I have slowly been working on these two structures. The auto dealership is a Walthers Crazy Kens that I named for my son Zane. I hate the tabs that you see in the orgininal kit so I trim the interior to hide all of those seams and tabs. Kit is stock just added details and painted it. I took a resin kit that was supposed to be an Advanced Auto part store and changed it into the service center with matching brick paint scheme. I know it is not realistic to have the entrance way come through the shop but just didn't want to do all the cutting to splice in a front entrance. The detail parts are berkshire valley. This is going to be a module for the Fort Pitt HiRailers. Next step is to build the parking lot.
Replies sorted oldest to newest
Nice job. How did you do the brickwork?
Great job. Love the floors.
Awesome work!
Great work! Looks just like the small town dealerships of old. I spent over 30 years in dealerships, and it actually looks a lot like the Chevy/Pontiac dealership I ran in Ubly, Michigan until 2005, except I had 2 service bays. Please be sure to post more pictures when it is installed.
Thanks Guys. Farmer Bill, both are sprayed with Testors Battleship Gray which is really a bluish color. I then randomly paint the bricks with Polly S Pacemaker Grey, D&H Grey Grimy Black and Aged White. The I use Roberts Mortar which makes the mortar process so simple. Normally I use an ink wash but I wanted this to look newer/kept up. The Roberts product takes the washes really nice. I paint the foors individually by the tile as well. My wife shakes her head thrughout this processes wondering where her patience-less husband finds the patience?
Looks nice!
Gosh, those buildings look so great I hate to point out the Cheverolet typo on the service building...should be easily fixed though!
FUDGE! **** all caps spell check! Thankfully it is Excel and rubber glue so I can fix. Thanks for the catch. I have looked at this a million times and never dawned on me.
I'm working on the inflatable! Actually I hope to sting the little triangles in red white and blue triangles on some fishing line like a real dealership across the front of the parking lot and get some cars with opening hoods to put S A L E on them.
Looks familiar, I named mine after my late Dad. Used a Crazy Kens and part of a Walthers service station for the service department.
Looks great I like the brick color.
I would leave it like it is and see how long it takes your friends to see the spelling error.
The set is great!!!!
that is fantastic. looks so real. I bet you can make some of the blower things with Pieces of kite material because its light and a small tiny DC fan!
Nice work! The added lighting is a nice touch.
Very nice work. Thanks for posting. Great floors.
Nice...small town dealers like this still exist, in spite of the economic adjustments
of some of the mfrs. The Ford dealer in my home town became a barber shop
downstairs with the elderly dealer living upstairs, which indicates that and others I
have been in can be much smaller than that, down to a one car showroom and one
service bay.
Very nice. I like particularly the floor of the dealrship and the posing of people inside. Extremely well done.
Here are the two car dealers/car shops in my small town - Sn Beattadaise.
very cool also. Now I want to do up a dealer! now yinz guys got me looking for one! what is a crazy kens? who makes it?
very cool also. Now I want to do up a dealer! now yinz guys got me looking for one! what is a crazy kens? who makes it?
I used a MTH Harley dealership, took the Harley sign off, and replaced it with a Chevy logo that I got on eBay from a actual car.
Crazy kens is a walthers kit. You can find them on e bay. Atlas bought the rights so you should see them soon.
Crazy kens is a walthers kit. You can find them on e bay. Atlas bought the rights so you should see them soon.
Two more of my auto dealers....
How did you do the lettering for the sign with your son's name? I know it has been a year? The whole project came out awesome.
Lot of great detail and points of interest in relatively two small buildings.
Takes a while looking to soak it all in.
Terrific job
Gosh all,
Thanks for resurrecting this thread. It has been a while. The signage was easy. I used Microsoft Excel to layout the signage. A technique I learned from downtown deco was to use rubber cement with my hand in a cheap sandwich bag to press the paper sign on the brick and get the paper to lay on the bricks and bring out the brick detail. Unfortunately if you notice as pointed out long ago....I misspelled Chevrolet!!!!!
I love these things! It's makes me even more incented to keep buying little cars. I had the chance about 6 years ago to buy the exact model of the first car I owned. It was expensive... $125.00, but not one commonly found. It was a black, 1959 Olds 98 Convertible. It was massive car and very exotic for a 20 year-old. I've seen larger scale models of this car, but not the 1:43 version. I can't build a Chevy, Olds, Caddie dealership without one.
My opinion, which is worth nothing...........Get that Vette on a revolving platform
Walther's Krazy Ken's Car Town kit.
Could you have switched the side walls on the service center kit? That would place the doorway on the office sidewall towards the front. I realize it's a little late for that now but it's just a thought. Nevertheless, a very nice job!