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I believe I hooked the wires to this O-gauge 3-rail switch correctly, but when I attach the 14v constant voltage wire to its terminal on the switch, the swivel rail rapidly "chatters"  What's happening?

Mike M.   LCCA 12394

Last edited by Mike H Mottler
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@lehighline posted:

Sounds like you are missing an insulating pin or 2 in the control rails.




Thanks for that tip.  I checked the placement of the insulating pins in the two control rails, and they were OK.

That switch location on my layout has a bit of history; I thought there might be an issue there. The existing older-style K-Line O42 is a recent replacement for a Lionel low-profile O42 switch that required a matching LEFT-HANDED  controller. I removed that Lionel O42 switch because it was jammed, but I left its switch controller in place on the control panel.

As a test, I temporarily removed that Lionel "left-handedness" switch controller from the circuit and temporarily hooked up an older-style K-Line switch controller without the "handedness" feature. Presto!  The K-Line O42 switch now works as it should. The "handedness" feature of the modern Lionel O42 switch controller was not compatible with the older K-Line O42 switch. Candidly, I wasn't aware that the "handedness" mattered.

I have two options:
1) Replace the Lionel O42 left-handed version of the switch controller with an appropriately matched old-style K-Line O42 switch controller. I have one on hand.

2) Replace the currently-installed old-style K-Line O42 switch with a modern Lionel O42 switch that can "talk" to the LH-ness switch controller in place at the control panel. Fortunately, I have a modern Lionel  O42 switch on hand.

Option #1 would require an under-the-table wiring change from the control panel to the switch location -- about 14 feet away. At 82 years young, I'm not as agile as I once was, so option #2 would be easier -- all the work would be done above the table surface.

During testing and diagnosis, I noticed that the old-style K-Line O42 switch (with its matching switch controller temporarily wired to it) did not "fully close" like it should.  Its swivel rail does not fit snugly against the indent in the rail of the switch body when set to the STRAIGHT path. Is there an adjustment for that?  Or does it mean the switch isn't getting enough fixed voltage at 14v?

Still tinkering ...

Mike M.   LCCA 12394

Last edited by Mike H Mottler

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