I spent some time, with a dremel tool, to carefully install a better speaker in the fuel tank area. Atlas supplied the speaker speaker screen, and some other parts I needed.
I carefully removed the speaker mounts from inside the hood area, and installed a used TAS, TMCC assembly. I also changed the lamps to 18 volt, and have some work to do installing the run/program switch and Sound/No Sound switch. I also added the electro-couplers and covers, which required some under-frame adjustment.
Electro-coupler installed.
Antenna needs to be installed inside the plastic cab, mounted to the roof. Was done with a small piece of copper sheet installed on the ceiling of the cab. A wire connected the copper sheet to the PC board.
Good bit of work to be done/complete/ it operates well.
When TAS did these Dallee upgrades many years ago, they were using new frames from Atlas, which at the very least allowed for the speaker in the fuel tank. I did some modification to the front and rear truck mounts as well as the coupler swing area to mount the electro-couplers. The mounts inside the front hood area also have to be removed.
ERR is a smaller package.
I did run the Dallee unit briefly. IMO, speaker quality was poor compared to my other Atlas SW9's. Pictured round speaker is an Atlas replacement.
The used TAS board was missing the front and rear aluminum mounts, when I got it. Atlas supplied new mounting post and all the screws I needed. Original owner use those mounts and screws for an ERR board he installed.
I'm not done with the upgrade, I hope it works.
Best wishes with your project.
Mike CT