linders!!! Not sure who denies it more… real islanders or Brooklynites. I guess I am now a proud Poconoid

A Happy Easter to one and all.

It's usually the other way around......Queens and Brooklyn residents are reluctant to say they live on Lawn-guy-land but as Joe said, geographically, it's a fact! Unfortunately, western Nassau County where I am is looking more like Queens than a quiet suburb these days.

And as to the bad influence comment...........You wear it proudly! Not that I need much encouragement......


Last edited by RSJB18
@RSJB18 posted:

Unfortunately, western Nassau County where I am is looking more like Queens than a quiet suburb these days.


Looking back, I always thought that my friend’s home in Little Neck was more like Nassau than Queens. He had a sprawling ranch near the WB exit of the GCP.  He ran several loops of G scale on his lawn at Christmas time. Sadly he passed in 1998.

I lived the first 70 years of my life in Marine Park Brooklyn. One time I educated one of my workers that Brooklyn was part of LI. I drew a map and then gave him a history lesson about the battle of Brooklyn during the Revolution.


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Just received these two Santa Fe Chief passenger cars to add to the 6 I already had. Keep in mind my layout is just 12 x 8 1/2 feet, and part of the 8 1/2 feet is in the bay window. So all my curves are 048, except for the inner loop which is 036. So I have to keep my passenger cars to semi scale 15" or less, otherwise they look ridiculous and might run into things from the overhang. These new SF passenger cars are from the Lionel 2018 catalog and are 12.5 inches in length, but the look good to me. Especially behind the new to me Santa Fe F7 Yellow Bonnet ABA. I'll be adding passengers to the new cars soon.

Here's a vid:

Hi Scott,

I've been contemplating getting the Yellow/blue bonnet set to go with my Warbonnet set and those passenger cars look great.

1. How is the silver/finish match between the cars and the engines ?

2. Where did you get the observation car at the end - was that from the set or is it the Navajo car ?


Last edited by Richie C.

The question is are we remembering a time or are we trying to prefect in scale something.  Size only matters in the latter. in the former, it's something we What to remember fondly.  Size is only a matter in your mind, nobody else has right to change that.  They look good to me, BUT one thing I will say. Don't park anything next tot Bay window, The suns heat magnified through the window has a way to destroy anything

@Richie C. posted:

Hi Scott,

I've been contemplating getting the Yellow/blue bonnet set to go with my Warbonnet set and those passenger cars look great.

1. How is the silver/finish match between the cars and the engines ?

2. Where did you get the observation car at the end - was that from the set or is it the Navajo car ?


Hi Richie,

Question 1: The silver matches okay, not exactly but close. Here's a photo of the engines with the passenger cars next to the locomotives. Unfortunately it's a photo and the color could always be off a hue one way or the other.

Question 2: The observation car came in a set with the FT locomotive and two passenger cars (Santa Fe Super Chief LionChief Set 6-84719 2018 Big Book). A lot of dealers broke the sets apart and sold the locomotive and passenger cars separately. I bought the passenger car set that came in the 6-84719 set that included the passenger cars Isleta and #1474, and the Navajo Observation car. I also purchased separately 3 dome cars #500 (6-84725), the baggage car #1386 (6-81724), and another passenger car #3155 (2227230), which were sold separately as add on to the set. I plan to renumber the 3 dome cars.

By the way neither the AT&SF Super Chief or the Chief had Dome cars!

I hope this helps.


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Last edited by WesternPacific2217
@mike g. posted:

Great buys everyone! and I love all the fooling around but I have a question

What is Lawn-guy-linders?

Mike, us west coasters gotta stick together! LoL Think heavy Massachusetts accent, specifically some areas of Boston and “Long Islanders”! East coasters, correct me if I'm wrong about the location, but I remember being in Boston, but don't remember all the places I went. I do remember the accent.

Last edited by WesternPacific2217
@mike g. posted:

Great buys everyone! and I love all the fooling around but I have a question

What is Lawn-guy-linders?

Mike- Many people say that there is a distinct Long Island accent (much like New England, the south, etc). Those with the heavier accent pronounce their O's as AW's, and put the accent after the N, so they pronounce the G. (Lawn-Guyland)

It's kind of like "Paak the Caah in Havaad Yaad"

Those from Brooklyn have their own distinct accent too..... I'm sure Paul will chime in at some point.


Hi Richie,

Question 1: The silver matches okay, not exactly but close. Here's a photo of the engines with the passenger cars next to the locomotives. Unfortunately it's a photo and the color could always be off a hue one way or the other.

Stockyard Express had a custom run of passenger cars with yellow striped above the windows.  I'm willing to guess they would go nicely with this engine. 

Close enough for me, Has anyone ever actually looked at a stainless-steel Passenger train, or even a set of matched box cars, while at a distance, usually you can't tell the color difference, but close up, one can see, that one of the cars has a slightly different hue then the other, and that would be due to the amount of time they had been in the weather. If I were going to pick on some detail, it would be the color of the side frames on the Engine's trucks,  but guys, It isn't the nit picking we are here to enjoy. it's the very remanences of what we enjoy.  Long may the chief thunder down the rails

Well, I kinda went the opposite in size. From a Weaver scale sharknose to a K-line pacific based on the classic Marx 333. Couldn't pass it up, especially with the Baltimore & Ohio RR. Gave her some tlc, rebuilt the smoke unit and she's a smooth runner. Found some ore cars by Lionel. Painted those Gawd awful loads flat black. Guess it's a coal load now? And this really cool 7 inch k-line bay window caboose! Nice little consist. Needs a sound board though. The Rail Sounds went out.  PXL_20230412_235332797PXL_20230412_235352652PXL_20230412_235348318PXL_20230412_235341574


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@Genemed posted:

A gift from my daughter yesterday. A puzzle she made and framed.


I've been looking for a sign for the same spot you have yours. I didn't want a lighted sign there since I'd have the sign plugged into my layout and it wouldn't be illuminated while coming downstairs. This is a great (and econimical) solution. My MIL enjoys puzzles so I'll get her a lionel one and a frame. Thanks again for the idea!!

Last edited by PRRick
@PRRick posted:

I've been looking for a sign for the same spot you have yours. I didn't want a lighted sign there since I'd have the sign plugged into my layout and it wouldn't be illuminated while coming downstairs. This is a great (and econimical) solution. My MIL enjoys puzzles so I'll get her a lionel one and a frame. Thanks again for the idea!!

You’re welcome. It’s all about sharing ideas for others to enjoy!


@FrankRazz posted:

Stockyard Express had a custom run of passenger cars with yellow striped above the windows.  I'm willing to guess they would go nicely with this engine.

Thanks - they would go nice, but I called them and they are sold out. They made a limited number of sets and individual cars as a custom run and they are all gone. Maybe a set will show up on the secondary market for sale, but I'm not holding my breath.

@PSU1980 posted:


I got my METCA P51 from METCA today. Css as by exit to open it.

in addition, just arrived at my front door is the Lionel Legacy,  UP Chicago & Northwestern Heritage Legacy SD70ACE #1995, team number 2333190.

I'm waiting to get my Legacy Katy, DRG and the SP Heritage engines.  I should have all three sometime after York.  I already have MTH's Heritage MP, CNW and SP engines.  Once I get the Lionel engines , that should complete the Heritage set.

The METCA  P51 engine should go nicely with the Legacy Station US Space Forse SD70., see attached



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Last edited by FrankRazz

Well, I kinda went the opposite in size. From a Weaver scale sharknose to a K-line pacific based on the classic Marx 333. Couldn't pass it up, especially with the Baltimore & Ohio RR. Gave her some tlc, rebuilt the smoke unit and she's a smooth runner. Found some ore cars by Lionel. Painted those Gawd awful loads flat black. Guess it's a coal load now? And this really cool 7 inch k-line bay window caboose! Nice little consist. Needs a sound board though. The Rail Sounds went out.  PXL_20230412_235332797PXL_20230412_235352652PXL_20230412_235348318PXL_20230412_235341574

Donnie, I agree with PRRick, they are nice runners and not bad looking for their time.  I've got a NYC 3010.  I thought K-line numbered all these Pacifics in the 3000 range so I was wondering if your B&O 5213 could be a repaint?

@coach joe posted:

Donnie, I agree with PRRick, they are nice runners and not bad looking for their time.  I've got a NYC 3010.  I thought K-line numbered all these Pacifics in the 3000 range so I was wondering if your B&O 5213 could be a repaint?

Good question coach. I actually just bought it from a forum members friend. I didn't get the original box because I wanted to save on shipping. I was kinda thinking the same thing,but I looked it up and it is an original k-line issue. And  she is a strong, smooth little runner. Smoke unit isn't too bad either. I'm trying to even out my Ohio and NYC trains! But... I did get another nyc engine and passenger cars I'm working on. I'll post pics when I'm done!

Last edited by Donnie Kennedy

Good question coach. I actually just bought it from a forum members friend. I didn't get the original box because I wanted to save on shipping. I was kinda thinking the same thing,but I looked it up and it is an original k-line issue. And  she is a strong, smooth little runner. Smoke unit isn't too bad either. I'm trying to even out my Ohio and NYC trains! But... I did get another nyc engine and passenger cars I'm working on. I'll post pics when I'm done!

All that mattersis happy rails to you

Scored a single Weaver emd  e8  A unit  on the bay for a deal I couldn't pass up! Nice smooth runner. Found some Williams 15 inch aluminum cars to go along with it. I removed the window silhouettes. Installed some tint from an old VHS. Added privacy for the passengers!


Nice catch, whoops we aren't still taking about Fish fries, yet still great look, and yes them silhouettes always look so funny.  However saw an article, years ago about how to take pictures of friends and family, an old Model Railroader, and replace the silhouettes with those pictures.  maybe a good way to send off a mother-in-law

@Guttersnipe posted:

Nice catch, whoops we aren't still taking about Fish fries, yet still great look, and yes them silhouettes always look so funny.  However saw an article, years ago about how to take pictures of friends and family, an old Model Railroader, and replace the silhouettes with those pictures.  maybe a good way to send off a mother-in-law

I'd be afraid the car would try to purposely derail itself off the layout if my mother in law was a passenger... You know how those native Long Islanders can be.... Lol

Grand Strand Model Railroaders, here in Myrtle Beach, hosted a train show this weekend.  I went yesterday spent a lot of time looking and came home with this.  The first table was loaded with die-cast,  The Corgi Cities Service tanker immediately caught my attention for $20 then the Corgi busses for $20.  I didn't really need another bus but I do remember busses in NYC being painted like that.  The two plastic trailers were meant as flat car loads but the vendor threw in the two semis. The tender and submarine flat were $5 under the table finds for possible future projects. IMG_2082IMG_2083


The Pepsi suburban had to come home to go with this Menard's Pepsi van.IMG_1634

I took advantage of the two day wrist band and returned today.  As I said yesterday involved a lot of looking and indecisiveness.  I've been wanting a Lionel 785 Hudson and have been thinking about some Madison or smaller heavyweight style passenger cars  and both were present.  Actually two 785s were at the show but both were priced much higher than I wanted to spend.  There was a Williams 773 that was visually similar enough to the 785 at a very agreeable price>  A quick search on my phone revealed an old OGR Forum thread that had me concerned. so i felt a more thorough search on the matter was in order.  A couple of two car sets on NYC Madisons and a 4 car set of Lionel Lines HW were available and a reasonably priced new style C&O ballast tamper caught my eye.  Being so close to the show I decided to return home and research the Williams 773.  Thanks to the very knowledgeable people here on the forum the decision was quickly made to pass on the Williams.  I returned to the show today thinking about the passenger cars and maybe the ballast tamper.  While walking the hall I noticed one of the vendors had dropped his price on the 785 to $350 and I was even able to get him down another $50.  The club had a 4x8 display set-up and a few tables with items for sale.  What I thought was a 180 watt brick yesterday was actually a GW-180.  For $120 I think I did okay. IMG_2103IMG_2104


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@coach joe posted:

Grand Strand Model Railroaders, here in Myrtle Beach, hosted a train show this weekend.  I went yesterday spent a lot of time looking and came home with this.


I returned to the show today thinking about the passenger cars and maybe the ballast tamper.  While walking the hall I noticed one of the vendors had dropped his price on the 785 to $350 and I was even able to get him down another $50.


Very nice haul, Joe. Didn’t Ralph Kramden drive a bus on Madison Avenue??? I also remember the green/light green/yellow buses from when I was very young.

Gotta love the 785 - it was very nicely detailed for its day. Unfortunately, since it is only conventional, mine is a beautiful shelf queen.

@coach joe posted:

Grand Strand Model Railroaders, here in Myrtle Beach, hosted a train show this weekend.       I took advantage of the two day wrist band and returned today.                              For $120 I think I did okay.

Way to go Joe.   ( no sense letting the second day go to waste on that wrist band 

Looks like you had a lot of fun at the train show .   

@coach joe posted:

Grand Strand Model Railroaders, here in Myrtle Beach, hosted a train show this weekend.  I went yesterday spent a lot of time looking and came home with this.  The first table was loaded with die-cast,  The Corgi Cities Service tanker immediately caught my attention for $20 then the Corgi busses for $20.  I didn't really need another bus but I do remember busses in NYC being painted like that.  The two plastic trailers were meant as flat car loads but the vendor threw in the two semis. The tender and submarine flat were $5 under the table finds for possible future projects. IMG_2082IMG_2083


The Pepsi suburban had to come home to go with this Menard's Pepsi van.IMG_1634

I took advantage of the two day wrist band and returned today.  As I said yesterday involved a lot of looking and indecisiveness.  I've been wanting a Lionel 785 Hudson and have been thinking about some Madison or smaller heavyweight style passenger cars  and both were present.  Actually two 785s were at the show but both were priced much higher than I wanted to spend.  There was a Williams 773 that was visually similar enough to the 785 at a very agreeable price>  A quick search on my phone revealed an old OGR Forum thread that had me concerned. so i felt a more thorough search on the matter was in order.  A couple of two car sets on NYC Madisons and a 4 car set of Lionel Lines HW were available and a reasonably priced new style C&O ballast tamper caught my eye.  Being so close to the show I decided to return home and research the Williams 773.  Thanks to the very knowledgeable people here on the forum the decision was quickly made to pass on the Williams.  I returned to the show today thinking about the passenger cars and maybe the ballast tamper.  While walking the hall I noticed one of the vendors had dropped his price on the 785 to $350 and I was even able to get him down another $50.  The club had a 4x8 display set-up and a few tables with items for sale.  What I thought was a 180 watt brick yesterday was actually a GW-180.  For $120 I think I did okay. IMG_2103IMG_2104

Jackpot, next stop, . . .Vegas?

How about this?

Picked up a smoke damaged Milwaukee Road Little Joe PS2.  Smoke is cleaning up OK, but will never get it to pristine condition. That's OK, a foray into weathering?

LJ a

Bought an Atlas Wisc Southern Box car with an Air Force logo at the recent train show in the Grand Rapids area. Sold it to a guy who wanted it and had to go to this car to get some cash. He happened to ask for it while I was walking away.  $23 is what I paid,  should have insisted on $50 he wanted it so bad. Oh well I was feeling charitable at the moment. Very little O, but these were a bunch of nice HO guys from Kelloggs Country. Photo taken with permission.



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After acquiring LIONEL TCA 15" aluminum passenger cars, including the skytop lounge observation car, to paint as a UP "City of ..." train, I discovered the LIONEL Milwaukee Road Hiawatha version of the prototype which has the simulated stainless steel (?) "Hiawatha" script, among other unique features. UP acquired Skytop lounges from MR and painted them in the distinctive yellow/gray and red stripe livery.

UP prototype photo:

UP skytop loung observation car images - Yahoo Image Search Results

So one popped up on ebay today and bought it:

Lionel 6-19187 O Gauge Milwaukee Rd. Cedar Rapids Observation #186 LN/Box - Picture 8 of 12

1995 Lionel 6-52062 O Gauge TCA City of Seattle Skytop Observation Car - Nice - Picture 6 of 12

It's definitely a premium car by Lionel:  unique extrusion, the "Hiawatha" band; and added roof details among other distinctive features.

Surprised to find these show up as single item listings occasinally.

PS:  If anyone would like a great deal on a TCA skytop lounge observation car, my email address is in my profile.

Last edited by Pingman
@coach joe posted:

Paul I think Ralph did "brive a dus, I dus a brive," on the Madison Avenue line.

The stamps are really cool.  Are they current like I can go to the PO and buy them or did I miss them?

Sorry I’ve been out to lunch of late, Joe… as Scotie said, you may find them at your local P.O. or you can order them online (that’s what I did since I wanted to get a few other items which P.O.’s typically don’t carry). They were issued on March 9th.

Just purchased this 681 w/ 2040W50 tender at a reasonable price. ( why???? I don't know cause I already have three "LOL" ) The tender had steps intact, had a chip out of the left front corner.  As usual I took the engine and tender apart for the basic maintenance and find any repair surprises. To my surprise all was in excellent condition. I did take the engine motor apart to grease gears and clean the commutator and brushes, the same w/the tender. Put them on the track, ran and operated like new.

4-22-23 [6)

4-22-23 [5)


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@texgeekboy posted:

@Trussman ,

My original primo engine was a 671.  I bought a 681 on a Stout auction about a year ago.  These were built before I was born, and I ain't no spring chicken.  I too have the 2046W Pennsylvania tender.  They run and operate like nobody's business and still look pretty darn good.

Congrats on your purchase.

Thanks texgeekboy.

The pw Lionels, a little tlc and basic maintenance and they run like they're suppose to.

Last edited by Trussman

Great buys everyone!! Thanks for sharing!!

Here’s my York hauls from Thursday and Friday. I left with a vehicle loaded on Thursday! Couldn’t even see out the rear view mirror! I sure did exceed my budget but some deals simple couldn’t get set back down. I was able to negotiate all my prices down from sticker price, even at METCA using the Chris’s Trains and Things discount. Here’s a photo of my day 1 purchases. (Please note the 4 boxes in back are filled with 75 empty Menards boxes! Thank you so much Jim!)


Day 2 I had much more room in the vehicle heading home. Added some big purple boxes to my collection! It’s definitely a beautiful PRR set! Here’s a photo of my day 2 purchases.


My entire York haul plus the single $1 I came home with. LoL


Here’s a quick video of Willie whistling the Chattanooga Choo Choo. This thing is so neat!

I had a very successful York experience for my third time attending! NO REGRETS! This was some much needed train therapy! 😁😎

A BIG THANK YOU goes out to EDTCA, all the dealers, sellers, buyers, volunteers, and to everyone that helped make this show possible!

**I have a more in-depth review with individual item photos in My Remodel thread listed in my signature. Please check it out!!


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Found a nice lot 15 min from the house!

Nice Dennis.        I especially like that Virginian FM.

In the early 70s I was involved with HO and the only O gauge I was familiar with was my old 6220 switcher from my childhood.     When I saw my friend's Lionel  Lackawanna FM I was floored with the size of that thing.      How did you find that great collection ?

Thanks for sharing sir.

Nice Dennis.        I especially like that Virginian FM.

In the early 70s I was involved with HO and the only O gauge I was familiar with was my old 6220 switcher from my childhood.     When I saw my friend's Lionel  Lackawanna FM I was floored with the size of that thing.      How did you find that great collection ?

Thanks for sharing sir.

Thanks Dallas! I just got lucky and was scrolling through a for sale group and it popped up. I think I noticed the neighboring town and then looked closer. Saw the FM and then noticed the rest. Its all cleaning up good so far lol.

Because York hauls often find there way here...

York haul sp2023

This is my haul home from Spring York 2023. Full details and commentary here for the hopper, tanker and Class A. Shown here but not yet pictured in that York thread is the N&W caboose and PS3 upgrade, both of which came from JustTrains in the waning hours of Saturday. I happened to mention the PS1 Class A above and my plans to upgrade it while buying the caboose, and "Oh? We have the PS3 steam kits here", and thus another sale

In the meantime, I ordered some microfiber cloth (like I used for the shiny Big Boy) to stand-in for the missing MTH inner wrap, after which I remembered MTH sells their own locomotive wrap+ribbon packs (60-1001), which I then ordered from T&K Hobby following a brief Google search.

Now, who does pro-quality PS3 installs in the NYC region? I could technically install this myself, but Dremel-ing out the back of the cab for the tether socket is something I don't trust myself to do well enough to look "factory". Plus I'm so low on horizontal space to work on, I haven't even installed the BCR2 I got for the 25th Anniversary MTH Dash 8 I talked about earlier in this topic, so performing such locomotive brain-transplants is out of the question in my living space. Shipping this monster is kind of questionable since the original Styrofoam is kind of loose from years of restraining 16 pounds of loco, and the outer carton is MIA. While true it would need to be packed extra securely regardless, I'd rather be within driving (or commuter train?) distance of an installer than entrust this to the great shipping apparatus.

Edit: I got someone lined up at the NJHR to install the kit. Close enough



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Last edited by RailRide
@trestleking posted:

DD392A2C-AD04-48C3-9E27-7B839EB2AA2BD3CF6FE4-3718-4E1B-A609-C22BAA8CE9EAI picked up this switcher horn for $25 at my local scrap yard.  It was a most enjoyable spring afternoon to sit on the hood of a locomotive & unbolt/unhook the horn.  Retirement is great !

Rich is SD - for a little while longer

That's a great find and interesting purchase, trestleking. Only how on earth are you going to attach it to your O scale switcher?

@trestleking posted:

D3CF6FE4-3718-4E1B-A609-C22BAA8CE9EAI picked up this switcher horn for $25 at my local scrap yard.  It was a most enjoyable spring afternoon to sit on the hood of a locomotive & unbolt/unhook the horn.  Retirement is great !

Rich is SD - for a little while longer

Bolt it in under the hood of your truck with a small compressor. I bet you'll get the other drivers attention with that puppy!

Not your average find in a scrap yard for sure. Very cool. Do you know any of the history of the engine?


Dang John, that thing is smoking like crazy already. Any plans to upgrade anything or is this just fine in your book?

No upgrades, but I think I'll take a look at the smoke unit as it's not shooting the smoke out quite as far as it should.  All in all, I'm very pleased with the set.  Of course, it will get LED lighting in the cars and a few more passengers in each car as well.

My York purchases this past week. I went to York with the intention of only buying one type of engine which was a MTH Triplex. I did not get a Triplex but got what is in the photos below.




Hmm... That's probably why all the shelves were bare!   That's pretty much a carload!

@RSJB18 posted:

Bolt it in under the hood of your truck with a small compressor. I bet you'll get the other drivers attention with that puppy!

Not your average find in a scrap yard for sure. Very cool. Do you know any of the history of the engine?


   Hi Bob, the other side of the switcher says "South Dakota Wheat Grower's Assoc", other than that it's been hanging out at the Agtegra mill in Huron, SD (3 blocks away) for the past 2 yrs..  The yard said they were gonna cut it up when it gets warmer.  Very nice people to let me in their yard.  The more you look, the more you see, there is also a green baggage car that is/was storage for them and an upside down SOO LINE gon.

  Now my wife wants the horn for her SUV  ! 

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