I’d like to introduce myself to the group, name is Dave and I’ve been lurking here as a non-member for a while trying to gain as much knowledge as I could. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the topics and conversations.
My story starts back in 1974 or 75 when I was 8 or 9, Dad brought home three boxes of used Lionel and Marx trains, transformers, track, turnouts, switches, model houses etc. It was everything a kid my age could ever ask for. I played with all of it for a good amount of time, then came friends, dirt bikes, freedom from the parents and the trains were packed away.
I’m now 53 and I decided to dig into the boxes for the first time in probably close to 40 years. Well the locomotives were not in as near nice shape as I remember, apparently falling off the train table into the basement concrete floor had taken its toll. The track of course was just as I remember it, the O27 turnouts were still nice etc.
I began planning a suspended ceiling/wall shelf layout to be installed in my basement I just converted to a finished living area. It’s a nice area as it’s ground level in the far end of the house and has nice windows. The layout was a lot of fun to put up and is just about finished, just a few finishing touches to get done.
I thought I’d post some pics to share with others. The information I was able to obtain from this site was invaluable to me coming up with a plan for my project. It’s my hopes others may learn something from mine.
I will be changing the 027 curves to 031 eventually so the trains have an easier time. The layout has two separate loops connected by turnouts so I can potentially change which train is on each loop. The inside loop has a suspended figure 8 to enable the change of direction. I’ll let the pics speak. Let me know if you have any comments or questions.