A shot of the headlight may be of use, ifsomeone is capable of dating it more precisely.
I own two versions, each with a different headlight (electrically too, #1 had a horizontal, screw in, side dimpled, smoke bulb). My #1 has a "lip" or "visor" made from thick metal and welded above the headlight opening, it has copper nameplates, stainless(?) boiler handrails, chrome plated stack/domes/rods, but a black painted boiler front with no copper plating(except the front "cigar band" nameplate) . The second has a tabbed headlight bezel (chr.plated, domes too, plain steel rails) extends forward about 3/8" from the light recess, and black and white nameplates (also black boiler front). The rods on #2 are plated, but it is a dull silver when compared to the chrome of C.V.#1. Im repainting #2 due to a 30% loss of paint up front. The Evaporust bath worked wonders on the metal, but it cant bring back paint that isn't there. Since I have another C.V., I am still trying to decide about whether Im turning #2 into the Crusader, or the Chippewa.