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I have an MTH SP Cabforward 20-3346-1E. Cab #4146. I want to replace the factory battery with a BCR. I removed the 4 screws that hold the frame to the body (per manual), but can't get the fram and body to separate. I have managed to get about a 1/4 gap so far (after about an hour of working them apart) but it just won't seem to come off. The frame is almost bending when I try to pull them apart. The frame slides front to back freely, but just won't come down off the body. I obviously can't see inside to see what the problem is. I have an earlier version of the an MTH cabforward and had no problems with itwhen replacint its battery. I don't want to damage it, but i need it to come off. Am I missing something? Anyone else had this problem? Help... I need suggestions!!!

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IMG_1847IMG_1849GGG, Is there something more i need to remove here I'm thinking so)? If so, how? It looks like it want to slide out, but i feel i need to remove the front part of the tender, which is in place very securely at the moment...Also, I have a broken front electrocoupler on a PS3  Erie 0-8-8-0 20-3442-1E. Would you happen to know the MTH part # to replace it? Thank you for the help!


Images (2)
  • IMG_1847
  • IMG_1849

THe front of the tender is a die cast piece and comes off horizontally from the shell. Then slide chassis forward and out of shell.  Do it slowly you may have some wires to disconnect.

If the coupler is 51mm long it is DD-0000032, if it is 44.5mm long DD-33.  That is for the operating coupler.  If it is a dummy, I do not have that number.  G

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