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I hit a milestone in my project and wanted to share. All members 9f the assembly are 1:48 scale. The CAD drawings of the front and rear of the column, and side anchor bolt assemblies are complete. I'll tweak the design if I come across any new information. Where there was no information available for dimensions and parts, I used common practice measurements (rivets, rivet spacing, bolts, etc.) The two missing plates in the upper right will be completed when I begin work on the arm.

The next two steps are to work on the sides of the column and to create tabs and holes to make assembly easier. The sides shouldn't take too long as most of the dimensions were worked out while creating the front.

Here are some photos of the front and the anchor bolt assembly.

Two Track CantileverTwo_Track_Cantilever_2Two_Track_Cantilever_3Two_Track_Cantilever_4.


Images (4)
  • Two Track Cantilever
  • Two_Track_Cantilever_2
  • Two_Track_Cantilever_3
  • Two_Track_Cantilever_4
Last edited by ChessieFan72
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I hit a milestone in my project and wanted to share. All members 9f the assembly are 1:48 scale. The CAD drawings of the front and rear of the column, and side anchor bolt assemblies are complete. I'll tweak the design if I come across any new information. Where there was no information available for dimensions and parts, I used common practice measurements (rivets, rivet spacing, bolts, etc.) The two missing plates in the upper right will be completed when I begin work on the arm.

The next two steps are to work on the sides of the column and to create tabs and holes to make assembly easier. The sides shouldn't take too long as most of the dimensions were worked out while creating the front.

Here are some photos of the front and one of the anchor bolt assembly.

Two Track Cantilever




Is it me or are pictures MIA?

@AlanRail posted:

the angles and plates look to be a bit too thin.

you can see in the first photo how the printer struggled to make the angle.

Actually, the pieces have been holding up well. My friend who printed the parts used a water washable resin, and the L's got washed away during the cleaning process.  These were just test pieces to make sure the detail I was going for was showing. I'll eventually use them to practice my air brushing and then toss them.

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