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I see that Atlas is giving away to the first 25 people a free promotional DVD on the real (prototypical) California Zephyr.

Does anyone know if other vendors like Sunset,  Key, or who else will be attending the Chicago Show?

I could not find a list vendors one the website. This will be the first time in years since I will be able to attend as I had a Convention in Texas at the same time.

Looking forward to meeting others on the forum


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rdunniii posted:

Where did you read Atlas is attending the Chicago meet, I don't see it on their calendar.  York is less than 2 weeks later and they always attend York.

Yes, Sunset will be represented by both Scott and Bob Heil.  Key has always attended in the past so I would expect Dave to attend this year.

I've attended Chicago for many years but I seldom see Atlas there.  Correction, they were there last year (thanks Hot Water)  eh, I'm getting senile.

Key is always there and either Dave DaVita (or Roger Lewis) is manning the KEY  tables.

Stephen, please be sure to enter some of your models in the contest.  You've shown your work here and it is very nice.

Last edited by Rule292
JTrains posted:

For my own edification: by "Chicago Show" are we talking about the monthly Great Midwest Train Show at the DuPage fairgrounds in Wheaton?

No, not at all. The is the annual "March Meet", which has been organized by the Hill family, for many, many years, and is NOT held in Wheaton at the DuPage County Fair grounds. This has been one of the, if not THE, largest 2-Rail O Scale meet in the U.S..

Hot Water posted:
JTrains posted:

For my own edification: by "Chicago Show" are we talking about the monthly Great Midwest Train Show at the DuPage fairgrounds in Wheaton?

No, not at all. The is the annual "March Meet", which has been organized by the Hill family, for many, many years, and is NOT held in Wheaton at the DuPage County Fair grounds. This has been one of the, if not THE, largest 2-Rail O Scale meet in the U.S..

Maybe if everybody had the web site handy..........



mwb posted:
Hot Water posted:
JTrains posted:

For my own edification: by "Chicago Show" are we talking about the monthly Great Midwest Train Show at the DuPage fairgrounds in Wheaton?

No, not at all. The is the annual "March Meet", which has been organized by the Hill family, for many, many years, and is NOT held in Wheaton at the DuPage County Fair grounds. This has been one of the, if not THE, largest 2-Rail O Scale meet in the U.S..

Maybe if everybody had the web site handy..........

Ah, perfect - thanks to all for the clarification and web site (I hadn't found it when Googling for it).

big train posted:
rdunniii posted:

Where did you read Atlas is attending the Chicago meet......

Atlas is listed as running a clinic on Saturday afternoon featuring the California Zephyr.  It mentions the free DVD offer in the clinic description.

Jerry Kimble himself was there last year, with a very nice set-up in the outside lobby area, just before entering the "ballroom". I would expect him, and some staff, to be there again this year, representing Atlas.

Vendor list from last year, from memory, not all-inclusive by any means.

Key, OST, Rails Unlimited, Caboose Stop Hobbies, P&D, Des Plaines, Kohs, Sunset/3rd Rail, Baldwin Forge, Altoona Model Works, Bill Davis/American Scale Models, Midwestern Model Works, O Scale Resource, Union Station Products, Atlas, Mike Deberg, Protocraft, Keil-Line, Right-of-Way, Hill Hobbies, Mullet River, Berkshire Valley, Rich Yoder......

Unknown vendors include somebody selling Marcway turnouts, a book and photo vendor, the guy that does the CNW passenger cars, and several others I can't think of at the moment.

Glenn with Mullet River retired, Lou Cross with Right-of-Way passed recently, the owners of Berkshire Valley retired, and John Keil with Keil-Line passed away.  I know Right-of-Way will continue on, but won't be at this show due to required California legal terms when transferring the company.  Somebody bought Berkshire Valley, but I don't know if they will be at the show.  Glenn Guerra will likely be with O Scale Resource, but I don't know if he will have any Mullet River product with him (or if he even has any left).


If I could attend only one O scale show a year this is the one I'd choose for reason of size and scope.  The Hill family runs a fantastic show.  In addition to being able to meet and talk with the importers and large dealers, I particularly like the many "non-dealer" tables with lots of unexpected finds typically at reasonable prices.  Unfortunately I can't make the meet this year due to a prior commitment.

mwb posted:
big train posted:

Somebody bought Berkshire Valley, but I don't know if they will be at the show.   

The new owners were at the meet 2 years ago.

I'm hopeful that the new owners of the Keil-line products will be at the meet.


I spoke to the Milners at Cleveland last October and they said they would be there at the same table location that John and Martha had. Also said they would be at Strasburg.

Last edited by rheil
rheil posted:
mwb posted:

I'm hopeful that the new owners of the Keil-line products will be at the meet.


I spoke to the Milners at Cleveland last October and they said they would be there at the same table location that John and Martha had. Also said they would be at Strasburg.Outstanding

Outstanding.  Good to know as I need to talk to them.....  They were one of the past Strasburg shows which is where I met them.

I just finished one of their kits (laser cut structure) and started on a 2nd one (resin cast structure) a few days ago.

Last edited by mwb
richtrow posted:

I've always enjoyed this show. Funny that they're still calling it "March Meet" when it's now in April. I'm going to make a weekend of it and go see some of the layouts this year.


Yes, well this appears to be only a "one time occurrence", as a result of some big "high roller" renting the entire hotel at the same time frame as all previous Mach Meets, plus Easter falling on Sunday March 27 this year.

Hot Water posted:
big train posted:
rdunniii posted:

Where did you read Atlas is attending the Chicago meet......

Atlas is listed as running a clinic on Saturday afternoon featuring the California Zephyr.  It mentions the free DVD offer in the clinic description.

Jerry Kimble himself was there last year, with a very nice set-up in the outside lobby area, just before entering the "ballroom". I would expect him, and some staff, to be there again this year, representing Atlas.

Big year for Atlas with the F7s, Gundersons and now full Cal Zep sets, matching Fs I am sure they will be at every big venue this year,just saying!

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