You can get a brand new Cab1L/Base1L with full warranty from a Lionel dealer for around $210 give or take a few bucks. I don't know if the Cab1/Base1 is worth it or not? I suppose it could be tempting if the price was low enough. For me personally, it would have to be a LOT less.
OTOH, you can get the Legacy 990 system for around $300 brand new with full warranty from a Lionel dealer. That's what I did, but I was planning to purchase some Legacy engines and wanted full feature access. IMO, the Legacy prepares you for the future and anything that may come along for some time.
This really is just an opinion though, I know everyone has different wants and needs and runs their trains differently. For me the command control had a lot to do with me getting back in the hobby a few years ago, so I am a little biased here. I was just trying to point out some other options. I am no longer a big fan of used items or new old stock unless the price is really good. That adds to my bias a little more, the warranty on some things is important to me.
Good luck with whatever you choose though and I hope all goes well.