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A pair of MTH Premier EMD DDA40X locomotives (one powered, one unpowered) From a fellow Forum member.


The C45ACCTE in the foreground is from m current collection, and is welcoming its new stablemates aboard.  The difference in size is quite apparent.  


The Centenniels are so long in fact that they can't negotiate our kitchen layout, due to the proximity of the scenery to the track in the curves.


Even more incentive to start the basement layout!




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I don't think it rates Matt's OOOH-RA, but I just picked up my first LionChief Plus locomotive, the Phila & Reading Camelback.  I wanted to have one to get some first hand experience, and this is the first scale steamer I've seen in the LC+ line.


Initial impression is it's not bad for the priced point.  It has very good smoke, nice detailing, and excellent speed control and low speed performance.  The remote is simple, just the thing to introduce kids to command operation.



LC+ Camelback


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  • LC+ Camelback

I bought a williams SP F-7 B-unit on ebay and it came in saturday. I noticed it had pick-up rollers and thought it odd, Till I ran it! The unit has a sound board which has Prime Mover sounds and a air horn(I think) I was very Impressed. It also matches the SP F-7's I bought from ebay a while ago, with concurrent Numbers on the units. Looks very cool pulling my Post war Streamlined Lionel 2500 Passenger cars.

Recently bought an MTH blue 256 with coach set, contemporary with PS2. Original owner said the engine was dead, but I thought from his description it just had a dead battery. I replaced the battery (the original was toast), lubricated the cars and put it all on the track. Started right up and drove off very smoothly. One more off Ken's wanted list!
@ TrainRoomGary-- Aha, that's very cute. My Williams Hudson should've come with one of those, I was being Casey Jones one day and I managed to throw it off of a curve. (Thankfully I was running on the carpet at the time, so all I got was a bent handrail and some rather funny pictures.)
Originally Posted by trainroomgary:

Check out this packaging statement from MTH / RailKing




First time I ever saw this in a RailKing Package....

See Photo below, click on photo to enlarge. 

• Cheers from The Detroit and Mackinac Railway

B&O Fire Car & Package RailKing 30 79273

Government Mandated Roll Over Safety warnings for O Scale cars. Now we know why MTH canceled new offerings. All those lawsuits from O scale people. 

Playing catch up. Some real cool things posted


Videos show both newly assigned CB&Q GP7 and U28C(C&S) arriving at the Winteron yards for the first time. 


Picked up a few things. this weekend in Venice Fl


MTH Premier CB&Q GP7( Rare find at a Florida Train show)






1/24 scale 1950 Chevy Belar




Walt Disney's Rail Road Story




Late last month a Lionel CB&Q(C&S) U28C PHII Cant remember if posted Been a long month for me. Arrived in dead lined status. Rebuilt and now runs smooth as silk.




This hurt my train budget but bought a 2014 Town and Country due to wife's van being totaled. Driving in Tampa is like driving in a third world country. Even the makers of Cracker Jack had some standards.







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The Red Car by Don Stanford was written in 1954. It was bought by me from the Scholastic Book Services sale in my elementary school. I don't have it anymore but the memory of this nice book has always stayed with me.

So as I have been filling in my collection of 1950's cars on my layout it came to me what I was missing.

I found a Matchbox Models of Yesteryear Red MG TC, like the book is about. It makes me smile to think of the book and now to see one on my layout. Azgary




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Here's a few I bought recently. A book I had as a child ( Tim and his Trains ) graphics of Lionel trains but the name is never mentioned. Had a copy when I was a little.

Just picked up this boxed set.

NYC Empire State Express (1975) all in obs and set box very nice set lightly run if at all.

My WBB Texas SP (yeah) rip- roarn just like the West. They pull my 6 aluminum passenger cars with no problems.

Long live the ( Frisco )!




Tim and his Trains 1



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Last edited by Frisco Brakeman

The least cool thing recently was an old primer brown Atlas ore car that had seen better days.  It had previously been 3 railed with a pair of postwar trucks that left it 4 scale feet higher than normal.


Spent a stupid amount of time and money getting it to look like this.  No attempt was made to replicate anything resembling a prototype.  Even worked in set of HO decals to finish off the project.



Hey guys. I have a pic here for SteamWolf if some one would make sure he gets a peak. He said the other day he always wanted a Dodge Power Wagon; I believe a 1948 model. Well Yesterday I was in Branson, Mo. and right on 76 strip was the truck of his dreams; advertising Shorty Smalls Restaurant. Did I buy some cool stuff and today too. Don't have pics yet but I will post some later.



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  • Dodge Power Wagon

New S gauge FlyerChief Polar Express set AND additional baggage car and abandoned toys car. These are beauties with 6 wheel trucks and near scale dimensions. A fantastic rtr starter set, that's vastly superior to Lionel's O gauge PE rtr starter set.

Locomotive is a newly tooled Berkshire with a dramatized pilot as seen in the film. Though an entry level FlyerChief locomotive it has features found in Lionel's O gauge LionChief Plus engines including;       

  • User selected operational modes: Conventional AC transformer mode OR FlyerChief™ wireless remote control with AC or DC power
  • AF Speed Control -- retain a steady constant speed whether traveling on inclines, declines, or flat terrain
  • On/Off switches for sound, smoke, and conventional/remote operation mode
  • Locomotive with forward, neutral, and reverse operation
  • Die-cast metal locomotive body and die-cast metal frame
  • Die cast metal 6-wheel trucks on die-cast metal tender
  • Railsounds® RC sound system with steam chuffing while in motion.
  • Realistic background sounds, whistle and bell all triggered by remote
  • Operating LED headlight
  • Directional LED on tender (rear light)
  • Operating coupler on rear of tender
  • Fan-driven smoke unit
  • Powerful maintenance-free motor
  • Two traction tires for added 'grip'






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  • 649632-1: S gauge FlerChief Polar Express set plus add-on Abandoned Toys car and Baggage car.
  • 649972-1
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Last edited by ogaugeguy
Originally Posted by ogaugeguy:

New S gauge FlyerChief Polar Express set AND additional baggage car and abandoned toys car. These are beauties with 6 wheel trucks and near scale dimensions. A fantastic rtr starter set, that's vastly superior to Lionel's O gauge PE rtr starter set





They are nice Ogaugeguy!!

And they already have snow on the car roofs.  What a novel idea.  

Looking mighty good!!

I just bought this one (Atlas O 45' Pines Trailer) on eBay. It's one of four that I won on a recent auction.


It's pretty hard to find one, nevermind a case (all 4 road #s), of an item that came out 11 years ago. That's why I didn't pass on these even though I don't have any intermodal equipment on which to place them. So, I'll have to find a couple of 89' 4" flat cars or some Front Runners.


These would look great behind my 2 MTH SCL SD45s...


45' Pines Trailer 001

45' Pines Trailer 002

45' Pines Trailer 003


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  • 45' Pines Trailer 001
  • 45' Pines Trailer 002
  • 45' Pines Trailer 003
Originally Posted by Mark Boyce:
Originally Posted by ogaugeguy:

New S gauge FlyerChief Polar Express set AND additional baggage car and abandoned toys car. These are beauties with 6 wheel trucks and near scale dimensions. A fantastic rtr starter set, that's vastly superior to Lionel's O gauge PE rtr starter set





They are nice Ogaugeguy!!

And they already have snow on the car roofs.  What a novel idea.  

Looking mighty good!!

I just saw that an hour ago. (I wanted to see if they improved the catalog format. Nope.)


Originally Posted by ogaugeguy:
Originally Posted by Adriatic:
Originally Posted by Mark Boyce:
Originally Posted by ogaugeguy:

New S gauge FlyerChief Polar Express set AND additional baggage car and abandoned toys car. These are beauties with 6 wheel trucks and near scale dimensions. A fantastic rtr starter set, that's vastly superior to Lionel's O gauge PE rtr starter set





They are nice Ogaugeguy!!

And they already have snow on the car roofs.  What a novel idea.  

Looking mighty good!!

I just saw that an hour ago. (I wanted to see if they improved the catalog format. Nope.)


What do you mean, Adriatic, by "(...improved the catalog format. Nope.)"? I don't understand. If you're referring to possible misinformation in the catalog description for this set, I'll try to clear up whatever it is - just explain what bothers you. 


Last edited by ogaugeguy

Just after there was a thread running involving identifying a Marx set from VOL III, the

Greenberg Marx set book, I found an early 3/16 set this morning, 9/26, in a show and

picked it up.  The book identifies it as #25010, with a #391 engine, the wedge tender,

a Pa. brown box car vs. red UP one, the 13079 hopper, and the #2700 vs. 33773 flat,

WITH its timber load, all in played with condition, tilt fork couplers, no original box

(worse luck!), a pair of the red operating Marx switches, a Lionel crossing gate with the attached lighted crossbuck, and a Lionel 110 watt RW transformer.   It has a

crossover with it and Marx track.  I had to spring $25.00 for this.  Did I overpay?

Here are some from the last couple of months:


This Cross Harbor Round Roof Boxcar from NLOE is very cool:






This Red Baron Tank Car from NETCA is also pretty sharp:






This new MTH Premier Narragansett Beer TOFC is going to be a nice addition to the New England consist.






I also picked up a couple of the METCA S Gauge ILNY Boxcars:





Thanks for looking.




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Originally Posted by Mark Boyce:
Nice, Mark. They're one of a kind originals that will make eye-catching panels for anyone's train space.

Last evening was the opening of a new art gallery in Butler, Pennsylvania.  Our daughter and our other daughter's mother-in-law both are artists, and bought spaces.  While there my wife and daughter told me I needed to buy these small paintings.  They were hand painted originals.


2015-09-26 12.41.52


Originally Posted by ogaugeguy:
Originally Posted by Mark Boyce:
Nice, Mark. They're one of a kind originals that will make eye-catching panels for anyone's train space.

Last evening was the opening of a new art gallery in Butler, Pennsylvania.  Our daughter and our other daughter's mother-in-law both are artists, and bought spaces.  While there my wife and daughter told me I needed to buy these small paintings.  They were hand painted originals.


2015-09-26 12.41.52


Thanks Ogaugeguy!  You are absolutely right!

Looks like I "bought" a new reply I wasn't really counting on .

  Thank you Ogaugeguy, sorry for "squeaking". The toe step was accidental. I'm good at that . (I'm not really looking to have you send me "paper" as you have graciously offered in the past, but I'll say thank you again, in anticipation of the effort)

  No particular lack of info, missed feature listing, bad photo, or other mistake of that type that I noticed*.

   By "format", I mean its the same viewing app. that I've had "issue" with since day one. Weak zoom control. Like using a telescope through a porthole in a storm.

 *I only browse to get to my "target". Its too small to read the others, and too finicky to zoom, to be tolerable outside of a "target", let alone enjoyable, despite loving the subject.

 That's the short version, and I'm a little fish. If more truly interests you, you are more than welcome to ask me personally by my email too, but rather than bash on things "I" just don't care for, how about sharing your best close up photo of one of those AF's I liked the look of?











Within this 3 rail life, a little 2 rail must fall.  It has been fascinating comparing this old Atlas F3 to their modern product.  Rest assured, the new stuff is a vast improvement.  Check out the razor edge paint separation.  Other than motor, wheels and a few screws, everything else is made of plastic.  It does appear that the truck side frames are identical to the modern equivalent....the former plastic, the latter cast metal.




My Girlfriend & I were at a local "Redux"store (St. Vincent De Paul ) and we donated some item for resale. she found me a Lionel Rico station(missing one freight door on the end of the station. I found some Lionel switches and a Marx train set there on a earlier visit. I have another station in pieces, so replacing the door is not a problem. it was $5.00! Score!!!!

Finally able to find something to buy because my antique dealer is back from vacation. He just got in a Lionel 3560 search light car in good shape, a little dirty and the light works. Also had an old photo album with a bunch of old B&W photos of steamers- the NKP 227(sister of 765?), the Pere Marquette 1227, some Alco diesels , a Y6 and several C&Os plus others.

Just got back 2 days ago from t e week in NYC and a train trip across the country (Metro on the NE corridor to DC, the Capitol Limited, then the Empire Builder).

During the week, we went to Steamtown and Strasburg. Such a great time...

Got a fair amount of swag at the PA stops:


Oh, I also bought the camera I took this shot with, it's a new canon 24.2MP SLR! I got it at the main B&H store in Manhattan...


Last edited by p51
Originally Posted by Mark Boyce:

Last evening was the opening of a new art gallery in Butler, Pennsylvania.  Our daughter and our other daughter's mother-in-law both are artists, and bought spaces.  While there my wife and daughter told me I needed to buy these small paintings.  They were hand painted originals.


2015-09-26 12.41.52

I have the far one on the right hanging in my room. Mine is on a piece of slate. I never knew there was series of these!

Originally Posted by Railfan9:
Originally Posted by Mark Boyce:

Last evening was the opening of a new art gallery in Butler, Pennsylvania.  Our daughter and our other daughter's mother-in-law both are artists, and bought spaces.  While there my wife and daughter told me I needed to buy these small paintings.  They were hand painted originals.


2015-09-26 12.41.52

I have the far one on the right hanging in my room. Mine is on a piece of slate. I never knew there was series of these!


Well how about that!!  I never saw them before at all!

Hey from here in the south west. Went to Bixby Ok. today to a decent train show. Lots of nice goodies but just more than I wanted to spend. Did pick-up some items though while I was in Tulsa. I had purchased 7 books from a fellow on craigslist and he lived in Broken Arrow; so I met with him this morning and picked them up. Went to Ollie's Train Station Restaurant for lunch; really cool place for train folks.  they have lots of O-gauge and G-gauge trains to look at and 2 operating loops hanging from the ceiling and 1 shelf loop. Went over to Sand Springs to the toy train museum and while I was there I purchased the Texaco Tank car. Ollie's is just off of 244 west, on South West Blvd. The Toy Train Museum is on 126 Main St in Sand Springs. Had a big day. 

Texaco Tank Car

Toy Train Books 1

Toy Train Books 2


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  • Texaco Tank Car
  • Toy Train Books 1
  • Toy Train Books 2
Last edited by Frisco Brakeman

Picked up a couple of nice items at the Pgh.  TCA show today.  Got a Lionel #8 Standard gauge loco with the idea of using the motor in another bigger loco I have but runs nice so will hold off for awhile until the Greenberg Show in Nov. Also bought a Lionel 2046, in nice shape, that runs and smokes nice and that I absolutely didn't need but it "spoke" to me !! Also acquired a Lionel V transformer that needs a cord and might be good for lights and accessories. Attendance seemed a bit light and business a little slow. To cap it off I stopped at the LHS annd picked up some more Standard gauge track and two new magazines. Came home with some goodies and a little $$ in my wallet so it was a good day.

A few recent acquisitions are a set of K-Line UP streamliners that were 'added to' by the previous owner (notable forum member) with extra passengers, LED lighting, and a scale rear coupler on the Obsv. This week we received an older Lionel D&H Alco C420 which I used to check both it and the UP cars out this afternoon. Not an often-seen diesel & a beautiful passenger set!







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Last edited by c.sam

  Research says these Williams State sets are over 35 years old.  That's longer than I've known of Standard Gauge and began a modest collection.  See, before O, it was SG that lured me into the toy train addiction.


  Over eight feet long, I've yet to figure out where it can be properly displayed.


A previous owner installed 2 freshly rebuilt Super Motors with McCoy replacement wheels and postwar E unit into the 408E shell.  While it does run smoothly, I have yet to try pulling all 4 cars.

Cost me enough, but I got the whole car to myself.

 And the requisite parting shot, just for PTC.


Last edited by brwebster

Hi Dave, 

Ironically, I have a New Hope & Ivyland R.R. boxcar also by KMT and what's odd is that the number is the same as your boxcar,#800912. The difference is mine is black with yellow sliding doors. Never thought I would see another NH&IRR boxcar around.

Mine came as a gift from a friend and fellow modeler of The Raritan Valley Hi-Railers train group, because he knew that I was a fireman, about 4 years ago, on that railroad, on #40.

It is a consolidation, Baldwin built, in 1925, and a great loco. The gift was primo since it brings back some great memories of working the engine & many other jobs that were needed to be addressed (maintenance). I have the original box and the car is in great shape. Really like yours though.

                        Steam Forever


 thats like to see pics of it if you can.....i thought it was odd and i never saw one like it thats why i got it...but its kinda cool that there are other versions of it out there
Originally Posted by John J. Giuliano:

Hi Dave, 

Ironically, I have a New Hope & Ivyland R.R. boxcar also by KMT and what's odd is that the number is the same as your boxcar,#800912. The difference is mine is black with yellow sliding doors. Never thought I would see another NH&IRR boxcar around.

Mine came as a gift from a friend and fellow modeler of The Raritan Valley Hi-Railers train group, because he knew that I was a fireman, about 4 years ago, on that railroad, on #40.

It is a consolidation, Baldwin built, in 1925, and a great loco. The gift was primo since it brings back some great memories of working the engine & many other jobs that were needed to be addressed (maintenance). I have the original box and the car is in great shape. Really like yours though.

                        Steam Forever



LC Albert Hall from a forum member



 An unmanifested surprise arriving at the Winterton Yards  



 Loaded with Magic Coal and Water GN/CB&Q crews take it for a spin



   Albert Hall sits uncoupled, while the Yard Master figures out what to do with it. Nearest Steam facilities are at the North Pole where the PE sits when not in use.. 






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I had a sales table at a model train show on Saturday, and I sold off a lot of excess stuff and I was happy with that.

I also bought some stuff, including a stack of books at $1 each, a locomotive status book from the Milwaukee Road and a few small items...

I was very happy to finally score one of these, a paperweight given out to employees and shippers in the 1920s. The headlights were broken off each end, but I only paid $15 bucks for it!

Originally Posted by Frisco Brakeman:

Hey guys. I have a pic here for SteamWolf if some one would make sure he gets a peak. He said the other day he always wanted a Dodge Power Wagon; I believe a 1948 model. Well Yesterday I was in Branson, Mo. and right on 76 strip was the truck of his dreams; advertising Shorty Smalls Restaurant. Did I buy some cool stuff and today too. Don't have pics yet but I will post some later.


Cool pic... I was away down in the mountains in southwest Alberta after posing that, there's a guy down there with a yard that's got five or six in ok shape just wasting away. Shame.

In addtion to a Hallmark 1936 GMC (I had their 1937 Ford, also newly discovered but already repainted) pickup (I hope Hallmark continues that 

series with some pre-1941 Chevrolets and other pickups...the GMC is a 

surprise, as I have seen few in vintage car shows), I picked up a 1936 Ford

sedan, 1;43ed, by White Box, and saw some Neo, first time I have seen

either at a show.  I also picked up the power chasses for more gas electrics,

also maybe including the McKeen car posted on here....IF that happens.

Originally Posted by Mark Boyce:

Peter Araujo, It looks great!  I'll have to get some cars like that for this!  Yes the Great Northern probably didn't use F3s to pull the Empire Builder, but mine will.  I got an exceptionally sweet deal on this set at the beginning of the month.



I believe they ran both 3s and 7s on that train, which is what I do as well. Even if they hadn't I think your engines look great!

Originally Posted by Len B:
Originally Posted by Mark Boyce:

Peter Araujo, It looks great!  I'll have to get some cars like that for this!  Yes the Great Northern probably didn't use F3s to pull the Empire Builder, but mine will.  I got an exceptionally sweet deal on this set at the beginning of the month.



I believe they ran both 3s and 7s on that train, which is what I do as well. Even if they hadn't I think your engines look great!

Thank you Len!!

Mr. Boyce:
Regarding F-Inits on the GN's "Empire Builder"..  Please take note:

Empire Builder


E7 diesel passenger locomotives experience overheating problems
in the mountains. They are replaced by an A-B-A set of EMD
F units (F3's and F7's). Great Northern modified these units
into "Passenger F's" with higher gearing for greater speed and
boilers for steam heat.



1955 edition of the Empire Builderrepresents the zenith of the the train's evolution on the GN.

To pull the heavier consist, GN
now assigns 4 EMD F units (Passenger F's) arranged in A-B-B-A fashion.

Ken Shattock  (KRK)

Originally Posted by Mark Boyce:

Peter Araujo, It looks great!  I'll have to get some cars like that for this!  Yes the Great Northern probably didn't use F3s to pull the Empire Builder, but mine will.  I got an exceptionally sweet deal on this set at the beginning of the month.




Hey Greg--  What you bought at York is NOT what you think.   O-Scale Railroading deals with 1/4" scale 2-rail operations.   OGR mag deals with Rich Melvin, et al.  They are two different magazines !!
Ken Shattock  (KRK)
Originally Posted by Greg Houser:

The entire first year of the OGR magazine - a York find:




- Greg


Originally Posted by keyrouteken:
Mr. Boyce:
Regarding F-Inits on the GN's "Empire Builder"..  Please take note:

Empire Builder


E7 diesel passenger locomotives experience overheating problems
in the mountains. They are replaced by an A-B-A set of EMD
F units (F3's and F7's). Great Northern modified these units
into "Passenger F's" with higher gearing for greater speed and
boilers for steam heat.



1955 edition of the Empire Builderrepresents the zenith of the the train's evolution on the GN.

To pull the heavier consist, GN
now assigns 4 EMD F units (Passenger F's) arranged in A-B-B-A fashion.

Ken Shattock  (KRK)

Originally Posted by Mark Boyce:

Peter Araujo, It looks great!  I'll have to get some cars like that for this!  Yes the Great Northern probably didn't use F3s to pull the Empire Builder, but mine will.  I got an exceptionally sweet deal on this set at the beginning of the month.





That information is super to know!!  I planned to look into it, just for fun sometime, but I should guess someone like you from the Pacific Northwest would chime in.  So the E7s overheated in the mountains!  How about that!  Up to 1955, the year before I was born is just the era I like to model.  My uncle and his family in Federal Way, Washington rode on the Empire Builder before Amtrak and once Amtrak took over.  

Thank you very much!!  

While on cab units, here is another great deal I got this week; and I didn't even have to leave Butler and drive cross state to York to get it.  


In addition to the F3 A-B-A set, I purchased a ProtoSound 1 B&O E-8 A-B-A set plus 7 streamline passenger cars all new in box that a fellow had from a large estate sale. He lubed, put in a BCR, and checked out the E8s before putting up for sale. Super price! I may upgrade to PS3, but they run great conventionally.

The only trouble is, now I need a larger layout!! 


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2015-10-23 22.46.41


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Last edited by Mark Boyce

The Neil Young Signature Series, Trail Blazer 2 pack arrived today.  Pretty middle of the road quality for a pair retailing at $400.  I prefer my old K-Line FOM, 15" cars with smooth sides and sans serif lettering.  They forgot privacy glazing in the coach bathroom to the left...that half oval thing is the toilet lid in the up position.



The station sounds diner isn't much to write home about either.  The gold striping on the raised edges of the fluting is odd looking.  Some blemishes in the aluminum could not be hidden by the black paint on the roofs.  The green tint windows is great!...on an aquarium car!


Here's the K-Line RPO from their FOM set.  I suppose the inconsistent look of smooth and fluted could be explained away as prototypical.   Thus ends my one and only experience with pre-order.  Gotta take the bad with the good I suppose.



Originally Posted by keyrouteken:
Hey Greg--  What you bought at York is NOT what you think.   O-Scale Railroading deals with 1/4" scale 2-rail operations.   OGR mag deals with Rich Melvin, et al.  They are two different magazines !!
Ken Shattock  (KRK)
Originally Posted by Greg Houser:

The entire first year of the OGR magazine - a York find:




- Greg


Hi Ken--they're the same magazine:


March 22, 2015 12:03 PM

For those of you interested in the old magazines, the OGR Digital Archive contains EVERY ISSUE of OSR/OGR from Run #1 of June 1969 through Run #238, October/November 2009.


Issues from December 2009 to the present are in the OGR Digital Library, an on-line library available to OGR Digital Subscribers.


Rich Melvin, Publisher & CEO

O Gauge Railroading magazine

Last edited by Greg Houser

At York I picked up a Lionel N&W 611 and 6 passenger cars, from 1981, $425.00 for the lot! Only two of the cars had boxes, but the set, after some lubrication, and adjusting the smoke lever for the piston, runs like a top! This set had almost no run time, and even though I am a Pennsy guy, I have always admired this set, and got it Friday afternoon. Also picked up some smoke and items for layout scenery. All in all a wonderful York! 

Originally Posted by Matt Makens:


Doug, that's fricken sweet. I had my grubby little hands on an 8 car El Capitan set but we mistakenly got 2 rail. My heart was heave shipping it back but good things come to those who wait

Ahhh that's a punch in the face. Had the goods......but not really. Sorry for your loss lol

New to OGR, please be nice to me! Also, first post here.


Just bought my first Ives! (Hope the image works)

Also still working on a Railroad Room in my yard. If this interests anyone, I'll start some kind of construction thread to show progress. (With pics of course)


This is the subfloor, completed. I have gotten farther than this, but my camera's batteries went dead!


Last edited by RonthePirate

I recently got this nice traditional /conventional Lionel GG1. I know it is not fresh of the truck but was waiting for the right time. I do like the gold stripe It stands out in a field of black. 


I have gotten much more interested in the Penn Central RR in the last few years. I blame this mostly on picking up the Penn Central Power books from Morning Sun. 


These aren't my pictures but it shows the prototype and how the wash rack only hit the sides not the nose curves.Now if I can track down some passenger cars.image



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Not bought but just completed building.  "Junior",  a much smaller version of the dynamic-test-stand built in 06.


This is Senior!  A MTH PRR S1 on test.  Big enough for my Big Boy and any AA units including my Centipedes.


JR. with infamous Atlas Southern GP-35 with sound issues.


JR. with somewhat new to me MTH B&O (PS-1) GP-9.  First time under power since purchase.  To be out graded to PS-2 once I find the donor PS-2 GP-7 bought some time ago.





Originally Posted by RonthePirate:

Some added weight for my 1668 to haul around. Not bad for $35.00 for the both.

(They are #2642 and #2643)



Oh, here's my 1668. Also just recently purchased incredibly for $30.00 from an estate liquidation. It runs smoother than my other loco's.

Ron I hate to tell you that you were hornswaggled on those cars...and perhaps the locomotive as well. I'll swing by and give you your money back.....

Quote from Steamer:

Ron I hate to tell you that you were hornswaggled on those cars...and perhaps the locomotive as well. I'll swing by and give you your money back.....


Hornswaggled?? How is that possible? Those cars sell for no less than $50.00 each on Fleabay.

And the 1668 actually runs better than my other loco's. Somebody took really good care  of the engine. It's dirt-free inside. 



Many of the members on another site agree that I got good prices, since they also bought from him. 

Where do you get your info on this? Oh, I'm not angry or anything like that, just aghast. 

Aghast at the fact that everyone that bought trains from him got ripped off.

Knowing some of the people there, I would say that it's next to impossible to accomplish.

I got in two of the models of the Russian knockoff of the Ford Model A school buses....

that I now have to figure out how I am going to power them, with reverse, etc. to run on three rail.  They were not in the "Ford" and "Chevy" catalogs this time, either.  My

previous attempt with something not quite this small using HO components, on a brass railbus, was not successful, but it was large enough to cram something else, O gauge,  in.

Brought home my Lionel 1689E that a friend found and looks and runs good but does need the usual cleaning and lube job. Then as a bonus I stumbled on a Lionel 221 on the floor of an antique shop-literally. It is the dark gray, 1946 vintage, runs, needs cleaned and lubed also plus 3  2430-2431 cars in decent shape except the roofs need painted a bit. Also found a lead draft horse model, the same as the two  I had for years until 1985 when they were lost in our house fire. Had never seen one that was affordable-this was $5. So more toys and a good day except I am running out of room.

Just took delivery of this new in the box, never used beauty courtesy of a fine forum gentleman who happened upon this at a garage or estate sale and listed on the buy/sell//trade board. Just awesome!! The Mi-Jack container lift really makes the intermodal yard come alive even as a static display. I bought this hoping that eventually Lionel will offer a new version in command that is a little more robust mechanically. In the meantime this is still very cool.







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  • Mi-Jack

My most resent buys have been two things. One is an engine and one is a box car. 
The locomotive is an MTH Railking Amtrak F59PHI with Proto Sound 2.0, and the box car is the MTH Premier Line Southern Railway 200,000th Pullman Standard Box car. 
As for stuff on the way, I've just bought an MTH SD70ACe, Union Pacific 4141 George H.W. Bush, which has not arrived yet, but should be here soon. 
I'm also planning on buying some Lionel Vision Line locomotives from a friend of mine. The Norfolk Southern Genset, and the 700E Hudson. 
All of these, both ones I have and what I'm planning on getting, can be seen on my youtube channel. 



MTH Premier UP 4141, SD70ACe [1)



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Originally Posted by RonthePirate:
Originally Posted by Steamer:

Ron, my post was purely in jest. You made a great deal, and I'm completely envious!

Steamer, my apologies! I didn't read that post in the context of a great gag!

You got me good! I owe you one.



well...if you truly mean that...send me that 2642 and 2643...... (JK!!)

Thanks Mark, for some reason I was having trouble adding text after I uploaded the pictures most likely due to operator error


The 0-6-0 is a Lionel semiscale 8976 switcher (I think 227 is the catalog number) with the bell ringer tender.  I also snagged it off da bay for a $125 buy it now.  It will also need a little work, but It should be a good couple of evening fall project.

The Marklin shell is 1920's as best I can tell.  It could have come with a wind up or 20 volt electric motor.  It should have had a pantograph on the missing roof.  I'll probably install a Lionel prewar or similar motor and be careful not to damage the Marklin sheet metal, just in case I find a Marklin motor. I think I won this one for $4.99 or something like that.

The Brass diesel shell is a 1950's Kemtron GP-7 that was sold as a kit.. hopefully, I will get around to restoring it and installing an All Nation or other drive in it.


The first two refrigerator cars are both 1940's Westbrook wood kits built sometime way back when.  Nice detail for 80 years ago.  These are the printed and embossed carboard side type of car so are somewhat delicate.  All the details would be added by the modeler.

The last two cars are both Scale-craft and date from the late 1930's and both are assembled kits, although you could buy Scale-craft factory assembled and hand lettered.  These are factory scribbed wood sides with decals and again modeler added details. 


All these feature a diecast underframe and metal trucks and are somewhat heavy.


Opps, forgot the 1662 and Gunmetal 259E.  I picked both up for less than $20 each and had em running in an evening.  I put a set of nickel rimmed drivers off a 229 on the 1662 so I could run it on my O gauge tinplate track.


That funny bronze frame is a Red Adams castinng from I think the 1930's.  It is stamped as such and also to be  NYC H-10 2-8-2 .  So far I have not positively identified it's source, other than being Adams.  He suppsedly supplied castings to several prewar locomotive kit suppliers.  One that I think this could be is Scale Models out of Hunington Indiana as I hace a 1941 Megow catalog with info for this engine in it.


Have not identified the source for the big brinze Hudson either but golly is it ever heavy.... A true Doorstop indeed.


All fun for something different

Last edited by Dennis Holler

I've been using a visor magnifier with interchangeable lenses for years while working on train projects. I find it indispensable. But I recently decided to upgrade and ordered a Dazor Illuminated Magnifier. I picked it up the other day and it's incredible. The lens I use in the visor is 5 diopter, so I got the same in the Dazor. Below are two photos of my work area. The other lamp is another Razor (3 tube Full Spectrum bulb). Another incredible product. I went with Full Spectrum on the illuminator so the light looks the same.

IMG_0097 [1)

IMG_0102 [1)


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I found these MTH cars on a local trader site while I was out and about in Yankton today.


The Divided Flat is flippin' flawless other than some dust and a missing (not broke off) brake wheel. HUGE CAR!


The Tank car needs a couple of steps repaired and some help on the catwalk.


10 Bucks!


Neither of these fit anywhere near my layout so they probably will be sold.





While the wife was dinking around in ChinaMart looking for needlepoint stuff, I came across this chain. It is almost identical to the Menards chain on my tarped load car less the color. A little ammonia will rust it right up and viola, I gots me some log chain. $3.24.





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Last edited by 027Ted

Blew through two shows today, the Kirtland, Ohio O scale show, where I found three

more pairs of archbar trucks.  I think these and the ones from York with do me for a

few projects for a while.  And one show in Dover, on flyer did not show how to get into Dover off I-77, and fairgrounds main entrance was closed...found an alley

to get around  back, and an open gate.  Large show with a lot of tables in the Tuscarawas  Co. Fairgrounds (spelling?), but mostly HO and N, of course, with a lot of orange boxes, too.  I never look at those because you have to pick them up to read the tiny print of the contents.  Stuff has to be out of the box to quickly tell what it is.  I

picked up a box in the Kirtland show for Atlas, and it was an item made for a hobby

shop.  Three lines on the small label, the last with the roadname, which is most

important to me, in very fine print.

Originally Posted by Dennis Holler:

Thanks Mark, for some reason I was having trouble adding text after I uploaded the pictures most likely due to operator error


The 0-6-0 is a Lionel semiscale 8976 switcher (I think 227 is the catalog number) with the bell ringer tender.  I also snagged it off da bay for a $125 buy it now.  It will also need a little work, but It should be a good couple of evening fall project.

The Marklin shell is 1920's as best I can tell.  It could have come with a wind up or 20 volt electric motor.  It should have had a pantograph on the missing roof.  I'll probably install a Lionel prewar or similar motor and be careful not to damage the Marklin sheet metal, just in case I find a Marklin motor. I think I won this one for $4.99 or something like that.

The Brass diesel shell is a 1950's Kemtron GP-7 that was sold as a kit.. hopefully, I will get around to restoring it and installing an All Nation or other drive in it.


The first two refrigerator cars are both 1940's Westbrook wood kits built sometime way back when.  Nice detail for 80 years ago.  These are the printed and embossed carboard side type of car so are somewhat delicate.  All the details would be added by the modeler.

The last two cars are both Scale-craft and date from the late 1930's and both are assembled kits, although you could buy Scale-craft factory assembled and hand lettered.  These are factory scribbed wood sides with decals and again modeler added details. 


All these feature a diecast underframe and metal trucks and are somewhat heavy.


Opps, forgot the 1662 and Gunmetal 259E.  I picked both up for less than $20 each and had em running in an evening.  I put a set of nickel rimmed drivers off a 229 on the 1662 so I could run it on my O gauge tinplate track.


That funny bronze frame is a Red Adams castinng from I think the 1930's.  It is stamped as such and also to be  NYC H-10 2-8-2 .  So far I have not positively identified it's source, other than being Adams.  He suppsedly supplied castings to several prewar locomotive kit suppliers.  One that I think this could be is Scale Models out of Hunington Indiana as I hace a 1941 Megow catalog with info for this engine in it.


Have not identified the source for the big brinze Hudson either but golly is it ever heavy.... A true Doorstop indeed.


All fun for something different

Thank you Dennis.  They are all really neat!

Originally Posted by Mark Boyce:

I bought a neat car today at the Greenberg show at Monroeville, Pennsylvania.  It is an Atlas O Armco Butler Works coil car.  I know scads of folks who worked there, including my father-in-law and his father.  I normally like steam or transition era, but made an exception this time.




Sounds like an exception worth making. Cool car - striking colors and nice design!

Originally Posted by Mark Boyce:

I bought a neat car today at the Greenberg show at Monroeville, Pennsylvania.  It is an Atlas O Armco Butler Works coil car.  I know scads of folks who worked there, including my father-in-law and his father.  I normally like steam or transition era, but made an exception this time.




Nice find for a whim purchase.. 

I built an OGR Barrettsburgh Tool and Die and made it into a John Deere plant. I am now buying John Deere diecast construction equipment and placing them on flat cars to locate on site. I visited York earlier this year and saw Ralph Digges (Ralph's Trains) flatcar load display and went wow.........

I finally got the money together to buy one of his custom built flatcar loads. It looks like Ralph adds the wood base himself. He weathered the wood and in my case glued the excavator (not sure if this is done for all diecast) then added chains. A friend who did this for a living said it was about as prototypical as one can get. He said the only thing missing were wood chocks routinely placed under the treads. Some companies would also place the bucket in some kind of wood holder.








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Originally Posted by Model Structures:

I built an OGR Barrettsburgh Tool and Die and made it into a John Deere plant. I am now buying John Deere diecast construction equipment and placing them on flat cars to locate on site. I visited York earlier this year and saw Ralph Digges (Ralph's Trains) flatcar load display and went wow.........

I finally got the money together to buy one of his custom built flatcar loads. It looks like Ralph adds the wood base himself. He weathered the wood and in my case glued the excavator (not sure if this is done for all diecast) then added chains. A friend who did this for a living said it was about as prototypical as one can get. He said the only thing missing were wood chocks routinely placed under the treads. Some companies would also place the bucket in some kind of wood holder.







Great looking model, nice work.

Its been a while since I posted anything, but I have ben following the thread. Lot of cool things. The Pre War Tin Plate stuff has me thinking now. Cool for me.


Not pictured:


1st: Got a good deal on a MTH Premiere NH FA2 that the A units shells were smashed( they were tested and are fully operational) to upgrade my Williams GN FA1.


2nd: A Weaver C628 minus the shell( Needed the motors and power trucks) last thing I needed for a U28C Ph 1 CB&Q kit bash.


3rd: Purchased three Atlas/BEL-Bev 40ft Plug door Box cars. Not exactly prototypical but it works.

1-DSCF3352 1-DSCF3354



4th: 8 Atlas/Bev-Bel undecorated 40ft box cars I just completed the first kit ( SOO LINE )




5th: Dept 56 building and accessories lighting system



6th New back ground panels



7th 30 Atlas/Bev-Bel undecorated 40ft Plug Door boxcar kits with the intention of building Western Fruit Express insulated box cars with GN heralds pre 65 and 65-70. May also do some with BN reporting marks.



8th: A remote to turn lights on and off for the layout








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Hey Mark--  When are you going to get off of the cardtable and build a room-size layout ?
Originally Posted by Mark Boyce:

I went up to Mercer Junction Train Shoppe today and picked up my Alaska RR USRA 0-6-0 switcher that Just came in this week.  Dave put it on his layout and we checked it out.  He corrected one minor problem and everything works just fine!  Thanks Dave!!


Here it is.  


2015-11-14 19.34.07

2015-11-14 19.35.39


Originally Posted by Soo Line:

Bought a Lionel Jet Snow Blower.

Tweaked it with headlights.





Dave, what did you use for the headlights? Please tell how you installed/mounted and wired them. Did you use an on/off switch or are they constant on when track power is applied? Also, close of pics of them turned off and from various viewpoints would be appreciated.


Originally Posted by Scrambler81:
Originally Posted by PRRronbh:

A pair of Jeeps!










Very nice. I love old Jeep wagons, but my oldest Jeep is just an '81. Can I ask who made these?

I purchased from Diecast Direct made by American Excellence/NEO.  About a year ago I missed out on the pickup when it was offered in red.  Was not going to miss out on the grey one!



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